"Humph!" Shao Feng finally remembered his purpose and didn't bother with this guy too much...

The two teams occupied both sides of the road so clearly, and together they walked towards the huge manor in the distance of the port area...

After arriving at the door, everyone put all the bits and pieces of their bodies in the guard room, and then walked towards the living room under the leadership of two beautiful attendants...

"Have you had breakfast yet, would you like some porridge?"

In the living room, Zhou Ye asked while eating breakfast under the service of the attendant.

"The commander of the great Umbrella fleet, the master of the East India Company-Singapore Shao Feng greets you..." As Shao Feng said, he motioned his men to lift up the wooden cage... and opened the cover. the black cloth, "This is my present for you..."

"Interesting..." Zhou Ye waved his hand, indicating that his attendant didn't need to fill his mouth with food yet...

He stood up slowly and walked to the side of the cage, looking at the cage, the two girls who looked almost identical said, "What are your names..."

"I, my name is Park..."

"I-I'm Sister Lian..."

"That's right, good name!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then turned to look at the rare Mamate-shaped pony in front of him and said, "I'm very satisfied with your gift, what request do you have?"

Zhou Ye really didn't expect that Shao Feng would actually send those two sisters here... You know, in the plus 3, these two sisters were standing behind Shao Feng... Just when he glanced at him, he saw Even now, these two sisters are still intact, which shows that... Shao Feng's sincerity is very good.

"I just hope to gain your friendship... This small gift is no respect..." Shao Feng said with his head lowered.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with your gift!" Zhou Ye nodded...

Seeing the smile on Zhou Ye's face, Shao Feng happily took a half step back... Sometimes, this sentence is enough to bring him back to life...

At this time, Captain Barbossa came over. As soon as he saw Zhou Ye, he knelt down respectfully and kissed Zhou Ye's boots. "Your Majesty, the guy who killed my boat has been caught by me..."

"Hey - it's me, Ye Zhou, it's me - Jack Sparrow... Your friend, Jack Sparrow..." Jack Sparrow almost jumped up with joy when he saw Zhou Ye for the first time , In his opinion... He and Zhou Ye are friends, and he would never kill himself.

"Well, I saw it, Jack... It looks like you had a good life..." Zhou Ye had a malicious smile on his face, "However, think about it with confidence, Brigadier General Norrington, who was abandoned by you, is a little pitiful... So, I decided to send you to Port Royal to your love, Commodore Norrington..."

"No... You can't do this... We are friends, Zhou Ye..." When Jack heard the name of Commodore Norrington, he jumped up excitedly... Even if he died, he didn't want to be kept by that man...

However, sometimes the reality is like this, the more you don't want to do it, the more you want to do it... Seeing Jack Sparrow's fiery look, there was a knowing smile on Barbossa's face, which he had never seen before. Jack was so flustered, thinking about it, giving Jack to Brigadier General Norrington would definitely make him more sad than killing him...

Thinking of this, Captain Barbossa grinned and said, "I will send him to where he should go as soon as possible, Your Majesty!"

"That's right... That's it!" Zhou Ye said, waved his hand slightly, and walked out of the living room on his own. He also wanted to see the twins... I don't have time to compare with these guys here.

Chapter 1337

Chapter 1337


A three-deck wooden sailboat flying the flag of the Funny King is sailing on the Adriatic Sea. The wind and waves are more than two meters high and there is no way to take this tall wooden sailboat...

Although the first ironclad was built by France in November 1859, England also launched an ironclad in the same year, and in 1861 a plan for the development of all ironclads was drawn up...

But more than 20 years later, wooden sailboats are still the pig's feet in maritime trade.

There are various reasons for this, that is, because of the technical blockade of the military, and because the cost of manufacturing ironclad ships is too high, these two reasons have caused a bottleneck in the development of ironclad ships in civilian use, and they still cannot replace cheap wooden sailing ships.

However, it is precisely because the major European countries have developed ironclad ships that their expensive wooden warships in the past have been sold to the merchants in tears...

In the past, the giant wooden warship that was out of reach for the merchants has now changed the gun bay on the top and enlarged the cargo space, and it has become a huge cargo ship that can bring huge benefits to the merchants - of course, want to get For such a retired warship, first of all, you must have a strong relationship with the navy, otherwise it will not be your turn to eat these navy scraps.

And Captain Morgan is obviously a businessman who has a way. He is a businessman from the United States - but he has obtained the right to purchase this merchant ship converted from the Royal Navy's first class sailing battleship from a partner in England. .

This is what he is most proud of...

