Mr. Qin, Please Advise Me

Chapter 434 Medical expenses

The parents looked at each other and exchanged glances. Now things are clear, the fault is indeed their own children, but let them apologize to a student, they really can't do it.

Even if it was my child who was wrong, you shouldn't label her like this, right? Father Xiao, who had never spoken, said.

That's right, why are you so disrespectful? If this leaves any sequelae, my child's life will be over.

It's so vicious at a young age, but it's worth it when you grow up.

Song Yanning looked at everyone with a sneer, Could it be that you want me not to fight back?

But you can't use such a heavy hand, can you? Mother Xiao glared at Song Yanning angrily. Beating her daughter and asking her to apologize is so beautiful!

Song Yanning raised her brows slightly, It's already considered light. If it wasn't for the fact that they were students and she didn't want to worry about them, she might have abandoned them.

Parents, things are now clear. I hope you can apologize to Song Yanning. The dean of the school said in a deep voice. He didn't think it was Song Yanning's fault at first, and now he doesn't. Since it wasn't Song Yanning's fault, he naturally had to stand on Song Yanning's side.

Teacher, you are favoring her. It is wrong for her to label our children like this. Mother Xiao hummed.

She must apologize to us and compensate for the mental damage and medical expenses, or I will go to the Education Bureau to complain to your school.

Yes, we must compensate our children's medical expenses. Their faces are so swollen, I don't know if they also have concussions or something.

Song Yanning shook her head amusingly. She finally realized what it means to reverse right and wrong.

The dean was also speechless, Song Yanning, go back to the classroom first, the school will handle this matter.

Song Yanning shook her head and looked at Mother Xiao and her group, Do you really want me to pay for medical expenses?

Of course I have to pay. Mother Xiao thought that Song Yanning was afraid, and she felt relieved for a while.

It's okay to pay, but I don't like paying too small amounts. Otherwise, I'll pay you 100,000. Song Yanning looked at everyone jokingly.

Everyone looked at Song Yanning in disbelief. Is she frightened?

Mo Xi'er reached out and pulled Song Yanning's sleeve, Song Yanning, don't be impulsive. She couldn't understand Song Yanning's actions.

Song Yanning smiled at Mo Xier.

Can you take out 100,000? Mother Xiao hummed disdainfully.

Song Yanning took out a card, There are 2.2 million here, which happens to be 100,000 for your family. If you don't believe me, you can call to check.

Mother Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up, and they were about to go forward to get the card.

Song Yanning looked at Xiao Yue, Come here and get it.

Xiao Yue looked at her parents hesitantly, and saw them nodding and walking forward.

Song Yanning waited until Xiao Yue came closer, reached out and grabbed Xiao Yue's arm, folded it gently, Crack!

Ah! Xiao Yue screamed loudly.

What are you doing? Mother Xiao and Father Xiao rushed forward and stared at Song Yanning angrily.

Song Yanning smiled playfully, Do you think 100,000 is so easy to get?

You! Mother Xiao was trembling with anger and looked at the dean, Teacher, did you see it? She dared to do something in front of you. You must expel such a bad student, or we will not worry about putting your child in the school. this school.

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