Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3689: Must be hit hard

Lu Yiyang secretly brought bodyguards over as assistants and told them to take Junya's safety as the first priority.

He himself does not need too much attention.

He asked the bodyguard to focus more on these three people.

On Ding Jin's side, relying on these three newcomers, not only did not find any trouble for Junya, but on the contrary, these three people were cleaned up and obediently.

She naturally wouldn't let Junya go easily.

Behind the scenes, she has quietly arranged.

I know the relationship between Lu Yiyang and Junya, and I also know that the two of them will be in the same room at night.

She secretly explained herself in the play, and secretly let a few paparazzi in.

Although Lu Yiyang and Junya have a fair and honest relationship.

But if the paparazzi captures their close relationship in the crew, it will still arouse everyone's attention.

One is that the husband and wife files are in the same crew, which can easily arouse discussion;

Second, investors and broadcast platforms don't like to see the love affair of artists too exposed under the eyes of the public, which will seriously affect the audience's sense of substitution when watching new dramas.

This is also an important reason why many artists, even if they are in love, can't be as open and fair as ordinary people.

Many celebrities try to avoid being filmed in the show of affection.

Lu Yiyang's bodyguard naturally quickly spotted these sneaky people.

They quickly reported to Lu Yiyang.

"Let them stay on the crew and see what they can shoot!" Lu Yiyang didn't fear these people at all.

On the contrary, he still went to Junya's room at night.

But he never left any handle, it is impossible for paparazzi to get it.

It was cold at night in the mountain area. On the contrary, these paparazzi were so cold as to get nothing.

For more than ten days, they squatted on the crew. These paparazzi really couldn't stand it any longer, so they called Ding Jin and told her that she couldn't do this job.

Ding Jin had to give up temporarily.

That night, several paparazzi were about to leave secretly.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!"

Someone turned on the light and rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, many people got up. Hearing that there was a thief, they didn't hesitate to come over and hit them.

The person who put them in is a female dramatist, she has been helping them open and close the door, secretly responding.

Seeing this happen, she was very nervous and hurried over and said, "They are not thieves!"

The person who hit the hardest with a stick was a smile.

She had the best relationship with Junya. She had known what these people were doing for a long time, and of course she had to be cruel.

She said: "We have been filming here so hard, they still have to steal things, they must fight hard! Not only that, we have to send them to the police station!"

Others were also very angry: "How expensive the shooting equipment here is. If it is stolen, it will affect the progress. These thieves will have to fight hard!"

"No, they are my friends." The female dramatist had to stand up, "I was originally a reporter and wanted to come for an interview, but it was too late, so I just kept them for one night."

These paparazzi have long been beaten into a bad shape, their noses and faces are swollen: "Yes, we are reporters..."

Smiled and clapped his hands and said: "Let's say it earlier, we thought it was a thief. The director's HD footage was stolen the other day, so we were so vigilant."

Others nodded: "I also dropped a coat."

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