Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3668: Really capable

Ding Jin couldn't figure out why this happened.

Junya obviously doesn't have such a great ability on the TV station.

If she had the ability to interfere with the affairs of the TV station casually, then she would not have to ask people to sell her TV series, nor would she come to cooperate with Tianhe Wanxin.

Ding Jin returned to the company and went straight to the Fang Xingcheng office.

Without knocking at the door, she walked in.

Fang Xingcheng was seeing his subordinates, and seeing her walk in, he let the subordinates leave, and then asked: "Ding Jin, did I give you too much freedom and made you forget the difference between subordinates?"

"Boss, why did you secretly help Junya?"

"Am I secretly helping her?"

Ding Jin smiled mockingly: "I admit that Fengyu Studio can inject fresh blood into the company. But it's not that the company can't live without them. You give them the show of the party, how can I explain to my artists? You need to know our artist, which one is not a veteran, which one is her Junya can step on?"

Fang Xingcheng said with interest: "Junya took away your resources?"

This made him admire Junya. Junya can still do this step. No wonder she can support so many artists on her own.

"Boss, you really didn't help her?"

"You have so many veteran artists, but you haven't competed for Junya. Should you reflect on yourself?"

Ding Jin could see his dissatisfaction from Fang Xingcheng's eyes. She was indeed a bit too complacent. She thought that she had been with him for many years, so she could challenge him because of Junya.

Ding Jin left.

Fang Xingcheng said to the assistant: "Go to the TV station to find out who made Junya win the show again."

After the assistant inquired, Hui reported: “It seems that Junya persuaded the biggest advertiser of the party to directly interfere.”

"No wonder." Fang Xingcheng put out the cigarette **** in his hand, "This Junya is indeed quite capable."

As soon as he shot, Ding Jin gave Ding Jin a starter, and he was indeed a worthy partner.

The Mid-Autumn Festival party was held as scheduled.

The performances performed by artists from Fengyu Studio have received great acclaim.

The audience rating of the evening was higher than expected, especially when the members of "Sniper One" sang the theme song together, the audience rating was the highest point of the evening.

Using her strength to shut up Ding Jin, it also made the original planner rejoice, but fortunately they changed their show back.

Naturally, the goals the advertisers wanted to achieve have also been achieved.

After handing in the first beautiful examination paper after the cooperation, the position of Fengyu Studio in Trina Wanxin has been greatly improved.

Fang Xingcheng held a celebration party for Feng Yu Studio.

He toasted to Junya to celebrate, and also said the next arrangement: "Junya, in the future, you will be responsible for the excavation of artists. Hao Jie will assign suitable agents for your artists. Of course, Lu Yiyang will still belong to you Regardless, we don't interfere with him."

"Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

At this stage, Junya previously independently operated and invested "Small Beautiful", successfully completed the post-production, and started broadcasting on that small TV station.

This is a project carried out before the cooperation with Tianhe Wanxin, so whether it sells well has nothing to do with Tianhe Wanxin.

Although this drama has Mo Zheng's debut show, yet, singing and dancing Xiao Xianrou acting as an idol drama? This has been verified by the market in the first half of this year, and face alone will not work.

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