Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 64: Seizing the City (Additional chapter for the reward from the wealthy reader

Is there anything happier in this world than a hearty victory? Well, it's not that there isn't, such as the feast after the victory.

Although the Mountain Fortress had been besieged for nearly two months, the food supply in the town was a little insufficient, but in the wilderness, after a great victory in a battle, how could there be a lack of meat?

Even the gnolls and lizardmen in the Mountain Fortress killed a large number of human slaves who helped defend the city. They were worried that these human slaves would enter the eyes of Her Majesty the Harpy Witch and threaten their own status, so they instinctively did so.

And Magna, the Harpy Witch, saw all this but chose to acquiesce, because the total number of human slaves in the Mountain Fortress was ten times more than that of the Harpy Banshee tribe. Without these gnolls and lizardmen to help with the brutal rule, Magna herself could not rest assured.

Therefore, although it was the victorious party, it could not survive the night of the victory. The screams of countless human slaves echoed within the city walls.

Some aliens tied humans to wooden racks, cut meat and roasted them, and the roasted meat was fresh and tender.

There was nothing wrong with this in the morality of aliens. If humans were in a superior position, would they do less similar things? Not necessarily.

"No, Moken, don't go with them. Isn't it good for our family to live peacefully at home?"

Late at night, in a small cave.

A group of armed humans stood by, waiting for the last companion to join. It was a thin, hunched human male. At this moment, he was pulled by his wife's arm and begged bitterly.

"If you go and do such a thing, our whole family will die. You, why do you come to seduce my man!"

Moken, the slave who manages the iron shop.

Although he was a slave, in fact, the iron shop was almost entirely run by Moken. The lizard man who owned the shop was usually only responsible for connecting with the harpy officials.

If we can get Moken's help tonight, the rebels can get the most high-quality weapons in the shortest time.

"Moken, just give me the key to the warehouse. Don't get involved in tonight's affairs, just stay at home with your wife and children."

Fatis looked at the scene in front of him with some sadness:

Humans have become domesticated cattle and sheep. When the inheritance and culture are cut off, in just three or four generations, intelligent creatures will return to the most primitive stage.

For many humans born in the mountain fortresses, the meaning of their birth is to serve those alien masters. Even if they work as hard as cattle and horses, they will not expect to ask for more. As long as they can live safely, they will feel very satisfied.

"No, if it weren't for me, you would have wasted more time finding the warehouse and the right weapons. Lord Fatis, please help me, I can't do it myself."


Since Moken had made up his mind, Fatis didn't hesitate. He stepped forward and knocked Moken's wife unconscious with a punch, and then watched Moken tie up his fat wife tightly in a way similar to tying a pig.

"Dear, when you wake up again, we will no longer be slaves." Moken kissed his wife's forehead affectionately, then stood up and walked among the crowd.

Among human slaves, everyone regards fat as beautiful. Under extreme material poverty, a physique that can gain weight by drinking water is scarce and rare. If Moken was not a slave of the store manager, he would not be qualified to marry such a beautiful person. Every day when he saw his wife, Moken would feel a joy of harvest in his heart.

Now, he is going to do something that can really bring a "big harvest".

"Lord Fatis, at the end of the operation, I still need to confirm what we have discussed before."

"Don't worry, as long as everything goes well, we have at least a 50% chance of taking the gate of the Mountain Fortress."

"Uh, no. I mean that after the matter is done, the weapons shop will be my business."

"... Of course, don't worry, I can make the decision on this matter, and I will definitely let you achieve your wish. Even if you die in the battle, this weapons shop will be passed on to your son."

The air in the Mountain Fortress tonight is filled with the aroma of wine.

Because the strongest hostile force nearby has been defeated, there is nothing to worry about anymore. The harpy witch Mag generously allows the people below to relax.

But it's still the old saying: Danger often strikes when people are most relaxed.

Kick, kick...

The sound of horse hooves trampling on the mountain road suddenly woke up the drunken lizardman on the wall. After all, this sound has been in the nightmares of many lizardmen and jackals in recent days.

The guards on the four walls of the Mountain Fortress looked over and saw a young man with black hair, black eyes and a long sword riding alone.

"Human, what do you do?"

Because there was only one human, the guards were not alert.

In their worldview, humans are not a brave and warlike race. As for mastering extraordinary powers, it is also extremely rare in this era. The witch's reputation can overwhelm the wilderness because she is a harpy with magical power!

"Me? I came to give a great gift to the witch."

Hearing the reply from the human below the city, the guards on the top of the city became more relaxed, because this happened quite frequently, and it was not that no human merchants had done this before.

"Human, take out your gift and I will decide whether to report it to the commander." At this moment, the lizardman guard had sentenced the people below to death.

Because they were also the human merchants before, they were the culprits who caused the witch to be seriously injured by despicable conspiracy.

Hearing this, Rodhart below the city slowly took out a metal heart from his arms (in the ring), then he raised it high and crushed the heart in front of all the guards.

"This is my gift."

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