"Master, sister Janice is so pitiful!" Kress is always cold and bloodthirsty, and it is rare for her to say such words at this moment.

"Then let her be happier in the future, and don't let her suffer anymore." Rhode patted the little head of Kress beside him, teaching her to look at things with a forward-looking perspective.

The children in the underground mines and caves should have rarely seen outsiders except Janice, so after discovering Rhode and Kress, they shrank behind their mother in fear, and a few brave ones opened their arms to block their mother to protect her.

In this way, it is no wonder that Janice had to confess the truth to Rhode. If these little guys continue to hide like this, they may be completely out of touch with human society.

Rhode doesn't like children very much. Even if these are his subjects, it should be the work of the children's welfare home to take care of them. His responsibility is to establish the children's welfare home and ensure the relevant administrative system for its operation.

"Janice, let's go. Don't forget our real purpose tonight."

"Be good, be good, mom, mom will come to see you tomorrow. It won't be long before we can be together every day."

"Mom, mom! Wow..."

Rhode and Cress walked out of the cave, and then the sound of a child's sobbing came from inside.

Even in the underground mineral vein area where human slaves are very active, there are still many dangers for human cubs.

Therefore, these children have learned since childhood to try not to make loud noises to avoid danger.

After Janice came out, she secretly wiped the corners of her eyes.

Every time she came to see these children, she would think of her daughter who died just after she was born.

However, she had experienced too many tragic things in the first half of her life, so Janice quickly adjusted her mood and continued to lead the way for Rhode and Cress.

The underground mineral vein area under the mountain fortress is extremely deep and huge, and there are even some alien beasts living in it. Janice said that every time she went to see the wizard, she almost had to risk the death of one or two people, but Rhode and the other two were lucky this time. They went all the way but did not really encounter any danger.

Or maybe the beasts sensed danger and chose to avoid the three of them.

Finally, when they arrived at their destination, they saw a stone house with plants tangled in the ground, and light shone out from the stone house.

But it was not the glow of burning flames, but a faint green color.

"Janice, you broke your oath. In the future, you will be devoured by countless rats and poisonous snakes!"

"Master Wizard, the world above has changed. The terrible harpy witch is dead. She was killed by the lord next to me." As she spoke, Janice pointed to Rodhart with her hand.

"Then what do you mean by bringing him here? Do you want him to kill me too?"


Just when Janice was speechless, Rhode continued to speak:

"Janice is now my subordinate, and I have the final say on her future. And you are also a human, right, Master Wizard? The outside world is now controlled by humans, and you can go up and see the sun again."

As he spoke, Rhode wanted to go inside.

Just as he walked, the entrance of the stone house suddenly flew with sand and rocks, and then five skeleton warriors with knives appeared. They had strong bones and bright soul fire in their eye sockets, which were obviously stronger than the skeleton warriors Rhode had encountered before.

Even the most basic undead spell, such as the skeleton warrior, has completely different power when cast by different casters, and some can be extremely strong.

"What's the point of going outside? I'm having a great time studying magic here. Why should I go up there?"

"Master wizard, can I go in?"

Rhode looked at the skeleton warriors at the door of the stone house and did not choose to force his way in, although he could force his way in.

"...Only you are allowed to come in." After a moment of silence, the old voice in the room said so.

And Rhode, after extending his hand to signal Janice and Cress to be safe, walked in alone.

In the center of the stone house, there was an old woman in a black robe who looked about fifty years old, stirring and boiling a large pot of dark green leaves.

In this room, there were some simple daily necessities, and the largest piece of furniture was a rough wooden bookshelf.

"Tsk tsk, what on earth flew into my house? I saw a large group of crows crying for their death. There must be many widows and young children who remember your name."


When the undead witch Caitlin was observing Rhode, Rhode was also observing her.

Caitlyn, a famous general-level hero, is ranked relatively low among the famous generals, even far inferior to Kress, not to mention compared with Fatis.

However, potential is potential, and combat power is combat power. Caitlyn, a famous general-level hero, is almost the hero with the highest personal level when she is obtained in Wind of War.

Although this also indirectly shows that she has no potential, she can still bring many advantages in the early and mid-term.

However, in all the version updates that Rhodes has played, there is no version where I heard that she changed her profession to the Necromancer. In the current reality, Caitlin has not only changed her profession, but her strength has also reached a high level. level.

"But that's it. With her attribute restraint, I may not be afraid of her in a one-on-one fight, not to mention that the two sides have already closed this distance." Rhodes practiced the Holy Light Qi Heart Technique, and his practice was extremely special.

He is not like Fatis, who has only cultivated enough to carve the word "justice" on his forehead. Rhodes' understanding of the Holy Light Qi mind method is dual dialectical, so his control of the Holy Light Qi is The ability is extremely strong. When it is not activated, even Caitlin, who is already strong in spiritual cultivation, cannot feel the feeling of rejection. She even feels that Rhodes is also a person in the darkness.

If the person who came to visit this time was Fatis instead of Rhodes, Fatis and Caitlin might have started fighting even if they couldn't see each other.

"Ms. Caitlin, since you still need the help of Janice and others, it means that your dark magic research also needs resource support. Although I am not rich, I am still willing to interact with a spell caster. Okay. Even if you don’t care about the world, I don’t think you want to be neighbors with a group of aliens, right?”

Under the offensive of Rhodes' words, Caitlin neither expressed agreement nor objection. She lowered her head and boiled her own herbs, seemingly thinking about it.

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