And Zhou Ye saw Lu Zhi's appearance, and after a little bit of association, he guessed that it was inseparable from ten...

But this is bad...

He deliberately pretended not to notice, and kept smelling it on Lu Zhi... "This smell... um—there is a flea smell in the incense... It seems to come from the girl... "

"Bad!!!" At this time, Lu Zhi couldn't bear it anymore...

She clenched her pink fist in embarrassment and anger, and hit it according to Zhou Ye's mouth...

Whose fault is it all...

This villain, I saw it early in the morning... I deliberately pretended not to see it, and was ashamed of her... This disciple.

Looking at Lu Zhi who was beating him, Zhou Ye tilted his horns slightly, smiled evilly, stretched his arms and hugged Lu Zhi directly in his arms...

At this moment, Lu Zhi was stunned...

She has never had such close contact with a man since she was a child... This sudden change made her a little overwhelmed.

After all...

Lu Zhi still has feelings for Zhou Ye...

Not to mention that after Zhou Ye found out about Lu Zhi's identity through his psychic abilities, he kept using his psychic stance to influence her.

Even Zhou Ye's appearance was enough to make a woman fall in love with him at first sight.

In addition, in Lu Zhi's heart, he had already decided that Zhou Ye had seen his most humiliating scene... (Actually, Zhou Ye had not seen it), and he also had a strange and inexplicable mentality towards Zhou Ye.

Just like, when a person of the opposite **** sees you, you have a strange feeling of closeness to her in your heart.

Of course, this also depends on the face. The ugly will be exchanged for a rogue and even sent to the police station. The handsome... Maybe you will get a sister paper. There is no way. This world has been looking at faces since ancient times. Don't play if you don't agree.

Whoa, whoa...that's too far.

In fact, Lu Zhi's heart was very complicated at this time... She knew that as a woman, she should be reserved... However, when she was held in Zhou Ye's arms, she didn't want to break free...

In this kind of half-assistance...

Zhou Ye bowed his head, and fiercely stopped Lu Zhi...

Just kidding - the purpose of coming here is for the Lu family sisters, how can you let it go? ?

Facing Zhou Ye's attack, Lu Zhi immediately closed his eyes...

In the deserted woods...

Under the bright moonlight...

A man and a woman... embracing each other in the woods...

How to look, how like a pair of wild mandarin ducks! !

After a while...

Zhou Ye let go of Lu Zhi's little gauntlet... But Lu Zhi still closed his eyes tightly, his eyelashes trembling slightly...

She hasn't woken up from this strange yet sweet experience.

Until a gust of breeze blew... Lu Zhi was awakened by the cold feeling under him...

She immediately noticed one thing... what... the trousers fell off...

You know, in ancient times, there was no such convenient thing as an elastic band...

Cool belts are generally made very wide...

Just now, Lu Zhi could be said to have carried Kuzi for a long time, but he was so teased by Zhou Ye that he couldn't help but let go of his hands and hammered him... So—now, the bitter fruit has come...

"Don't lower your head!!" Lu Zhi was in a hurry. He opened his arms and hugged Zhou Ye's waist tightly, preventing him from lowering his head...


Lu Zhi forgot one thing, she might have made Zhou Ye unable to see herself clearly... But—— Zhou Ye's hand was idle...

If you are a gentleman...

I will definitely, don't listen to indecent, do not touch indecent...


Is Zhou Ye a gentleman? ?

This thing has something to do with everything, even the word gentleman, it has nothing to do with it.

Will Zhou Ye be polite when it is delivered to your door? ? Of course he unceremoniously put his big hand over there...

Lu Zhi felt the pair of big hands that suddenly appeared on the dolphin...he was about to cry...""

"What's wrong with me??" Zhou Ye smiled... The iron still needs to be struck while it's hot...

Zhou Ye lowered his head again, blocking Lu Zhi's remaining words...

Between the hesitations... Lu Zhi doesn't know what to do anymore...

[Forget it——Let's leave everything to him, this villain is the magic star that is destined for him...]

With such thoughts in mind, Lu Zhi gradually stopped resisting... He even began to echo Zhou Ye in a jerky manner...

How could Zhou Ye hold back this? ?




In the woods, there was a faint scream of pain, and then... there was a sound like a cat meowing...

It's just this sound, in Zhou Ye's silent barrier, the woods couldn't come out at all...

Two hours later......

The pretty-faced and blushing Lu pheasant staggered out of the woods...

Although it was a little inconvenient to move, she still clenched her silver teeth tightly and refused to say a word... Because she was afraid of waking up her family...

When I walked to the side of my own team, I saw that everyone was still sleeping...

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