And the merchant ship, named Theresa after his wife, was almost like Captain Morgan's other wife, no, or in his wife's words—[he loved his ship more than me. 】

"Assholes - quickly dry my baby's face, don't be lazy, I didn't hire you to make you uncles!" Captain Morgan with a pipe and a moustache whispered unceremoniously. He scolds the sailors that keeping the hull dry can effectively prolong the service life of the ship - of course, the so-called baby's face in Captain Morgan's mouth is the deck of the Theresa.

"Captain...Why do we temporarily change the destination?" The young man in the first mate's hat walked up to Captain Morgan and asked a little dejectedly: "We have already reached the end in Morocco...but why do we have to go around After a lap, how about going to Durres?"

"Huh??" Captain Morgan glanced at his first mate, then carefully looked at the tightly closed door of the captain's room. After seeing that the door was not opened, he breathed a sigh of relief. "No reason, no reason, I'll give you an extended vacation for a week when I get to the place... Now, go to work..."

"Okay, if this is your order!" The first officer shrugged helplessly. In fact, his purpose has been achieved, at least he got an unexpected week's vacation... Moreover, their wages are settled on a daily basis, That is to say... One day's work, one day's worth of money, earning money and the captain promised to give him additional vacations, what else could he be dissatisfied with?

"Huh—" Captain Morgan looked at the still-closed captain's room, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that his mate's words would make the distinguished guest in the captain's room dissatisfied, you know—that distinguished guest can be said to be a big man who should be more careful of the chairman of the East India Company. What is the East India Company? ?

The full name of the East India Company is the Umbrella East India Company, but this is nothing, the point is - the East India Company has the right to issue that flag.

What is that flag?

It was a somewhat funny-looking flag. In the middle of the red and white circular flag, there was a circle that looked like a funny guy. People who saw that flag for the first time couldn't help but want to laugh...

Although the flag looks a bit funny, but no one who knows it dares to ignore it, as long as this flag is hoisted, even the navies of European countries will give face.

Results that don't give face? ?

Hehe - some time ago, the naval battle that took place in the Strait of Gibraltar was the result. More than 60 Royal Navy ironclad ships were wiped out by the uncrowned king of the sea in less than five minutes. …

The cause of the naval battle was just because a merchant ship flying that flag was harassed by the Royal Navy of England in the Strait of Gibraltar...

It told European countries with dripping blood that there is also a difference between an ironclad and an ironclad. Don't think that you can fill a clove of garlic with a tortoise shell... Want to turn over? Still early.

And the Royal Navy, which just had some improvements, was knocked down into the abyss again... It used its failure to warn the European countries - the sea, or the sea, your uncle, or your uncle.

The seven oceans will always be the world under that flag... Want to sail? Yes - pay the tax, or not? It doesn't matter...as long as you're not afraid of pirates.

By the way, because the giant ship suppressed the navies of various countries, the pirates became more and more rampant... Of course, no one dared to break the rules and loot the merchant ships that flew that flag... It was purely courting death.

However, if you hoisted that merchant ship and paid the protection fee on time... ahem, that's wrong, it's a transaction tax, that's right, it's a transaction tax... As long as you pay the tax on time, then hang this flag, and the sea can be yours travel…

You can even get real-time information on prices in European countries and Eastern countries in the East India Company Shipping Exchange on St. Maarten, so that you can choose the most profitable cargo transportation... Of course, there are the same exchanges in London and Guangzhou - That's what makes the merchants happiest.

Cough-cough - that's going a little too far...

With a "squeak", the sound of the wooden door opening woke Captain Morgan, who was in deep thought. He didn't even think about it. He put a flattering smile on his face, turned his head and said to the tall figure who came out of the captain's cabin. : "How are you resting? Mr. Zhou..."

"Not bad..." Zhou Ye stretched and smiled slightly at Captain Morgan: "Thank you for taking care of you along the way, Captain Morgan! I'm very satisfied..."

Zhou Ye is not being polite, but is really satisfied...

That is, on the first day, after he got on the ship and glanced at the captain's room, there was a hint of dissatisfaction on his face. This guy didn't say a word and rushed off the ship - bought a whole new set of utensils... pillows, new ones, quilts, new ones. Yes, even all kinds of furniture in the captain's room are new... It's really hard for him to buy so many things in such a short time...

Although it is said that St. Maarten has become a prosperous commercial port because of the East India Company, but - it is really not an easy thing to get these things together...

"Your satisfaction is the best reward for me..." Captain Morgan smiled like a flower. Although he didn't know who this Mr. Zhou was, he knew the person who brought Zhou Ye on board. People, although that person doesn't necessarily know him... No, it's not that he doesn't necessarily know him, but he absolutely doesn't know him.

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