Movie black technology

Chapter 592 Desperation Pervades

Thinking of this, Chen Shen became excited.

The pen in his hand was scribbling meaninglessly on the paper.

But the whole process of nuclear fusion reaction is already being simulated in my mind.

It's just that what he simulated was the fusion of deuterium-tritium nuclei, not the fusion of heavy nuclei dominated by silicon elements.

In the not-so-spacious room filled with various materials and books, Chen Shen closed his eyes and immersed himself in the world of nothingness alone.

The nuclear fusion deuterium and tritium are constantly circling in his mind. In the more microcosmic world, their outer nuclei are distributed around, and powerful forces bind them tightly together, and they cannot be separated without great force.

Numerous deuterium and tritium pile up together and exist in the nuclear reactor in the form of fuel.

However, at this moment.

In the more macroscopic world, in the more central area, huge energy burst out suddenly, and the temperature rose sharply.

The most central flint is activated!

In just a few seconds, the instantaneous temperature has reached billions of degrees Celsius under incredible circumstances.

Although such a high temperature is much more short-lived than a flash in the pan, it only occurs in an instant, and then begins to decline rapidly, and it is difficult for human beings to capture and measure it with the most sophisticated instruments.

But such a high temperature is already much higher than the temperature of most stars in the universe. Only the six billion to ten billion degrees Celsius at the time of a supernova explosion can stabilize the pressure.

Such a high temperature, even if only for a moment, is enough to cause a huge impact.

It first affects the surrounding atoms.

Under such a huge energy, the surrounding atoms can't resist it at all.

The nuclei, which were originally confined around the atoms, are like paper meeting fire. At such a temperature, they collapse and are forced to separate from the nucleus.

One atom is like this, two atoms are still like this...

This is true for countless atoms.

In the microscopic time and space, the center of the nuclear reactor has become a large-scale car accident scene, and neutrons, protons and electrons thrown out due to high temperature are everywhere.

These flung nuclei start hitting elements further away.

In the microcosm, the originally orderly world has become extremely chaotic!


To the outside world it seems like just a moment.

The nuclear reactor is already boiling, just like a pot of boiling water. From a macroscopic observation, countless extremely high-temperature plasmas appear with the consumption of fuel, emitting huge heat to the outside world.

If they are allowed to touch any substance, even the earth, they will be easily melted by them. Even if the snowflakes are placed under the scorching sun in summer, the melting speed cannot keep up with the speed at which these plasmas melt the earth.

However, human beings have long been wary of such a terrifying existence.

As soon as the high-temperature plasma appears, it is already confined by the magnetic field, making it detached from the vessel wall and limiting its thermal conductivity.

Only in this way can it be tamed.

Otherwise, the ridiculously high temperature can destroy all solid materials in an instant even through the air.

Almost at the same time as these plasmas are generated, they have been led into a long confinement path from the place of origin.

These high-temperature plasmas are like cannonballs, passing through the long confinement path, cutting the magnetic lines of force, generating induced electromotive force, and the heat energy carried in the plasma is directly converted into electric current in this process.

Instead of using a high-pressure steam turbine like a traditional power station.

The plasma in the confinement path is like a high-speed train in a vacuum tube. The speed is unbelievably fast, and the route of hundreds of kilometers long can be completed in a very short time.

When the confinement path can no longer confine the plasma, it is also when they reach the end point.

At this time, they will be guided into an upward orbit, passing through layers of checkpoints, the temperature has dropped sharply, but still can be said to be high-temperature plasma through the long nozzle, ejected towards the sky, forming a blue that connects the sky and the earth bridge……

Looking back at the starting point at this time, there is still a steady stream of fuel being consumed, and the extremely high-temperature plasma is still being diverted to various confinement paths, and finally meets at the nozzle.

In the design of the path, the length of each path is different, and the time to reach the nozzle is also different, so the planetary engine will not continue to spray.

Instead, it is carried out in the form of pulse injection, with a full-power injection every sixty seconds, and the interval of fifty seconds is used for heat dissipation on the inner wall of the nozzle.

Only in this way can the continuous operation of the spout be guaranteed...

The run of the simulation has advanced to the end.

Shen Chen gradually opened his eyes.

Looking at the system again, the above vacuum rock refusion technology is nearing completion, and many technical parameters have been given.

This is one of the reasons why he can simulate the operation of planetary engines in such detail.

Of course, this is only a rough process, and more details still have to wait for more information to be revealed.

But for him, this level is enough.

Chen Shen threw aside the paper he had scribbled on the table before, and picked up a clean white paper.

Start the calculation again on top.

This time he was counting on the size of the engine.

A planetary engine whose height is calculated in kilometers is completely unnecessary for the current earth.

Even if it represents controllable nuclear fusion technology, it will not be built in China.

After all, there is no controllable nuclear fusion now, and the country can live a very prosperous life, but if this project is insisted on, it is not sure whether it will be very prosperous in the future.

