Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 85 Big harvest, all staff promoted

The death of the Centaur commander undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the troops, and chaos and even collapse also arose from this.

But it was too late to collapse at this time. Because the iron bars of the city gate could not be lowered for a long time, and there was no order to retreat, the 500 Centaur advance troops were finally blocked in the town by 500 human auxiliary soldiers.

If it was under normal circumstances, under the command of a competent commander, the Centaur advance troops would rush to kill 500 human auxiliary soldiers, just like a hot knife cutting butter, without any delay.

There was a huge gap in the size and weight of both sides. At least in terms of combat power, the racial value of most ordinary humans was far inferior to that of most Centaurs.

However, these 500 human auxiliary soldiers who sealed the city almost did not experience any battle, because the Centaur troops were slaughtered and scattered by the elite humans in the city. The Rhodok crossbowmen always attacked from a distance and did not engage in close combat. The elite troops of Redwood Town, who occupied the advantage of terrain, were not afraid of the Centaurs who could not play the advantage of numbers.

Although the centaurs have a physical advantage, they are not very likely to wear armor and shields. They are surrounded and shot by Rhodok crossbowmen on all sides, and they can't even hold up better than human troops.

As for those who launched a suicidal charge in a desperate situation, it is of little significance in front of the high-level human soldiers of level 4 or even level 5.

After the senior charr spearmen (level 4) held off these centaurs with little armor in the front, the senior charr longswordmen (level 5) drew their sabers from their waists, stuck the scabbards with the handles, forming an alternative longsword, and then rushed out of the formation, chopping heads and horses' legs. In the case of similar strength and agility martial arts, the smaller and more flexible the body is, the more advantages it has.

What's more, the strength and agility martial arts of these senior charr spearmen and senior charr longswordmen are even far higher than those of these centaurs, plus the big change of clothes after occupying the mountain city, so wherever you look, it is simply a one-sided massacre.

This is also the effect Rhode wants. Although it is more difficult to upgrade the soldiers in the later stages and more killing is required, the blood sacrifice of 500 centaurs is enough to bring about some changes.

At least, Rhode can be sure that his 82 second-level Rhodok crossbowmen will be able to upgrade to third-level soldiers after the battle. How can this be possible without a tragic battle?

Purely defending the city? If the battle is not introduced into the stage of street fighting, how long will it take to defend the city to kill 500 centaurs? How long will it take to defend the city to allow nearly 100 Rhodok crossbowmen to be promoted to the level of skilled Rhodok crossbowmen.

"The battlefield is the best training camp. As long as the new recruits do not die after going to the battlefield, they will soon become veterans."

On the high tower, Rhode put down the heavy crossbow in his hand.

Tonight, while overlooking the battle, he was also shooting continuously. After all, there were 500 centaurs, and he would reduce the pressure as much as possible.

Rhodes even calculated how many centaurs his Redwood Town guards could kill if the plan failed (the crossbowmen were attacked close to them and slaughtered), and whether they could hold out until the auxiliary troops came back to help.

Fortunately, this most tragic situation for the human side did not occur.

The killing lasted for half a day, and a small number of centaurs who had lost their commander and collapsed in morale were running around in the town, hoping to find some civilians to kill or take as hostages.

In fact, if this centaur army gathered quickly enough, it could put great pressure on the 150-man army in Rhodes City.

Unfortunately, their commander Deka Murila underestimated the enemy at the beginning, dispersed the troops too much, and did not react promptly and decisively when they encountered attacks, so that the side with more people was constantly outnumbered by the side with fewer people, and constantly formed a local combat power advantage.

"Master, it turns out that military tactics are such a powerful ability. You actually only mobilized about 150 soldiers, but in this battle, you wiped out the 500-man advance force of the Centaur Alliance with almost no losses."

"Master, I also want to learn military tactics well, and I will definitely be able to fight such a wonderful battle in the future!"

After witnessing the bloody killings for a whole night, ordinary noble ladies would probably have fainted long ago, but at this moment, Kress's eyes were bright and he was very excited.

"You are really born for the battlefield, but this can be regarded as conforming to the trend of this era, Kress, let me see how far you can go." Looking at Kress, Rhodes touched the little girl's head, then turned and walked down the tower.

There are still many things to do next. Although the advance force was wiped out almost without loss, the main force of the Centaur Alliance is not far from here, and facing such an opponent, most of the time, you can only choose to fight head-on.

According to Rhode's estimation, even if the Centaur Alliance was hit hard by the Harpy Witch Magna, it still had at least a force of more than 4,000 people.

"The elves and orcs are secretly connected, and the Centaurs are close to the elves. In addition to the number of Centaurs, I have reason to suspect that the Centaur tribe in the Wild Plains has received support from the Hoffman Empire or the Sims Royal Court. Otherwise, without sufficient food supply, the population would not have expanded so much, and they could have exported benefits to attract a large number of foreign coalition forces."

"Centaurs are originally orcs. The Centaur tribe in the wilderness has a heritage of extraordinary knowledge. They have mutual needs with the two orc kingdoms, and it is not uncommon to trade secretly. But for me, my power in the human empire is too weak. After establishing a solid foundation here, it seems that I also need to go to the power center of the human empire, open up some joints, and discuss the issue of population migration."

Although the strength of Rhodes has grown several times or dozens of times from the scale of a few hundred people in Redwood Town to the current population of 10,000 in the entire town, it is still not enough. This level of power is still too dangerous for this town in the land of four wars.

For a long time, Rhodes has used the elite soldiers and the ingenuity of ancient Chinese military tactics to kill the most opponents at a relatively minimum cost, but the highest level of ancient Chinese military tactics is to defeat the enemy without fighting.

When will the Mountain Fortress be able to deter all the hidden opponents from taking action with only its own military power? That will be relatively safe and reach the highest level of strategy and tactics.

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