Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3648: I haven't done anything

Recently, Guan Nixin has appeared in public a lot of times, and she has made a lot of selfies by herself. You can find all the angles of the ring from her photos for comparison.

The more the comparison is made, the more people discover that Guan Nixin is the most suspicious person!

In every picture of her, there are traces of the ring.

Junya, who was scolded by everyone before, can be seen in many photos. She has no habit of wearing a ring. She is mainly an agent and assistant, not an artist. It is not convenient to wear a ring, so it is rare to find her wearing a ring. picture of.

When everyone compared the rings, they also saw a weight loss pill in the photos sent by Guan Nixin!

After comparison, that weight loss pill is not common on the market, and the price is high. It is very likely that it is the weight loss pill the police said!

All the evidence points to Guan Nixin!

When everyone wanted to observe Guan Nixin's look at the scene, they found that Guan Nixin could not be found in the live footage!

Now, both Lu Yiyang's fans and passers-by feel the seriousness of the matter.

As for the fans of Guan Nixin, what she liked was her kind, gentle, and patient design for children. She had no other works worth paying attention to. These fans immediately turned to each other: "Guan Nixin, come out and explain the orphanage. Thing!"

"Guan Nixin, what's the matter with the ring and diet pills? Come out and explain?"

Guan Nixin, who is usually very active on the Internet, is now as calm as dead.

Some fanatical passers-by, in order to give their children fairness, immediately gathered together and went to Lixin Media, wanting to ask Guan Nixin for an explanation.

Guan Nixin went to Lixin Media, opened the door of her office, rushed to the dressing table, found the diet pills, grabbed it, and hid it in her clothes. She wanted to throw it into the toilet and flush it all away. Leave any handles.

As soon as she went out, the police appeared in front of her!

"Guan Nixin, you are suspected of assaulting your children and giving them medicine to make them sick. Please come back with us for investigation."

"No, I don't...I don't..." Guan Nixin shook her head, trying to avoid them.

Just as she refused by waving her hands, the diet pills in her arms fell to the ground.

The police stepped forward and picked up her evidence.

Guan Nixin is still shaking her head vigorously: "I haven't done it, I haven't done anything, you can't arrest me, I want a lawyer! I want to see my agent!"

She still wore the ring on her waving hands, because she had left the scene just now, and didn't know that this ring could also accuse her. If she had known it, she would have thrown it away.

However, no matter whether she can destroy the evidence or not, she can't escape what awaits her, and the law punishes her severely.

When the police brought her out, they happened to encounter fanatical passers-by looking for Guan Nixin.

When they saw Guan Nixin, who was caught by the police and distributed with a beating, they all understood that Guan Nixin could not escape responsibility in this matter!

Seeing her being taken away by the police, these passers-by were filled with righteous indignation and cursed: "This kind of woman who kills even children should have been arrested long ago! Let her sit in prison!"

"Never let such a wolf-hearted person out to harm others!"

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