The only thing that is certain is that during the construction period, the country will live a very poor life.

It is not a joke that a project can drag down a country.

Even with a full set of technical drawings, it is impossible for China to create such a spectacle.

This kind of product can only be built at the critical moment of life and death.

Therefore, the transformation of the planetary engine must be carried out.

The height of the planetary engine must absolutely be reduced.

A height of 8 kilometers to 11 kilometers is simply impossible, but in my opinion, 800 meters to 1000 meters is still possible...

It is impossible to build a building taller than the Himalayas for controlled nuclear fusion, but if you tell the country that you can obtain controlled nuclear fusion technology as long as you build a 1,000-meter-tall building...

In about a year and a half or even less, you can see the roof topping and renovation of the building completed.

This point is also applicable to other countries in the world that can build thousand-meter-tall buildings.

In addition, the footprint of the planetary engine is a problem.

Chen Shen bit his pen. According to the design, the planetary engine has a diameter of tens of kilometers, with a total area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers.

This area seems to be huge, but if you look at it as a whole country, it is actually very small.

small enough to be ignored.

With an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers, 10,000 planetary engines can be built evenly by area.

If Mother Earth can handle it, as long as we build enough engines in China, we can run with the Earth on our shoulders!

So for Chen Shen, he is not satisfied with this area.

Too petty.

Regardless of the large number of people and the lack of land in the country, it looks very crowded. In fact, there are still large areas of no-man's land. Even the sanitary napkins next door on the sea have a lot of wasteland and forests.

Moreover, the area of ​​the engine is positively correlated with the length of the plasma confinement path.

The larger the engine area, the longer the plasma confinement path can be.

Therefore, the area of ​​the planetary engine can be appropriately increased, which can increase the power generation, and at the same time can further reduce the problem of excessive temperature when the plasma is sprayed to the ground, causing climate change...

Chen Shen remembers that in the original work, when the plasma is sprayed into the sky, it will heat up the water vapor in the sky, causing boiling water to rain directly from the sky.

If you can't hide in time, getting burned is the best ending.

This problem can be tolerated by people in the original work, but in reality, the public must not be able to stand it.

“Climate issues can affect the whole body.”

If we were to release superheated plasma into the sky at will, it would end up affecting more than just where the engine is located.

The nation and the world will be affected by these massive increases in heat...

At that time, the rate of global warming may increase again.

Now the earth's weather is indeed getting more and more abnormal.

Chen Shen also felt that it was inappropriate to stimulate Mother Earth at this time.

Therefore, the temperature of the ejected plasma must be lowered.

After writing and drawing on the paper and restarting the calculation, Chen Shen quickly settled down:

To reduce the heat of the plasma to an acceptable level before it is ejected, the confinement channel needs to be extended to about 5,000 kilometers.

During the 5,000-kilometer journey, the excess temperature of the plasma will be completely consumed, and the impact of the ejected plasma on the climate should be negligible. At that time, we only need to let the flights and planes pay attention...

This result belongs to the use of plasma to the extreme, and no excess energy can be squeezed out.

But in the original work, why don't humans use these plasmas to the extreme?

Chen Shen suddenly thought of this question.

But soon he shook his head again.

What kind of logic do you talk about with virtual works?

Maybe it is because the human beings inside keep the planetary engine spraying high-temperature plasma into the atmosphere in order to ensure that the earth's climate is not too cold, so as to keep the surface temperature from being too low?

Chen Shen scratched his head, put down the pen, took another sip of water, glanced at the moon in the sky, and finally glanced at the clock.

It was eleven o'clock at night.

At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, there will be a global press conference.

It stands to reason that he should go to bed early, but at this time he is still excited.

After Chen Shen finished washing, he lay down on the bed, and involuntarily began to think about other possible situations in his mind.

Suddenly, another situation came to his mind.

When the planetary engine is injected, it will cause a huge reaction force on the ground. Although it is impossible to push the earth, it is enough to destroy the crustal structure...

How to solve this problem?

Chen Shen opened the system and looked for it in the technical outline.

Soon he found a corresponding solution.

In the design of the system, a new type of composite material is used to resist this huge thrust.

That is to use this composite material to build a support surface with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers on the surface, so as to reduce the pressure of the engine on the surface and prevent the engine from sinking directly into the ground.

Then besides this method, is there any other way to reduce the surface pressure?

Chen Shen lay on the bed, turned from side to side, and couldn't help thinking.

The planetary engine he wants to build must be a modified version, and the method of the original version may not be applicable.

You can try to reduce the speed of the plasma...

No, no, Chen Shen shook his head and denied himself as soon as he thought of an idea, No matter how much the speed of the plasma in the confinement path can be slowed down, it will not be slowed down much. It is unrealistic to rely on this to reduce the thrust.

It's better to consider adding a few more nozzles.

Chen Shen opened the system, and it can be seen from the overall drawing inside that an engine has hundreds of nozzles, which are arranged in a reasonable manner within a circular range.

