It's just that after one day and two nights of non-stop long-distance travel, these people's faces are deeply tired... Compared with Zhou Ye's state of energy after eating and drinking, they are almost at their limit.

"Hey - Jonathan, I didn't expect you guys to come so early!" A man wearing glasses greeted Jonathan, they were card friends after all, they were old acquaintances...

"No way, because we have a great guide!" Jonathan said proudly.

"Super guide??" The glasses guy looked at the three of Zhou Ye... He couldn't see who was the guide at all.

After all—Zhou Ye is too young, and Evelyn is a woman, so it seems—only Jonathan has a chance...

However, the glasses guy who played cards with Jonathan knew that Jonathan was just a parallel importer. He didn't know the way at all, so it was difficult for him... He didn't think Zhou Ye would be that great guide.

At this moment, another American guy shouted at Zhou Ye, "Hey, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Are you going to play cards with me?" Zhou Ye asked with a slight smile.

"No no no... I admit that we are not your opponents when we play cards together, so - let's change the way of betting, just bet on our two teams, how about who enters the city of the dead first??" The American said confidently. .

"No problem..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "How much to bet?"

"Five hundred pounds..."

At this time, the British pound and the franc are the most sought-after goods in international circulation, and the rice dollar is almost meaningless.

"I bet..." Although Zhou Ye didn't look down on the money, he just treated it as entertainment... He really wanted to see others lose money.

You know - five hundred pounds is not a small sum in this day and age...

In England a skilled worker does not earn more than £80 a month...

And Evelyn will have a monthly salary of nearly two hundred pounds?

One is because she has mastered ancient Egyptian cuneiform and Arabic, and the other is because she is no longer in England, and the salary will always be higher when she goes abroad, which is common sense...

"Hey, Benny... If you help me win this bet, I'll give you a hundred pounds!" The American who was gambling with Zhou Ye yelled at Benny.

"I'm happy to serve you..." Although he said so, Benny still looked like he couldn't let go. His eyes were fixed on the horizon of the east. At this time, the whole east was slowly turning white...

The sun is about to come out.

"Baby, look carefully... get ready..." Zhou Ye whispered to Evelyn.

"What are you looking at??" Evelyn asked curiously, looking at the empty distance.

"Our destination... is about to come out..."

After a while, the sun finally rose slowly from the horizon. As the sun slowly rose from the horizon, the space in the distance was like water waves, rippling for a while... Then, little by little, a broken ancient city began to rise. Appearing in front of people...

"I can't believe my eyes..."


"Hamna Tower..."

"Di Di Di Di..." Evelyn was the first to react. She swung the whip directly and hurried the camel under her seat towards Hamna Tower, the city of the dead. Zhou Ye smiled dumbly. He also urged the camel under his seat and followed.

And those Americans also reacted, hurriedly urged their mounts, and rushed over...

For a time, the entire Gobi Desert outside Hamnata was as lively as a racetrack, uh no, or a camel race is more accurate...

Although at the beginning, the American guide Benny was slightly ahead of Zhou Ye because of his geographical advantage, but - soon, the camel under him fell behind because he had not rested for a long time...

As for Zhou Ye and others' camels, because they had a good night's rest, it was the time when they were full of energy... Soon, Zhou Ye and the others rushed to the front.

Don't ask the ending - it was Evelyn who was the first to rush into the City of the Undead.

When Zhou Ye took the five hundred pounds from the hapless man who wanted to cry without tears, he said with a smile on his face, "Thank you for the five hundred pounds, I think I will make good use of these little cuties... …”

"Yes... Is it?" The unlucky guy who interrupted Zhou Ye's face turned pale with anger, but he didn't dare to move...

You must know that they had also seen Zhou Ye slaughtering the Quartet when they were on the boat. Although they didn't know where the boy in front of him hid that terrifying weapon, he didn't want to provoke this guy at all. kill ring...

Zhou Ye is on the side, and the Americans are on the side. The two camps are a little closer to each other, but there is a safe distance of about 200 meters between each other... In this endless desert Gobi, humans still want to hug a little to keep warm. ...

After the camp was simply set up, everyone began to explore this ancient city thousands of years ago...

Compared to Zhou Ye and the others, who are weak and weak, the Americans are very lively...

Migrant workers hired from Cairo on the 20th and 30th, under the command of Mr. Daniels wearing a red hat, carried out their excavation work in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Zhou Ye looked a little pitiful...

Compared to others, Zhou Ye looked like a small tomb robber here.

"Honey, help me clean up these bronze mirrors, at least to the extent that they can show your handsome face..." Evelyn pointed to the one placed next to her, she no longer knew that she had endured thousands of times here. Said the huge circular bronze mirror hit by the wind and rain of the year.

"Of course there's no problem..." Zhou Ye smiled, and then lightly tapped his finger on the bronze mirror, and in the blink of an eye - the bronze mirror became recognizable, as if it had just been made by craftsmen thousands of years ago. .

On the other side, Jonathan has also tied a long rope to the stone pillar...

Chapter 1372

Chapter 1372

Although Evelyn felt that it was amazing that her man's hand had changed into a bronze mirror, but-she was forcibly refreshed by Zhou Ye in the early hours of the morning, and she was no longer surprised...

After all, in the eyes of her, who doesn't understand magic, compared to the scene where the tableware automatically serves meals in the morning, this method of cleaning the bronze mirror in one second is not so eye-catching...

But what Evelyn didn't know was—in fact, Zhou Ye's method of wiping the bronze mirror was a supernatural power. You must know that Zhou Ye didn't wipe the bronze mirror clean, but went back in time in an instant and wiped the bronze mirror. The mirror goes back thousands of years to restore it to what it really looked like when it had just been polished from the hands of ancient Egyptian artisans.

Obviously—— Zhou Ye's supernatural power is a wink for a blind man, and Evelyn doesn't understand it at all...

"Good, my dear, you are very good at cleaning the bronze mirror!" Evelyn said, grabbing her man's hand, walking to the kobold statue next to her, and said, "This is the statue of the **** of death, and the **** of death's legs go deep into the ground, According to archaeologists, there are mysterious compartments in the legs of the statue, which house the Golden Sutra of the Sun..."

"Uh—" Zhou Ye was speechless when he heard Evelyn's words. He remembered that in the movie, the Black Sutra of the Undead was buried at the feet of the God of Death, and the Golden Sutra of the Sun was obviously buried at the feet of the God of Sun... This is What **** archaeologist said, so misleading her cute little girl. "Darling, don't you think it's nonsense to say that the Golden Sutra of the Sun is buried under the feet of the **** of death?"

"Why??" Evelyn looked at Zhou Ye dissatisfiedly and said, "This is a fact recognized by the archaeological community..."

"Then have they dug up the Golden Sutra of the Sun?" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically.

"No, but—this is the truth..." Evelyn didn't want to back down from her major, even if she was facing her own man, even if he was punished by him at night... She didn't want to back down, she wanted to Defend your reputation as an expert.


Looking at the stubborn Evelyn, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and didn't argue with her, because—he was going to dig a hole and bury someone again...

I saw him take a step forward, walked to Evelyn, lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Since you are so sure that the Black Sutra of the Undead is at the feet of the **** of death, do you want to take a gamble? Baby!"

"Of course..." Evelyn said unwillingly, "What's the stake??"

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