There are so many artifacts enshrined in Karnak Temple, but - for Pharaoh Seti I, the most important thing is the bracelet of death.

Those other artifacts, whether it is the Black Sutra of the Undead or the Golden Sutra of the Sun, can only be one enemy at most.

With the invincible army, you can easily kill those who get these treasures, but——what about the bracelet of death? That can be said to be an artifact that is enough to shake the foundation of Seti I's rule.

The invincible army from the underworld is enough to make many careerists salivate.

So——Although Seti I clearly stated, in order to show fairness, he held the so-called competition in front of the throne.

But in fact - the guardian of the bracelet of death has already been decided by default.

That was his eldest daughter, Nefidiri.

When Nafidiri got the news, she couldn't be more happy.

This proves how much Seti I trust in her.

Of course, as a curious girl, after being informed by her father that she had the guardianship, Nafidiri immediately came to Karnak Temple, where the bracelet of death was stored, she thought Take a look at what the bracelet of the Scorpion King who once led the underworld army to capture Thebes in this legend looks like.

She'd just seen it, to be honest - a little disappointed...

In her opinion, such a rough bracelet is obviously not suitable for women to wear... It's better to be famous than to meet.

A bit disappointed, Nefidiri told the two guards guarding the bracelet of death to continue to perform their duties, and walked out of the treasure room, and locked the door of the treasure room outside...

Now, do I need to go back to my palace for a little rest, or do I need to train for a little more time for the competition before the throne in two days?

However, just when Nafidiri was thinking about what she was going to do next, she suddenly felt that her body seemed to hit something, and she suddenly lost her balance and fell backwards.

Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye didn't expect that he was so big. When he came here, he knocked down this Egyptian princess who had the same face as Evelyn. "Are you OK?"

"Who are you??" Nefidiri asked sternly with one hand on the ground.

You know, this is the place to be guarded.

Not to mention the guards in the treasure house, just to get here, you have to pass through at least a dozen guards, and you have to pass through a beast room.

No one can come here silently.

Moreover, although the young man in front of him is very handsome, his clothes are obviously different from those of Egyptians, which can only mean one thing, he is not a native, but a foreigner...

Then his purpose of sneaking into the treasure house of Karnak Temple, needless to ask, must be the idea of ​​hitting the Death God bracelet that can subvert the whole world.

Thinking of this, Nafidiri couldn't help shouting loudly: "Guard...Guard..."

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the Egyptian princess in front of him, and blinked helplessly, "I'm sorry... I don't want to fight with people when I first came here... So, I can only apologise to you!"

As he said that, Zhou Ye bent over, hugged Nafidili's slender waist, and then pulled her back, pulling her into his arms.

Nafidili was not a weak woman with no strength to hold her hands. Facing Zhou Ye, her unceremonious fingers hooked into Zhou Ye's eyes.

While fighting back, she also shouted... "Guard, guard..."

"What a bad woman!" Zhou Ye reluctantly grabbed Nafidili's finger, and then gently snapped his fingers.

Suddenly——, a crisp sound of glass shattering sounded.

Nafidiri was dragged into the mirror world by Zhou Ye.

"What do you want to do to me??" Because Zhou Ye needed to grab her hand with one hand and cast Mirror World with the other, Nafidili was able to temporarily get rid of Zhou Ye's restraint.

Hearing Nafidili's words, Zhou Ye secretly rejoiced, fortunately, he had learned ancient Egyptian with Evelyn for a few days out of curiosity, or else—it wouldn't be numb again. "Would you believe it if I said I came here because I wanted to marry you as my wife?"

"Let the ghost go..." Although Nafidili said so, but her heart was still accelerated by Zhou Ye's sudden straight ball. . "If it's to get what I want, why didn't you go to my father to propose marriage, but instead appeared here? You are a thief, a careerist who wants to steal the bracelet of death..."

"..." Zhou Ye looked up at the sky speechless for a while, joking, if he really wanted to conquer the world, would he still need such garbage as a death bracelet?

Zhou Ye's silence was taken as a guilty conscience by Nafidili.

In her heart, there is both happiness, disappointment, and even some sadness.

Although she didn't really take Zhou Ye's sentence "I'm here to marry you" seriously, she still had some expectations.

As the most honorable princess, as the daughter of Seti I.

She had also imagined what her future husband would look like...

He should be very handsome, he should have unparalleled martial arts...he should love himself...he should...

It can be said that, to a certain extent, princesses are not very different from normal girls. They all have fantasies about love...

Zhou Ye had completely conformed to her first fantasy about her future husband, and had an incomparably beautiful and peerless face. Although I don't know if the second rule is in line, but I want to come, I can sneak in here without alerting the guards, so I should be good.

All that's left is to love yourself...

Basically, Zhou Ye has already met most of the conditions of Nafidili's fantasy about her future husband, but——he is such a person who makes her heart move, and now he has tacitly accepted the fact that he is actually here to steal the bracelet of death...

How could this not make Nefidiri angry?

Or it should be said that girls are originally a creature who likes fantasy... whether it is ancient or modern.

Seeing Zhou Ye's silence, the more Nafidili thought about it, the more angry she felt, the more she felt annoyed, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Zhou Ye was unforgivable...

And at this moment, she almost heard the sound of the guards running in the passage, which meant that—soon, the man who deceived her feelings was about to be caught by the guards...

"The can't escape!" Nafidili glared at Zhou Ye fiercely and said, "But...don't worry, I won't let you die..."

"Oh?? Why??" To be honest, Zhou Ye felt that the Egyptian princess who looked like Evelyn in front of him was becoming more and more fun. Of course he knew what Nafidili was waiting for, but he wouldn't tell her the truth. The truth - sometimes, at the moment when the opponent feels that he is about to win, it is a lot of fun to knock him to the ground and trample his dignity severely.

Of course, if the other party is a woman, Zhou Ye will have other preferential treatment...

"Because - I will let my father reward you with me, I will bring you the shackles of slaves, and I will torture you to the fullest..."

"Just because I want to steal the bracelet of death?" Zhou Ye teased.

"...Humph!" Nafidili's face twitched, she wouldn't tell Zhou Ye, it wasn't because of the death bracelet - she wanted to torture him severely, just because - he played with his innocence Feelings……

At this time, at the entrance of the passage, a group of guards rushed in.

Seeing these guards, Nafidiri shouted in surprise: "Quick, catch this guy who wants to steal the bracelet of death..."

However—the reaction of the guards surprised her.

The guards looked for something everywhere, as if they didn't see her at all, and even passed by her, turning a blind eye to her...

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