With such a tight structure, more nozzles can no longer be plugged in, and it is useless to plug them in. The total thrust and area of ​​action remain unchanged.

Is it possible to add one or more sub-vents, and while lengthening the plasma confinement path, divert a part of the plasma to the sub-vents tens of hundreds of kilometers away...

In this way, the pressure on the surface can be dispersed.

The pressure that was originally concentrated at one point is now distributed to several nozzles, and the supporting surface made of composite materials can minimize the impact on the ground surface.

This idea is feasible, but it needs to be carefully calculated...

Chen Shen simulated and calculated in his mind, until he was really tired, and then fell asleep unknowingly.

the next day.

Chen Shen was not woken up by the alarm clock, but by Wang Yinian, who also lived in the base, knocking on the door.

Are you up yet? Wang Yinian knocked on the door and asked nervously, No accident happened, call me back...

Chen Shen glanced at the time, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

While yawning, he called out——


Then I got up slowly, changed my clothes, and went to open the door.

Standing outside the door was not only Wang Yinian, but also Qiu Yongjun, his assistant and bodyguard.

What's the matter? Wang Yinian rushed in, seeing that Chen Shen's expression was normal, the two were relieved, and Qiu Yongjun left silently after confirming that he was fine.

You didn't sleep well last night? What did you do? You've seen the world, it's just a simple press conference, it won't make you nervous, right?

Chen Shen waved his hand, walked to his desk, and put away all the calculation manuscripts from last night.

I was thinking about some other projects last night, and I got some results, so I didn't sleep well.

Wang Yinian carefully stepped over the various materials and books on the ground, followed him, and took a sneak peek.

Ask carefully: What kind of manuscript is this? What is it?

Wang Yinian didn't really walk to the table until Chen Shen put away all the useful manuscripts.

Now there is only a piece of waste manuscript full of circles like a ghost drawing.

Wang Yinian picked it up, Looks like you were serious last night, the circles on this whole piece of paper were only drawn when you were thinking hard...

Shen Chen nodded.

The new project is indeed a little difficult. I thought about it all night last night.

In addition to the high technical difficulty, the planetary engine project is also surprisingly difficult in engineering. It is not difficult to calculate various data, but the process and calculation amount are extremely large.

If it weren't for the fact that his brain is completely a self-propelled supercalculator in the shape of a human, it will really be impossible to calculate the approximate result for a while.

After you say that, I'm getting more and more curious about your new project.

Wang Yinian followed Chen Shen to the venue of the press conference, and was very interested in the new project that Chen Shen said.

Aren't you calculating warp spaceships? No, now that there is faster-than-light physics, it should be a serious super-light-speed spaceship...

Chen Shen shook his head.

That kind of thing is completely out of reach for us.

As he spoke, he patted Wang Yinian on the shoulder and advised:

We must be down-to-earth as a human being, and we must not be too eager to make progress.

Wang Yinian ...

Then would you like to explain what is the man-made wormhole?

You said that making wormholes is not aggressive, but let me imagine that superluminal spaceships are aggressive?

Wang Yinian opened his mouth several times, but still didn't say this, and asked instead: Then what is your new project?

Chen Shen looked at the surrounding environment.

They walked in the corridors of the base, and people passed by from time to time, it was really not a place to talk.

After the press conference is over, I'll tell you more about it. The size should be considered a surprise. It can advance human technology for fifty years.

Having said that, Wang Yinian became even more curious, wishing he could drag Chen Shen into the secret meeting room for a small meeting first.

However, this wish was out of the question.

The venue has arrived.

On the first floor of the dome base, the vacant mecha warehouse was arranged as a press conference, and there was even a reserved boxer and the prototype of the boxer parked next door.

Looking at the time, it was already half past eight.

At the back of the venue, not only Chen Shen participated in the press conference, but also more than a dozen scholars from the project team.

They are all scholars who have worked hard in astrochemistry or wormhole projects, and there are several senior academicians among them.

Chen Shen greeted them one by one, and sat in the waiting position.

Several old academicians around, holding stacks of materials in their hands, are still discussing the data issue of the detector.

There are also some people chatting relaxedly, talking about what to do after the press conference starts...

The atmosphere was full of joy and harmony, and everyone was extremely looking forward to the press conference that will have great significance.

In the outside world, the expectations of the public have more than doubled.

Scholars in the academic world, regardless of whether their majors are related to astronomy or not, now turn on their computers or TVs, and watch the live broadcast of the press conference with their families or students.

In China, under the publicity of the official media, this press conference is the light of the country in the new era.

The specifications and grandeur are even greater than the press conference held after the previous wormhole experiment was completed.

At that time, the press conference was held in the midst of controversy. Although it was equally significant, it lacked the recognition of the public.

Unlike now, after two experiments, people all over the world have realized the extraordinaryness of the lunar experiment, and they are more concerned about the wormhole and alien planet exploration that is advertised in China.

