Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 249: Everyone was in an uproar, Sister Qi: Don't hug your thighs

The three of Xiao Yao looked at each other and smiled. They now understand that what Sister Qi said is okay, that means there is no problem.

It seems that after the results of the college entrance examination come out, there will be another storm.

It's just that this time, what kind of attractive conditions will those colleges and universities offer to **** Sister Qi? I really can't wait to see it.

"What about you?" Lu Jinqi's voice was low.

Xie Shuyao smiled with apricot eyes, "It's been taught by the boss himself, so there's definitely no problem."

"Yaoyao is right. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to write such a cruel test paper."

"Sister Qi, we were taught by you, so we still have some confidence." Xiao Yao said lazily, his tone arrogant.


Several voices of discussion attracted their attention.

"It's true or not, each game is finished in less than an hour, so you won't make fun of me."

"That's right, this test paper is so difficult, Chu Zhiyi and Duan Ziyun from No. 3 Middle School are not the masters of the school, but they are also laborious."

"I think his kid deliberately teased us. If it really happened, it would probably have spread long ago."

The boy who was questioned was not angry, but laughed mysteriously, "That's because I was afraid that it would affect everyone. If you knew her name, you would definitely not think so."

Upon hearing this, the curiosity in the hearts of several people was hooked up.

The surrounding students who had not left also joined in when they saw this, looking like they were joining in the fun.

"Come on, who is it?"

"Don't betray you, or you kid won't be able to leave today."

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows, why did he feel that these words sounded familiar, and this operation was particularly familiar.

Glancing at the girl secretly, Xiao Yao touched Wen Yu and said in a very low voice, "Fat man, bet no."


As soon as he heard these two words, Wen Yu instantly became interested, and his eyes were a little excited.


When he saw the smile on Xiao Yao's face, his emotions were taken away. Brother Yao might be holding back some bad ideas like this.

"You first talk about what to bet and how to bet."


Xiao Yao glanced at him in surprise, when did Fatty become smarter?

In the past, if he made a bet, this guy agreed without even thinking about it, but now he has begun to take precautions.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yao is a little disappointed, it seems that this time he can't bet.

"I bet on who they are talking about, I bet on Sister Qi. As for the bet, I owe it first."


As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Yu showed an expression that fortunately I had expected, and refused with a smile.

"Don't gamble."

He's not stupid. Nine times out of ten, the group of people said that it was Sister Qi.

The voice just fell.

The boy finally answered.

"Lu Jinqi."

As soon as the three words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

These three words are not unfamiliar to everyone, and they are the role models that teachers talk about almost every day.

Not only took Feiming Song Class 6, but also won the first place in the joint entrance examination and the gold medal in the Olympiad.

Unexpectedly, they were in the same examination room with her.

half an hour.

Only then did someone slowly recover.

"I'll go, okay, you, how does it feel to be in the same exam room with her."

"Yes, tell us quickly, is she very beautiful herself."

how do you feel?

Thinking of the three-day exam journey, the boy couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I can only say that I doubt life."

Xiao Yao and Wen Yu smiled tacitly, they didn't have the same mentality at the beginning.

"Let's go." Lu Jinqi glanced at her expressionlessly, and walked out of the school in a hurry.

Behind him was the constant excitement of the group of people.

Seeing that the two were still standing there, Xie Shuyao pinched one in one hand, and said angrily, "Look, let's go."


As soon as Lu Jinqi left the school gate, a small radish head rushed towards him.

"Sister, the exam is hard." The childish Tongyin was full of excitement.

Lu Jinqi looked down at Lu Zimo who was hanging on his lap, and there was a funny look in his eyes. Did this child forget his identity, why does he love to hug his thighs so much.

He reached out and picked him up and hugged him in his arms, with a loose tone, "Let's hug your legs less in the future."

Lu Zimo was shocked by the sudden surprise, and he stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

His sister actually hugged him.

The happy mood immediately filled his heart, and Lu Zimo rubbed her shoulder cutely, "Well, it's all according to my sister."

From holding a leg to being held, a fool knows how to choose.

Holding him, Lu Jinqi looked up, and saw a man not far away staring at her with a smile, his eyes were gentle.


A low and clear voice slowly came out, "A Jin."


Lu Jinqi hooked her lips and approached him unhurriedly.

"When did my brother come?"


The voice hasn't fallen yet.

The ignored Qi Ye smiled shamelessly. If they hadn't been there all the time, I'm afraid they would have believed it.

He then directly exposed with a smile, "What's the matter, obviously he hasn't left since he sent you here in the morning."

Lu Jinqi raised his lips when he heard the words, raised his eyebrows and stared at the man, and said meaningfully, "Not long, eh?"

The man's eyes flickered unnaturally, he coughed lightly against his lips, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at someone who was talkative.

With just one glance, Qi Ye felt a chill all over his body.

Immediately smirked and changed his words, "Uh, I'm joking, it's really not long since I came here."

After speaking, he got back into his car and pretended to be dead.

Xie Lingchuan and Lu Yuchen looked at each other, both helpless.

This guy is all right, he just loves to die.

not far away.

Wen Yu looked sour, "Are we going to go there?"

"Being a light bulb in the past, forget it," Xiao Yao curled his lips, "Let's go, go back to play games."

the end.

She quickly grabbed Xie Shuyao, who was about to run towards the girl, and walked to the side.

"Xiao Yao, what are you doing?"

"Yaoyao, it's not good to disturb people's relationship. Besides, don't you want your CP to be sweeter?"

I have to say that Xiao Yao's words completely choked Xie Shuyao, only to see her looking back reluctantly, and then leaving with her lips raised.

How can there be just reluctance.

"Wait for me." Wen Yu shouted and chased after him.


Back at Yayuan, Lu Jinqi put down Lu Zimo, who had been hanging on her all the way, and sat lazily aside.

"Sister, when are you going back to the capital with us?"

Lu Zimo held his small face and stared at the girl with a smile.

When his sister returns to the capital, he can stick to her every day.

"After a while." Lu Jinqi said concisely.

Netherworld passed the news two days ago, and there seems to be something abnormal in R country recently, let her go and take a look.

The cold eyes swept over the people in the room inadvertently, thinking in the bottom of the eyes.

"Isn't it? A group of people in the capital are waiting to see you, and you don't plan to go now?" Qi Ye was stunned.

He told those guys that they would go back after Lu Jinqi's college entrance examination, and then slaughter Lord Jing.

"Young Master Qi seems to be more anxious than me." Lu Jinqi smiled playfully and looked at him lightly.

Qi Ye smiled dryly, "I'm not worried about Lord Jing."

Lu Jinqi clicked her tongue, looked down at the news on the screen, and moved her fingertips.

[J, when will you come? 】

【tomorrow. 】

Putting away the phone, Lu Jinqi looked at the man beside him, his voice was unhurried, "I have something to deal with, about three days."

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