Movie black technology

Chapter 608 Subjective Initiative of Escape

Shenshen Chen's opinion was reported to the higher authorities, and was quickly approved.

Director Qin then reported it to the General Administration of Monster Prevention and Control in East Asia.

Let the Crimson Storm with stronger comprehensive performance replace the heroic guardian to participate in the defense work in our country?

Yuta Oki, the national representative in the General Administration of Prevention and Control, immediately passed the news to the country after hearing Director Qin's report.

It was also emphasized that Director Qin had worked with him, and emphasized that the comprehensive performance of the Crimson Storm was actually stronger than that of the heroic guardian.

Then there were a bunch of objections.

What we want is a heroic guardian, not a crimson storm!

Crimson Storm is an old model of mecha, and its combat power cannot be stronger than the latest heroic guardian!

The heroic guardian is close to 2,000 tons, which is a bit higher than the crimson storm!

We use Crimson Storm against our political goals.

After receiving these guiding opinions, Oki Yuta had no choice but to find Director Qin again.

You mean you must have heroic guardians in your country? Didn't you tell them that Crimson Storm is more powerful than heroic guardians?

When Director Qin became anxious, he didn't say anything about comprehensive performance. The performance of Crimson Storm is stronger than that of the heroic guardian.

The flexible plasma cannon alone has already decided the pros and cons of the two.

The high-energy laser transmitter on the heroic guardian is completely incomparable.

Oki Yuta explained the domestic situation to Director Qin very helplessly, of course in a tactful tone.

But even so, Chief Qin can guess.

The group of people next door has committed the problem of looking for their father again.

I think their father's mecha is new and strong, and I want to keep it in China and use it for myself...

All right.

Director Qin gave his opinion to his superiors and Chen Shen, both of them were equally speechless.

Ten minutes later, both the senior management and Chen Shen gave the same opinion on this matter.

Our country has never interfered in the internal affairs of foreign countries.

How to prevent and control monsters on the other side, and what mechs to use to defend against them, are also their internal affairs.

Since they all demanded so strongly, it is natural to satisfy their wishes.

It's not that the heroic guardian can't stop the monsters, but the effect is not so perfect. The battle between the two sides will be more intense, and the damage to the city will be greater.

Those who died were not domestic people.

As early as when the highest alarm for monster prevention and control was issued, there were already special planes and ships in China to pick up our compatriots in China.

The island country spent half a day suppressing the riots in its own country and controlling the people from fleeing. The vacated carrying capacity has actually made it easier for the country to pick up its citizens.

After making this decision, in the newly built mecha factory in China, the Jingwei helicopters responsible for hoisting quickly formed an array and acted according to the plan of the previous exercise.

Open the dome of the factory, the connector on the helicopter is activated, and automatically docks with the connection point on the mech.

The black heroic guardian with strengthened arms and waist armor and a laser cannon was quickly hoisted, and the huge body flew towards the east.

other bases in the country.

The newly trained monster biochemical pollution prevention and control troops were also ready for dispatch immediately.

This force has been formed since the biological base researched a solution that can neutralize and clean monster pollution.

For the lesser degree of monster pollution, it can already be blocked and neutralized.

Not to mention complete control of monster pollution, but if it is not serious, it is still no problem to reduce the degree and scope of pollution by two to three levels.

If it is like the situation in the movie, where the monster is directly knocked down by the mecha, and only a small amount of blood flows out, it can even be completely blocked.

With the dispatch of the mechs and the completion of preparations for the biochemical control force, the eyes of the whole world are on the island country that is most likely to face the monster.

Everyone wants to know whether a large mech built at a huge cost can fight monsters that are bigger and heavier than it.

Is it possible to prevent or even control the pollution caused by monsters?

Around these two issues, many peripheral gambling markets were born, which became the capital for many people to talk and laugh.

However, the people who face the edge of the monster are not in the mood to bet with their lives.

They don't even notice that someone is gambling with their suffering.

The commotion that had just been suppressed for less than two days started again.

People are frantically ordering air tickets and boat tickets to go abroad, and this moment seems like yesterday.

Only this time there were no one to maintain order.

No one to direct traffic, no one to persuade the people, no one to maintain law and order...

Everyone is trying their best to escape.

Fukushima, Tokyo, Osaka, and even Hiroshima, people from all the eastern borders frantically fled further west.

In these cities, ten rooms are already empty.

After reaching the westernmost part of the border, many people even steal boats or buy boats, plunge into the sea non-stop, and smuggle directly to other countries.

East Asia is not an isolated island like Hawaii.

Therefore, in terms of escape, the people gave full play to their subjective initiative.

For a time, the entire sea of ​​Japan was densely packed with smuggling ships, and the Tsushima Strait closest to the mainland welcomed countless ships.

Even if the surrounding neighboring countries dispatched coast guard ships to intercept it, it was useless.

These refugees would be happier on a Coast Guard vessel.

In this way, they can go to the mainland with the coast guard ship. It may be dangerous for them to sail by themselves!

Even if the news of domestic mecha aid and defense was announced, it would not be able to stop this chaos.

Life is your own.

They didn't want to gamble their lives on the mecha being able to deal with the monsters smoothly.

Besides, when Ultraman fights monsters, wouldn't many people die in the city?

It really seemed that there was no one in the buildings that were knocked down! ?

Next door, there are not many departments that are working properly now.

The Monster Control Bureau is one of them.

Everyone is staring at the screen, which is the data returned by the sonar one by one, and will be connected to the data of the anti-submarine reconnaissance plane that just took off later.

The scene was noisy, and the staff communicated with each other's discoveries, and the sonar positions of the found monsters were quickly connected to form a trajectory.


One looks at the screen and shouts:

The monster is swimming south! The monster is swimming south!

It changed direction!

on the big screen.

The monster's original westward trajectory suddenly turned at a large angle and ran towards the southwest.

This completely misses the direction of their country.

According to this direction, the monster will go straight to Southeast Asia.

That is, are they okay? !

The people at the scene looked at the screen, and no one spoke for a long time. After almost a minute, there was a sudden burst of cheers and crying.

Hurry up and tell the whole country about this news! Some people wept with joy but they still didn't forget the business.

After half an hour.

It was the turn of the people in Southeast Asia to be dumbfounded.

However, what everyone doesn't know is.

At this time, the people on a freighter were also dumbfounded...

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