Hurry up and start, I can't take it anymore!

Does anyone know what planet the data in those papers came from?

How could anyone know now?

The team of professors at Yale University put all the data released in yesterday's paper into the models of each planet for simulation, and finally did not analyze which planet it is, because even on the other side there is no specific data on the alien subterranean ocean...

To be honest, these data belong to an Ultraman planet above the M78 nebula!

Wrong! It's actually my monster planet! We opened a big mouth under the Pacific Ocean through the wormhole, and now the monsters on the earth are actually launched by us!

Nonsense! It is clearly the data we obtained from an alien planet in 1999...


Arthur looked at the bullet screens and comments that kept flying in the live broadcast room, while recording possible useful information on it.

M78 Nebula? Where is that?

Monster planet? Heh! It's really possible, maybe the first monster that appeared in our country is from the monster planet?

99? Did something big happen at that time?


Time passed minute by minute while waiting anxiously.

The viewers who got up early or stayed up late to stare at the live broadcast room could only watch the empty scene and yawn constantly.

Just when someone couldn't take it anymore and was drowsy, the alarm clock sounded at nine o'clock.

Many people woke up with a start.

When I looked up, I saw Chen Shen and other academicians and scholars strolling into the formal venue.

Under the flashing lights, everyone was seated, and the press conference officially started.

Chen Shen sat in the middle, looked at the lens and camera below, and just nodded calmly. On the contrary, some scholars who seldom accept interviews were a little cautious.

After a simple admission, the host began to announce the theme of the press conference.

Since the official launch of my country's 'Space Spirit Canal' project, many remarkable achievements have been harvested in a short period of time.

From the first artificial wormhole to the release of the first batch of detectors, from the successful signal return to the second successful experiment, we have gone through a short but arduous road...

Although the reporters below wanted to enter the questioning session immediately, they couldn't help feeling excited when they heard the host's concise and turbulent description.

Even the audience across the screen was extremely excited at this time, watching the experimental scene played back on the big screen at the press conference.

In an ordinary laboratory, the success of the first instant communication...

In the space launch site, Tibetan antelopes carried the experimental towers and flew to the blue sky, and to the more distant deep space...

On the lonely moon, the astronauts manipulated the mechanical equipment, little by little, like building blocks, and built six towering towers...

Still on the moon, the first experiment was carried out, the shining light swept across half the moon, and the gorgeous door was opened to humans for the first time...

In the second experiment, in the control hall, all the staff saw the moment when the data was sent back successfully...

Scene after scene is touching.

Looking at these classic scenes, whether it is the audience or the reporter, at this time, they all feel a sense of grandeur that is comparable to heaven and earth hidden in their hearts, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Only some people who firmly believe that the wormhole experiment is a scam can watch the press conference with cold eyes at this moment.

It's all fake! It's all fake!

These are just CG pictures!

On the other side, it's already night.

The commander-in-chief was still on duty in his office.

He watched the live broadcast on TV in front of him and listened to the English host's serious and affectionate recitation, and he felt like he was going crazy.

It is impossible for man-made wormholes to exist in this world!

Not only him, but the secretary was also watching the live broadcast, but his words seemed calmer.

The commander-in-chief muted the TV and panted heavily, pressed his chest, and slowed down for a while.

How's our plan going? The one in Hawaii.

The Grand Commander asked.

He stayed in the office late at night, not to watch the live broadcast of the press conference, it was just incidental.

The main reason is because of the monster outside the Hawaiian Islands.

The secretary restrained his mind and concentrated his attention and said: According to the last secret detection, the monster is now very close to Hawaii, and it may land at any time, and it is very close to the place where the monster landed last time, and it is likely to land at the same or similar location. Landing at the site, everything is going well.”

what about others?

We have now taken back the command of the chief officer of the Hawaii military base, and he will not have the authority to move the army at that time.

In this way, there will not be too many military casualties, and we will not need to pay an additional pension.

The commander nodded in satisfaction, How about our deployment?

The secretary thought for a while, Our deployment is divided into two parts: domestic and overseas.

The latest monster control system has been shipped to Hawaii, and it will take at least 30 hours to arrive.

Is this the modified tanks and armored vehicles I mentioned earlier? the commander asked.

The secretary nodded: Yes.

In addition, the weapons we developed for monsters have now produced the first batch of products, which are being installed and shipped to bases in East Asia.

With that said, the secretary walked out of the office, went to his desk, found the latest document, and handed it back to the commander.

The commander looked at it for a while and was very satisfied.

After the monster is sent to the East Asia base, we will secretly transfer it to the merchant ship and send it to the opposite side. If there is a chance, we will use this weapon to kill the monster on the opposite land!

With that said, the Commander closed the document and slapped it heavily on the table.


The secretary stood at attention and saluted, and took the document back into his hand.

Only then did the commander turn on the sound of the TV again, squinted his eyes, and looked at Chen Shen on the TV, as if he saw the not-too-distant future.

