Mr. Qin, Please Advise Me

Chapter 49: Waste Rock

Yang Lisheng looked at Song Yanning for a long time, then said, Do you really want to buy it?

Yeah! Song Yanning nodded affirmatively.

Okay, but don't tell your grandma when you go back. She's used to saving money. If she found out that we bought a useless stone, she would definitely be angry. Yang Lisheng patted Song Yanning's head with a smile, and looked at the people on the booth. Shi Shi, You can choose one. As long as Xiao Ning is happy, he can spend a little money, anyway, his money will be left to Xiao Ning in the future.

Song Yanning nodded happily, stepped forward, squatted down, and started picking rough stones at the booth. There are five rough stones in this booth, all of which contain spiritual energy, some strong and some weak. The one with the strongest spiritual energy is the rough stone sitting under the stall owner's buttocks.

Turning her smart eyes, Song Yanning made a decision. She pointed to a rough stone the size of a basketball that had been freed, Grandpa, let's buy that stone. The rough stone that I was holding was the most aura-rich one among the remaining rough stones containing spiritual energy, and the jade inside should not be bad.

Yang Lisheng looked in the direction of Song Yanning's finger, and when he saw the rough stone, his brows suddenly wrinkled, That stone has already been opened, it is a waste rock. It is impossible for jadeite to be opened from the opened waste rock, although He didn't expect to be able to get jade, but since he wanted to buy it, he had to buy an uncut rough stone. Even if nothing was cut, he would not be so disappointed. After all, gambling on stones is gambling on luck.

Grandpa, I want that stone. Song Yanning grabbed Yang Lisheng's sleeve and looked at him pitifully.

Yang Lisheng carefully looked at the rough stone for a moment, Okay, let's go with that. Anyway, as long as Xiaoning likes it, it's fine.

Looking at the stall owner, Yang Lisheng pointed at the rough stone, Boss, how do you sell that stone?

The boss looked in the direction of Yang Lisheng's fingers and saw that he was referring to a piece of scrap. He almost couldn't help laughing. He bit his tongue and forcibly suppressed the overflowing smile, One thousand yuan.

A piece of scrap is so expensive? Yang Lisheng looked at the stone in surprise. He doesn't understand gambling stones, but he also knows that scraps are worthless.

Song Yanning glanced at the boss and pulled Yang Lisheng's sleeve, Grandpa, let's go, we only have three hundred on us, so we can't buy that stone. For the waste stone, she gave three hundred more.

Yang Lisheng turned his head to look at Song Yanning, saw the cunning light in her eyes, and immediately understood, nodded, took Song Yanning's hand and left.

Wait a minute! This rough stone is sold to you for 300 yuan. Seeing that Song Yanning and Yang Lisheng were really leaving, the boss hurriedly stopped them. The waste rock was paid for by others, and after cutting it, no green was found. He originally planned to throw it away, and he could make a small profit by selling it to them for 300 yuan.

Song Yanning and Yang Lisheng smiled at each other, walked back to the booth, and Yang Lisheng took out three hundred yuan and handed it to the boss.

Okay, you can move that rough stone. The boss happily accepted the money.

Boss, can I cut this stone open and see? Song Yanning stroked the stone, quietly absorbing the spiritual energy in the original stone.

The boss was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, You want to cut this stone? Little girl, don't be kidding, cutting this stone is not cheap. She wouldn't think that every rough stone can be cut out of jade, right? But also, what can a seven- or eight-year-old child understand.

I advise you not to cut it. This is a piece of waste. Don't dream of making a fortune.

I've seen a lot of whimsical people. I've never seen such a person who wants to make a fortune buying a piece of scrap.

Boss, just let them cut it. Maybe they have a bad luck and can really drive a piece of emperor green.

Hearing the ridicule of the audience, Yang Lisheng felt embarrassed, Children are just kidding, don't take it seriously. He also didn't think there would be jade in this piece of scrap.

He stepped forward and picked up the stone, Xiao Ning, let's go back. Fortunately, the stone wasn't very heavy, otherwise he wouldn't be able to move it with his old arms and legs.

Grandpa, shall we try it? I really want to know what's in it. Song Yanning blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Yang Lisheng eagerly.

Yang Lisheng sighed helplessly, You really can't do anything about it! This child is really just like her mother, with a terrible temper.

Grandpa is the best! Song Yanning smiled and flattered.

Yang Lisheng shook his head with a smile, his eyes were full of pampering and connivance, he turned to look at the boss, Boss, we want to cut this stone, where can we cut it?

The boss pointed to the shop behind him, It can be cut inside, but it costs 200 yuan to cut a stone. You have to think about it. The little girl just said that they only had 300 yuan on them. Naturally, he didn't believe it. Stop them just because that piece of waste rock was originally not wanted by others.

Yang Lisheng glanced at Song Yanning and nodded.

Seeing Yang Lisheng and Song Yanning carrying the original stone into the store, the people around to watch the fun also followed. They knew that there must be nothing in the waste rock, but they were still curious about how the grandfather and grandson would look when they knew that there was nothing in the original rock.

Walking into the store, I saw a small door at the back of the store, and the small door was a small yard.

In the yard, there were many people around, and in the middle of the crowd, a middle-aged man was cutting the rough stone. The stone cutter slowly cut it along the rough stone, making a squeaking sound, sparks, and the stone splattered.

Seeing that Yang Lisheng came in with a cut stone, everyone was surprised. Wasn't he here to cut that waste rock?

The middle-aged man put down the stone cutter, carefully looked at the rough stone he cut, shook his head and sighed. He bought a total of three rough stones today, but none of the three rough stones turned green.

Aiya! It's not green again. Boss Lu really lost a lot today.

Yeah, none of the three rough stones turned green.

Three rough stones cost several million, so they just went to waste. Seeing that the last rough stone was scrapped again, everyone felt sorry for Lu Hui.

Yang Lisheng came to Lu Hui with the original stone and Song Yanning in his arms, Are you a master cutting stone? Can you cut this stone for me?

Lu Hui looked at the rough stone in Yang Lisheng's hands, his brows furrowed, This is a waste stone. There is no need to cut a piece of waste stone.

Yang Lisheng nodded with a smile, I know.

Then you still cut? Lu Hui looked at Yang Lisheng incomprehensibly.

My granddaughter has never seen the cut stone. I want her to see it and be happy. I have already bought it anyway. Yang Lisheng put the rough stone in his hand on the ground.

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