Movie black technology

Chapter 606: It Really Came

Mr. Prime Minister, the Monster Prevention and Control Bureau has just received the highest alert from the East Asia General Administration!

The other side suspects that the monster that escaped from the casino is coming towards us, and asks us to immediately block all sea areas, evacuate all ships and coastal people, and send reconnaissance planes to conduct high-altitude anti-submarine search for traces of the monster...

In the office, the secretary immediately reported to his leader the notification issued by the General Administration of Monster Prevention and Control in China.

Where did they get the news? The Prime Minister calmed down and asked aloud.

The secretary glanced at the document in his hand again, It's not mentioned above.

The Prime Minister was silent.

Waited for a while, still no news.

The secretary had to ask again: Sir, are we going to comply with these requirements?

No, don't reply to this notification yet.

I want to call to find out the opinions of the Eastern Pacific. They also have a prevention and control bureau over there. Maybe there will be some news. The Prime Minister chose a euphemistic way of saying it and called the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Soon, the call request was allowed.

The commander on the other side of the Pacific Ocean answered the phone with a pair of panda eyes, and listened to the whole thing beside the phone brought by the secretary.

He temporarily turned off the phone's receiver, turned to the secretary and said, The other party has already guessed our purpose.

They just sent a warning signal to all of East Asia.

The secretary didn't panic, but relaxed a bit: We guessed that they guessed our plan a few days ago, and now we just verified the result.

The commander-in-chief said: Our allies are asking for our opinion, and they have doubts about the vigilance.

The secretary immediately reminded: Operation Baiju must not be disclosed.

Operation Baiju is absolutely shady.

The commander-in-chief also agrees with this opinion.

So after thinking for a while, he turned on the microphone again, and the other person stayed by the phone all the time, and when he heard the voice from the commander's side resumed, he immediately took the initiative to speak:

I am still here.

The commander cleared his throat: We have not received any news about that monster.

In addition, the opponent is holding a monster confrontation exercise, maybe this is part of their exercise, so you don't need to worry too much, we will support all your decisions.

How to get East Asia to respond to emergency alert?

When the sea area is cleared and blocked, what will happen to their freighter at sea?

What about the monsters on it?

From the moment the freighter sets sail, it is impossible to turn back.

Moreover, their purpose is to face each other. As long as the plan does not go wrong, it will not cause any damage to other East Asian countries.

Hearing the commander's assurance, the other end of the phone felt relieved.

After hanging up, the commander-in-chief looked at the time, and it was almost dawn, so he simply got up to deal with business, and then there were various meetings.

After being busy until noon, the commander-in-chief took the time to have lunch.

He turned on the TV and found that the emergency warning signal issued by East Asia had replaced the news that the terrorists dropped the monster transport ship and became the headline news of various TV stations.

Looking through the daily reports sent by the Asia Intelligence Agency, the commander-in-chief found that the whole of Asia was terrified by the news.

Especially in East Asia and Southeast Asia, these two regions face the ocean and are isolated overseas. Without the depth of the mainland, there is no sense of security by nature, especially after the emergency alert.

Before the officials of various countries reacted, the people had already made the most authentic reactions.

All air tickets to China or other continental countries were sold out in just half an hour.

Even the air ticket to the third brother's house was snatched up.

Cruise ships that can set sail quickly have ushered in a peak of ticket purchases, and countless people rush to buy tickets with their families.

Now as long as you can enter the inland as soon as possible and stay away from the Pacific Ocean, no one cares which country the destination is, as long as it is inland.

Everyone is afraid that their home will become the next Hawaii.

But the scene of everyone packing up their belongings and escaping from the island seems to be a reappearance of Hawaii in the past.

Ignorance! The Grand Commander shook his head, quite disdainful of these scenes.

Monsters do exist.

But not for these people.

These fleeing people also think highly of themselves.

After lunch, continue to deal with government affairs.

When it was time for dinner, the commander-in-chief received the latest news from the Asia Intelligence Agency.

The unrest in the island nation's society has been quelled.

Democratic order calms the people.

Well, in fact, it is their base that has passed on their rich experience to the island nation’s officials. The island nation’s officials are out of the blue, and while “dispelling rumors” that emergency alerts are only required for exercises, they use various equipment that is conducive to maintaining order.

In this way, it only took half a day to basically quell the domestic riots.

In short, a stable country and society is conducive to the implementation of their Baiju action.

As usual, he paid attention to the progress of Baiju's operation, and after confirming that everything was developing in a positive direction, the commander-in-chief ended his day's work and soon fell asleep peacefully.

I don't know how long it has passed.

The secretary's voice came to my ears again.

The Grand Commander got up in a daze, and found that everything seemed to reappear from yesterday.

The secretary was watching by the bed with a phone, saying that the situation was urgent and he needed to know immediately.

What's wrong? Is it still the prime minister's phone?

Yes, replied the secretary. He sounded anxious.

The secretary seemed to say the same thing yesterday.

This thought flashed through the commander's mind as he picked up the phone.

Then came an impatient voice:


Or a monster thing?

The Grand Commander glanced at the microphone strangely, then looked at the paper calendar to make sure that the time had not gone backwards.

What is it?

The prime minister on the opposite side was very anxious: The monster is coming to attack us!

Grand Commander:? ? ?

I know there are monsters coming to your country, but how do you know?

Where did you get the news from?

The other party immediately replied: It's the deep-sea monitoring sonar we deployed in the Western Pacific Ocean. It detected signs of monsters operating in 600-meter deep waters!

Deep sea monitoring sonar?

A monster active in the 600-meter deep sea?

The commander didn't react at the first time, and wondered why the monster that Bai Ju was acting on ran into the 600-meter water.

But he immediately got a shock, fully reacted, and the whole person became sober. mean, you have detected traces of mature monsters?

Yes, yes, yes, yes... The prime minister's head on the opposite side nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Just half an hour ago, the latest data from the sonar showed that a huge monster with a body length of at least 80 meters was confirmed to be swimming towards us!

What are we going to do now?


The phone in the commander's hand fell directly to the ground.

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