Oh! Mecha?


Next, let's invite Chen Shen, the general director and chief designer of the Space Lingqu project, to give a report to everyone.

A word from the host brought the scene to the point.

Hearing that Chen Shen was going to speak, the reporters at the scene put down their belongings, and there was dense applause.

The audience in front of the screen became more and more excited.

It's finally time to speak!

Then it's time to uncover the mystery!

It was the weekend, and Zhou Dafu, who was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, was in the dormitory with his desktop computer turned on. Several roommates were lying on the bed, facing the live broadcast screen.

Fu'er, help me post a barrage—

Send me a sentence too!

The roommates spoke in unison, and Zhou Dafu slapped his hands like a fly:

Go away, dad, I want to concentrate on listening to the great god, and send you all to come down and type on the keyboard!

What a rebellious son, he didn't even listen to what his father said!


Chow Tai Fook is not willing to post barrage, but there are still a lot of people posting.

Hearing that Chen Shen was about to speak, the bullet screen in the webcast was as thick as a wall of text for a while, and no faces could be seen, so Chow Tai Fook had to turn off the bullet screen display.


It's a pleasure to meet you all again, and at such an important moment.

After the host handed over the microphone, Chen Shen made a brief opening remark, and soon got to the point.

If it's superfluous, I don't need to say more at this important moment. I'll just give you a simple analysis of the paper published on the Zhixing platform last night.

Following Chen Shenshen's voice, the large screen that was still playing various experimental screen clips just now switched, and a data chart was displayed.

This data chart is a collection of all the data we released yesterday. It is absolutely real alien planet data, and it is also the first batch of probes we launched through the wormhole, and the first-hand data sent back.

One of the most obvious messages from this data is that there is a lot of water in the place where the probe is located, which belongs to the deep sea with great pressure, and almost no life exists.

We even released a deep-water video taken by the probe before. That is the real situation of the alien ocean. The water is very clear and the composition is very pure. For the time being, we have not found any signs of life in the ocean.

The life on an alien planet is not necessarily a high-level intelligent life like human beings, and it does not even need ants or fish to exist on it. As long as bacteria are found on it, it can be determined that it is a planet with life.

Furthermore, it can be determined that human beings are not the only life in this universe.

It's just judging from the water composition data returned by the detector now.

The possibility of a large number of marine life existing in the deep ocean of Europa is relatively small, at least life like fish is basically impossible to exist in the subsurface ocean.

On Europa, the only possible life forms are microorganisms like the earth's seabed relying on the heat of submarine volcanoes.

On Europa, there may also be such microorganisms in some places.

It's just that this is not what the instruments on these detectors can measure now.

Just by the composition of the water body, it is possible to determine what kind of bacteria are present in this ocean.

This kind of technology is not impossible for human beings today, but the population of those creatures must be very large, and the resources and emissions they consume are obvious in the water body.

The content of what Chen Shen said was not profound, and they were all explained in a simple and clear direction.

After all, this is not an academic conference, but a press conference for the general public, so it is natural to talk about something that everyone can understand.

Under such deliberate care, most people can listen with gusto.

Scholars are also busy carefully analyzing every hidden possibility in Chen Shen's words, while looking forward to the soon-to-be-revealed answer.

In the opposite space agency, Gray also gathered with a group of aerospace experts, enjoying the live broadcast of the press conference.

An expert looked at the data Chen Shen narrated on TV, and suddenly asked Gray:

Mr. Gray, which planet do you think these data might belong to?

Gray shrugged, I don't want to make unnecessary guesses.

What do you mean? The expert was a little puzzled.

Gray explained: It's very simple. With our current capabilities, no matter which planet Chen said his data came from, we can't come up with real evidence to overthrow them.

The state we are in now is very chaotic. It is difficult for us to prove anything, and it is actually difficult for them to prove anything...

Under Gray's explanation, the expert immediately reacted.

In other words, even if they say that the data comes from the moon, it is difficult for us to refute?

Gray smiled, No, if it really came from the moon, then we'd be happy because we can really go to the moon.

Don't look at how many satellites they sent out of the earth in the past, there is even a Voyager 1 that flew out of the heliosphere of the solar system, that is, the center of the solar system.

But with so many detectors, in most cases, they can only take a few photos of the passing planets, and detect the main components inside from a distance.

So if the country randomly points to a planet other than the moon, it is said that the probe is already in the underground ocean under the planet.

Then they really can't come up with any strong evidence.

Of course, the country can't produce any strong evidence to prove that its probe is really on an alien planet.

So Gray didn't intend to take this matter to heart from the very beginning.

Whether the wormhole is real or not, it doesn't matter much to him.

Unless they also created an artificial wormhole in their country.

Other scholars and experts were far more focused than Gray, who was already lying flat.

Chen Shen, who had been staring at the TV all the time, kept his ears on Bai Ze's real-time translation.

