Mr. Qi, Your Cover At Risk

Chapter 197: Sister Qi's abacus, the moon is dark and the wind is high at night


A shallow arc appeared on Lu Jinqi's lips.

"It's better to make a bet."

Skin became interested when he heard the words, "Tell me about it, what kind of gambling."

The bet that can make J open his mouth is probably not ordinary.


"Betting two months later, whether I can make people love and hate as you said."

Lu Jinqi pulled over the chair and sat down, with her elbows on the chair handle, her pale fingers resting on her face, her eyes staring at Si Jin with interest.

Her tone was laziness and a hint of ruffianness.

After listening.

Skin looked at her in surprise, not expecting that she would bet on this.

Isn't this a sure thing.

No player will like a game with a time limit.

He asked back, "Are you sure?"

Seeing her nodding, Si Jin smiled and said confidently, "Since you have brought it up, I can only agree, but what is the reward?"

Lu Jinqi's eyes flashed with evil spirits, and he said with a comfortable expression, "If you win, the patent rights will be added for one more year."

"Are you serious?"

Skin looked happy. Although he was not short of money, the patent rights could be used for free for another year.


J's temperament that loves money so much will be so generous.

next second.

The doubts in his heart were resolved.

"Of course, if I win, I will decide the promotion of this game and the spokesperson."

Dare is waiting here.

He knew that J had an entertainment company in his hands, so now she not only kidnapped his brother as a tool person, but even spared the games she developed.

"I knew how J could possibly take advantage of me, so it was."

After he finished speaking, he added, "If you think about the reward again, why not give you the promotion and the spokesperson."

Just saved him from sending someone to look for it.


Lu Jinqi laughed and said casually, "No, that's it."

Seeing this, Skin didn't insist, "Then I'll let the company send a warm-up notice first."

First arouse the expectations and curiosity of the masses, and then it will be beneficial to their later online.



Beijing time at nine o'clock in the evening.

A newly registered Weibo account issued an announcement without causing any splash.

After all, no one cares about the Weibo posted by a trumpet.

But the next morning, the microblogging program crashed again.

The programmers rushed to the rescue and returned to normal after an hour.

Clicking in and taking a look, "Skin Group Holographic Game" is clearly ranked first in the hot search.

[Skin Group V: Regarding the first holographic game that our company cooperated with J, it will be launched globally in two months. We have all the feelings you want. 】

What is the Skin Group?

That's one of the oldest families in the M country, of course it's not the most shocking.

What did they see, they cooperated with J, which means that the hacker J was involved in the development of this game.

For a time, there were a lot of comments on the Internet, and the anticipation accounted for the majority.

[Qianqiang cooperation, why do you have to wait two months for the launch, I can't wait now. 】

[If someone said a holographic game, I might not believe it, but if there is J God in it, I think this game will not disappoint everyone. 】

[Don't say anything, I just want to ask how much the game warehouse is. 】

[Same question, I would like to know what made J God choose to cooperate with the Skin Group. 】

After all, there are not many large enterprises in their country.

Except for the few in the capital, I am afraid that there are many people who want to cooperate with J.

This comment also quickly attracted attention, and various speculations began to appear in the comments.


[Don't guess, according to reliable sources, J chose the Skin Group because it was rich. After all, 60 billion bought the right to use the patent for two years, and no one can be so rich. 】

I go, sixty billion.

J God is definitely not robbing money.

[Confirmed the eyes, I am too naive. 】

[I didn't expect that our J God is also a man of money fans. 】

[Sixty billion, no one in our country can get such a high patent fee. 】

Looking at the comments on the Internet, the old cat smiled happily, without any guilt for breaking the news.

In less than a moment.

Someone's phone called directly.

"You broke the news."

"That's right, you're promoting it anyway, and I just made you more popular."

The old cat put his legs on the table and his toes swayed.

Skin pressed his eyebrows, his voice a little helpless, "Who the **** are you?"

The patent rights have only been revealed for two years. Once the game is launched, there will be many companies that want the patent rights later. When the contract period expires, if they want to continue to obtain the patent rights, the cost will be more than 60 billion.

"It was yours before," the old cat said with a smile, "now it's J's, and you know I'm working for her."

Anyway, their family is not short of that money, even if the price of J's patent increases later, it will be fine, and the right should make up for J's birthday present.

"You think you are in country Z now, and I can't bring you back, right?"

Skinny's tone of voice pierced his thoughts darkly.

"Indeed, I just learned a sentence in country Z recently, and it's just right for us."


"The emperor is far away." The old cat said slowly, and hung up the phone with a snap.

I have to say, the days without hiding from Skin are really leisurely.


Skin looked at the meaning displayed on the computer screen, his face suddenly gloomy.

half an hour.

He smiled incredulously.

It seems that his brother is too comfortable, I'm afraid he forgot to say, if the mountain is not mine, then I will go to the mountain.

Since he couldn't get it back, he went over to talk to him in person to promote brotherhood.


In the hotel, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the girl was holding a cup of coffee, stirring the spoon in her hand with her brows and eyes, looking at the lights of thousands of houses outside, her red lips lightly parted.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high at night. When the big gift is delivered, how will Brown react? I'm really looking forward to it."

Taking a sip of coffee slowly, the curvature of the lips is even more dangerous.

A manor in country M was brightly lit at this time, and many people walked in anxiously.

"You all got it?"

On the sofa in the middle, the old man glanced sharply at the group of people in front of him, his tone sounded calm.

"I was talking to the Miller guys about working together, and I got this on my phone all of a sudden."

A man frowned in a deep voice.

He originally thought that someone was going to target him, but now the entire Brown family has received something similar.

The documents detail their transactions with Continent F and some of the things they are participating in.

There's even what the heir Lorgar did.

Thinking of this, he carefully glanced at the old man, "What should we do now."

The old man pondered in his heart, they did these things very carefully, how did that person find out, and what was the purpose of sending it to them?

"Let someone check who leaked the news, and who has offended other family members recently?"

After the last sentence, the old man's eyes flowed on them, as if anyone was suspicious.

The living room was silent for a while, and the group looked at me, I looked at you, without any clue.


A man whispered, "I heard that Lorgar had a conflict with someone yesterday, so could it be..."

He didn't dare to say anything after that, he could only shut up.

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