Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 73 Governance II

After Rhodes occupied the mountain fortress and gained the authority to rule.

The complicated and numerous affairs were thrown at me directly. Power is like this, as sweet as honey but with hidden murderous intent.

If you want to master it well, it will bring you as much happiness as it does pain. But if you don't master it well, you will easily lose it, along with the life you originally had.

Because the witch's secret vault has not been found, the mountain fortress is now in a serious financial crisis.

Although the grain storage and weapons depot were found, due to the nearly two months of siege, the weapons depot was okay, and there was not much grain left in the grain storage.

Fatis and Moken made a rough calculation. If the supply was released to all free people, the remaining grain reserves would be enough for a week, and then everyone would starve to death.

As for the food carts and weapons carts that Rhodes originally owned, it was completely meaningless to compare them after the number of civilians in the area reached thousands.

There was originally enough food to feed the entire army for a week, but now there is not enough food for the entire people.

"Then don't provide normal food to all free people. It's still vegetable porridge and mouse meat. After the mouse meat is stewed, add an extra piece of bacon jerky to let everyone realize that life is getting better, but don't make it too bad all of a sudden. Okay, everyone, we can’t afford it now.”

There is a rat nest in the mountain fortress. Magna, the harpy witch, cast dark magic. A large number of rats gathered, and then they were captured and cooked. It served as one of the food sources for human slaves. Without these meat supplements, human slave miners would be unable to High-intensity work.

But now that the Harpy Witch is dead, the dark magic that gathers rats will gradually lose its effectiveness over time. However, Rhodes does not intend to let his people eat rats for a lifetime. It is just a stop-gap measure for the time being. As a supplement.

In addition, Rhodes also asked his men to take out all the salt reserves in the warehouse and make all the corpses of dead creatures in the "Blood Burning Day", except humans, into dried meat, which can also supplement some of the food. shortage.

In the stone house, Rhodes, Fatis, Raymond, Mad, Su Xiu, Valian, Guido, and the original mountain fortress stewards headed by Moken were having a meeting. Kress took the meeting minutes, Shashade was taking notes on the side.

Her academic performance was not good to begin with, and it became even worse when she was in a hurry at this moment. However, Rhodes would reorganize it himself afterwards, which was originally used to train her.

"Lord, since there is insufficient food now, why don't you put the plan to form a new army on hold? After all, the training of a new army requires a lot of food, and dried meat is our main currency now." Janice frowned slightly and asked. road.

"This kind of question is simply stupid. When we form a new army, the food problem is our temporary problem. If we don't form a new army, the food problem is our eternal problem. This is a wilderness. Without a strong force, who will I gave you precious food, but can you keep it?"

As a person close to Rhodes, although he did not understand it, Raymond still knew a lot of things through his ears and eyes, such as the counterattack of the Harpy survivors, and the threat of the Centaur Alliance that had already retreated.

At this moment, the conference room is divided into two factions, the old and the new. One side is the meritorious old man brought by Rhodes from Redwood Town, and the other side is the newcomer headed by Mo Ken, who was originally the leader of the human slaves in the Mountain Castle. .

Looking at it now, the old man's ability and quality in all aspects crush the newcomers. Except for Moken and his uncle Radhe, the quality of both Qiaolin and Janis is too poor in all aspects. Knowledge or force.

"The selection and formation of the new army must not be stopped. This is the most important thing. Janice, Fatis will help you do this. You must study hard. It will be very beneficial for you to form an army of female swordsmen. ”

Rhodes noticed that Raymond subconsciously glanced at Janice whenever he had something to do, and tried his best to show off his abilities. He vaguely noticed something.

However, Rhodes still left the matter of forming the new army to Fatis. On the one hand, this matter was too important. On the other hand, Janice was nicknamed "Crazy Woman". It is said that she ate several of her children. , likes to eat babies, although she is beautiful in appearance, if she dares to do it again, Rhodes plans to kill her directly to establish his authority.

"Raymond, this guy, starts to think about things after he settles down a little. Moreover, he really doesn't pick and choose, as long as he looks good. Let him explore the outside of the supervisor, and it can also distract him some energy."

As a lord, he had to manage all the affairs above and below the territory. After taking over the mountain fortress, Rhodes hardly had much rest for two days and two nights. He kept spinning. Fortunately, he is now strong and has fighting spirit to support him. Supplement, otherwise it will really be unbearable.

It wasn't until after the meeting that everyone dispersed that Rhodes got a night's rest. He walked to Kress and saw the little girl hiding the parchment behind her, so he couldn't help laughing: "Hide it." What’s the matter? I taught you half of the words you know. I don’t know how well you can write them?”

"But you guys talk so fast, can't I keep up?" The little girl handed over the parchment with grievance, looking like she was about to shed tears.

Rhodes quickly reassured her not to dampen the little girl's enthusiasm.

"The minutes of the meeting should be recorded in detail, not every word of everyone. If you do that, you will definitely not be able to keep up. In the future, after completing the minutes of the meeting, all the officials who participated should sign it as a power and responsibility contract. If they attend the meeting but fail to complete the work I arranged, they will be held accountable in the future. If they want to kill them, they must have a reason!"

"Just like the two decrees I publicly announced: the first is to pay for a life, and the second is to pay a debt. In addition to my power of exemption and forgiveness, we must try to kill people with reason in the future, and form rules that the people in the territory also recognize."

"Yeah." The little girl Kress nodded as if she understood.

"Master, now that you have become the mayor of this place, will our lives get better and better in the future? Then, should I take Grandpa over now?"

"Our lives will definitely get better and better in the future, but don't take Elder Eng over first, at least not for the time being." Rhode didn't say why, but the little girl nodded sensibly. In fact, basically no matter what Rhode said, she would nod.

For Cress, giving his life to the master is a very happy thing.

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