The above is the analysis of the data returned by our first batch of detectors. Next, we will disclose the data returned by the second batch of detectors, and upload the corresponding papers to the Internet simultaneously. Those who are interested can download them by themselves.

At the press conference, Chen Shen had already said everything he could.

The data of the second batch of detectors began to appear on the big screen.

Everyone looked up and found that it was some unknown data.

Preliminary Analysis of Planetary Gravity Field Distribution...

A simulation of subsurface ocean currents...

Planetary rotation speed, planetary revolution period...

All are astronomical data on the planetary scale.


For a time, everyone was commotion.

With these data, can we know which planet it is?

Quickly look it up and see which planet fits these characteristics?

Many reporters and viewers took out their mobile phones and wanted to check the data on them, but many of them fell into a sluggish state after taking out their phones.

Because it suddenly occurred to them—

Is this data accessible to search engines?

Even Bai Ze couldn't be this powerful, right?

These data should only be found in academic papers, right?

However, when these people were in a daze, the first group of people who opened Bai Ze to explore had already got the answer.

It's Europa!

It should be Europa, the revolution period matches, and the rotation also matches!

Chen Shen saw the small commotion in the audience clearly, and smiled slightly:

I saw that many people took out their mobile phones to search, and I heard the correct answer from your words...

The scene was silent, everyone sat obediently in their chairs, looked up at Chen Shen speaking on the stage, and waited for him to reveal the final mystery. Even the audience in front of the screen couldn't help poking their heads towards the TV. He held his breath and waited, as if this would allow God Chen to reveal the answer quickly.

Chen Shen looked very calm on TV with a faint smile. He picked up a piece of paper, quickly wrote a few words on it, and showed it to the camera in front of him:

That's right, it's Europa that everyone was talking about just now.

After the research and discussion of our expert group, we agreed that the artificial wormhole we opened for the first time and the second time will end in the underground ocean of Europa.

This not only proves that we have mastered the artificial wormhole technology, but also proves that there is indeed a vast ocean under Europa as we expected!

In addition, in the next step, we will launch a Europa exploration plan, sending a series of probes to Europa, melting its surface ice, exploring the subsurface ocean, and meeting with wormhole probes at the same time. possibility……


Just when Chen Shen announced the final result, there seemed to be a gust of wind at the scene, and everyone stood up at the same time. The applause was warm and enthusiastic, echoing non-stop at the press conference.

At the same time, the audience in front of the screen seemed to feel a kind of magical power, and stood up involuntarily, walking back and forth in front of their computers or TVs.

Some people were even more excited like a lively little monkey, unable to sit down for a long time, feeling that the curtain of an era was slowly opening towards them.

The inner part is agitated, as if the ocean is in a tsunami, and it can't calm down at all, and it seems that there is nothing to do.

I had to keep walking in front of the screen...

Others are old programmers who have been incarnate for many years. They blurt out the beautiful C language non-stop, and they can't stop it. It seems that this is the only way to vent their anger.

On the bullet screens of various networks, Awesome and YYDS were swiped all over the screen, and they couldn't control it at all.

At such a moment of national jubilation, only foreigners can control their emotions.

Gray watched the TV and gestured to the colleague next to him.

Look, they're not going to tell us they've found a subsurface ocean under the Moon.

Other experts also shook their heads, It is true that there is a subterranean ocean under Europa, but we don't have too many detections of it, let alone the data inside it.

There is no way to falsify this!

Gray spread his hands, So we can only watch them perform now...

Before he could finish speaking, Gray's cell phone rang suddenly.

Gray picked it up, glanced at the incoming call, his face suddenly became serious, and walked to another room by himself before answering the call.

Sir, what's the matter?

The person on the other end of the phone is the Grand Commander.

Let me ask you, how far is Europa from us?

Abaa... Gray blinked in confusion, already having a bad premonition in his heart.

How far is Europa from us? Over there, the Grand Commander emphasized again.

Gray quickly said: I need to look it up, this problem can be easily found on the search engine, Bai Ze... No, Gu Ge has this information.

The commander was a little surprised: You don't know?

The corner of Gray's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to reply for a while.

How could he know!

Who would remember those meaningless distances? There are so many alien planets, so why should he write down the distance between each star and the earth?

Swallowing several times, Gray finally said only one sentence: We currently have no plans to detect Europa, so I am not familiar with its information.

Forget it, it's not important. The commander remembered that he didn't come here to check his homework. Let me ask you, is it possible for us to launch a probe to Europa?

Gray finally knew what was going on with his previous ominous premonition.

I... send a probe to Europa. In theory, we can do it.

Can it be done with the current rocket?

Yes, Gray nodded. We don't need a new type of rocket. As long as we design the probe, we can choose a suitable launch window to launch the probe to Europa.

Europa is not unknown in the list of alien planet exploration, at least Europe has plans to send probes to it.

Even Europe can send probes up there, and of course they can.

Then what if we want to explore the subterranean ocean above Europa? The commander didn't stop, and asked a more deadly question.

Gray was trembling when asked.

Then we may have to prepare a nuclear reactor. The ice layer on it is hundreds of kilometers thick, and how to maintain communication is also a big problem. Instantaneous communication technology does not exist...

On this question, Gray chose the same answer as Chen Shen.

Use a nuclear reactor to melt the thick ice on Europa.

It's just that they lack instant communication technology, and they still have to solve the problem of how to maintain communication.

At most, the nuclear reactor will melt the surrounding ice layer. When it falls deeper, the ice layer that has been melted on the surface will still freeze again.

Also, we can look for cracks in the ice, where the ice can be thinner.

Gray is also worthy of his identity as the head of the space agency. Although he is not familiar with the situation on Europa, he quickly gave a preliminary feasible plan.

It's just that it's feasible.

Whether it is feasible or not depends on reality.

After hearing Gray's description, the Grand Commander realized that it was such a troublesome thing to explore Europa.

Forget it.

Thank goodness!

Praise Buddha!

Gray breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Grand Commander had given up his plan to explore Europa.

Unexpectedly, the commander suddenly shot back, and said: Exploring the underground ocean is too troublesome and expensive. We just need to put a detector on Europa and get some of the data on it.

At that time, we can use these data to refute the water composition data published on the other side.

Gray was a little embarrassed, and had to interrupt the Grand Commander, We are launching ground detectors, and at most we can only obtain the composition data of the ice layer on the surface of Europa...

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

I know, but we only need to get data on the surface of the ice. Have you heard of the butterfly effect?

As long as we know the data on the surface of the ice layer, we can infer the data under the ice layer.

Gray: ...

Okay, so when do we start this project? What's the budget?

Grand Commander: ...

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation on the phone, and the commander-in-chief took advantage of the situation to leave:

I have urgent matters now, and I will make other arrangements later on in this project.

Gray didn't notice anything, hung up the phone ignorantly, went back to the room and began to sigh with other colleagues.


The press conference site has now come to an end. All scholars have given speeches and expressed their views and prospects for the future.

The atmosphere at the scene was very exciting, and many reporters, whether they were domestic or foreign, were very positive and even extremely excited.

Entering the final questioning session, all the reporters rushed to raise their hands. Except for the official arrangement, all the free questions were aimed at Chen Shen.

From the wormhole project to the new exploration of Europa, all questions are answered.

Suddenly, a reporter who was named asked a new question: Is Mr. Chen planning to start a new project recently? After all, according to your previous habits, you may already be preparing for a new project, right?

Chen Shen held the microphone in his hand and didn't let it go. The new project does have some ideas, but the specific project is still uncertain. Maybe my future projects will pay more attention to the development of human destiny...

Just about to continue fooling around with Chunqiu's brushwork, Chen Shen suddenly noticed that the reporters below suddenly started looking at their phones.

From time to time, someone will notify the people around them, and then the people around them will also join in the process of looking at their mobile phones.

This phenomenon spread from ten to ten, and in less than half a minute, most of the reporters were already looking down at their phones.

Shen Shen's eyelids twitched.

Something big must have happened.

Just as he finished speaking, the host ordered a new reporter.

The reporter stood up and asked eagerly:

Mr. Chen, please allow me to ask a question that has nothing to do with today's topic. According to the latest news, a new small monster has appeared in Hawaii, and it is now close to the refugee camp. May I ask if we will arrange a rocket launch to the Hawaiian Islands this time? Is the mech going to the rescue?

There was an uproar at the scene, second only to Chen Shen announcing that the probe was on Europa.

The viewers who were watching the live broadcast also learned that Hawaii was attacked by a new monster, so they immediately turned on their mobile phones to search.

as expected.

Even if it's across the world, as long as there is a network, any information can come in.

Big news like the reappearance of the monster in Hawaii travels ridiculously fast.

In less than ten minutes since the discovery of the monster in Hawaii, the pictures of the scene have been transmitted to China along the ocean optical cable.

In the pitch-black environment, a huge silhouette can be vaguely seen, emitting a faint blue light in the darkness.

That's the fluorescence on the monster's skin.

From the photos alone, one can feel the tense atmosphere of being stolen by a killer at night.

Various news websites regard this incident as the headline second only to the press conference, and broadcast it to the people of the whole country.

When Chen Shen heard the reporters talking about this matter, his heart skipped a beat, knowing that his premonition might be verified.

Not a rumor?


The reporters below all shook their heads together.

It appears to be true.

Chen Shen's mood quickly turned from sunny to cloudy.

I don't know enough about the specific situation now, but we will definitely do our best to help.

That's all for today's press conference.

After speaking, Chen Shen signaled the host to end the speech, and he left with other scholars.

After walking to the backstage and apologizing, Chen Shen left the team and quickly walked towards the office area of ​​the Monster Prevention and Control Bureau.

What's going on, I heard that Hawaii has gone to monsters again?

As soon as he entered, Chen Shen went straight to Chief Qin's office.

He was staring at the computer intently inside, and even if Chen Shen came, he didn't look away.

We don't know the situation now. We only know that the monster appeared suddenly, and Hawaii didn't have any defenses at all.

Chen Shen's heart sank, Didn't you ask the other party to find out the situation?

Director Qin shook his head blankly, It's not that we didn't ask them. We already asked the prevention and control bureau opposite, but they didn't know where the monsters in Hawaii came from.

They replied to us that their offshore monitoring has always been normal, it may be broken, or it may be that the monster escaped detection in some way.

Can monsters escape detection? Chen was so angry that he almost burst out laughing, Did they think the monsters were nuclear submarines? Such a big target, as long as the sonar is not damaged, they can be easily found!

Crab beasts definitely don't have any hidden talents, let alone avoid sonar detection.

Chen Shen can guarantee this.

The problem now must be on the opposite side.

Chen Shen walked around the office twice, and suddenly asked, Has the monster really touched the outside of the refugee camp now?

In the entire Hawaiian Islands, people on all the islands add up, and at least more than 45% of the population has gathered in the refugee camps.

If the monster is really allowed to touch the outside of the refugee camp, the consequences can be imagined.

Director Qin nodded, Judging from the reply sent to us, it is indeed so.

Chen Shen clapped his hands, That's the end!

I knew it before I came here. The deployment of the rocket will take at least five days. By the time the mecha arrives, the day lily will be cold.

During the last Hawaiian crisis, there happened to be ready-made rockets that could be modified temporarily.

Hawaii wasn't so lucky this time around.

Then is there anything we can do now? Director Qin asked.

Chen Shen sighed, There's nothing we can do, let's see if we have any citizens in Hawaii. If there are any, please communicate with the other party and arrange for the evacuation. OK.

After Chen Shen said so, Director Qin slumped on the chair and covered his face in a low voice.

A lot of lives again.

Chen Shen also shook his head with a sigh.

He had an intuition that something was wrong with this matter.

The possibility of damage to the offshore monitoring system is not impossible, but very low.

After all, there is more than one sonar in a sea area, but several sonars at the same time, and there are other detection methods.

How likely is it that such an entire system will suddenly fail together?

However, there is no need to destroy the monitoring system on the other side. The landing of monsters in Hawaii is not beneficial to them...

Could it be that other countries secretly sabotaged Hawaii's offshore monitoring system?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Shen felt that the story inside was not something he should know.

at the same time.

Hawaii, refugee camp.

The scene has completely turned into a hell on earth.

Before the arrival of the monster, there was a rare grand dance that lasted for several days in the refugee camp.

In the open space next to the refugee camp, the music was blaring, there were various spotlights, and there was unlimited supply of drinks, food, and even family planning supplies.

The scene is like an open-air bar, very lively.

This is rare and precious for many refugees, so many people indulge in it, intending to forget the suffering and panic not long ago here.

However, no one could have imagined that such a lively scene would attract a slaughtering demon...


The monster's big foot stepped down, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

The lights of the dance party were not extinguished, and in the beams of light that shot around, blood and flesh were spread out together, turning into a thin sheet of paper.

The music at the dance didn't stop either, the person who controlled the sound had already fled immediately, and the rest of the people didn't care about the sound anymore.

Well, it’s really heartless in the physical sense.



God, bless me...


Another kick, and the scene became a little quieter.

But soon the commotion resumed, and people fled in all directions. It was originally an open space, so it should be easy to escape.

However, in order to hold the dance party, a temporary event fence has been erected around it, and there are also many billboards, dividing the original open space into several sections.

So if you want to leave the venue, you must either climb over the guardrail, or follow the original planned road around.

But at this critical moment, neither is the best choice.

The facilities originally used to divide the flow of people have become the biggest obstacle for people to escape.

People scattered like a tide, and then they were blocked by the fence. The people behind didn't know what was going on in the panic, they only knew to push the people in front in panic.

Again and again.

The monster took one step at a time.

Finally, the fence was knocked down.

The people who escaped from the dead had no time to take other actions, screaming, stomping, and rushing into places that could not be illuminated by the lights in the distance.


The sound of breaking the air sounded.

The monster casually picked up the huge billboard around it and threw it with precision. Steel rods and boards immediately turned into the most terrifying life-threatening weapons. It passed through the crowd at high speed and made a large group of people shorter...


The person who hadn't completely died for a while, against the countless feet that had been stepped on his body, blood gushed out of his mouth frantically, and made a final cry for help with all his strength.

However, no one responded, one foot after another stepped on the stump, and the sound gradually died out...

The police who maintained order at the scene had received an emergency order half an hour ago and returned to the station to hold an impromptu meeting.

No one was even carrying a gun. In the eyes of the monster, everyone was just moving food...

Despair is spreading!

The debts in recent days have been cleared, la la la la~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la

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