Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 612 Grand Celebration, Human-God Contract

After the petitioner enters the Kingdom of God, he can only live for a short period of time for another hundred years, before his spirit disappears and he is completely integrated into the Kingdom of God.

A devout petitioner can live two hundred, three hundred, five hundred or even one thousand years to forge his soul into the true Holy Spirit and gain the power to be with God and be immortal with God.

It would take a qualified and pious petitioner at least a thousand years to reach this point.

However, believers in the main material world, because of their physical relationship, it is entirely possible for them to cultivate themselves to the realm of saints at the end of this life, within a few decades to less than a hundred years, and they will also have the Holy Spirit after death, and they will be with God. Same immortality.

The petitioner can also provide the power of faith, but there is no body, and God has to maintain his own existence. Therefore, when he is alive after death, one-tenth of the faith can be provided. Although it can rely on millions, tens of millions, trillions The accumulation of petitioners maintains the existence of the entire divine kingdom and even the gods.

However, the older the petitioner is, the weaker the power of faith he can provide, and the more divine power he consumes. When the final income is less than the expenditure, unless he has special talents or meritorious deeds, it is time for him to assimilate with the Kingdom of God. .

Therefore, although the Kingdom of God is the foundation of the gods, the human world is the soil under the foundation. Only by continuously drawing nutrients from the human world can the Kingdom of God be eternal.

"The ultimate path of the Kingdom of God should be to control the path of reincarnation just like the Heaven and the Western Paradise in the myths and legends of the previous life. When the spirit of the petitioner is exhausted, he will be sent to reincarnation and reincarnated to rebuild. This way, the flow of water will continue. Corruption is the true path to eternity.”

"But now, I think these things are too high-spirited. My current Void Divine Kingdom is inferior to the weakest small Divine Kingdom with weak godhood. Fortunately, I finally have it independently."

In the following government affairs of the Light Empire, Rhodes issued an order in the name of the Supreme Emperor, with the City of Divine Blessing as the center, and devoted all the efforts of the country to hold a grand Sun Festival.

Originally, this series of civil servants headed by Mo Ken were quite disgusted with such a meaningless and wasteful celebration, but this time, Mo Ken risked his life to make this matter a big success.

Having worked under that Majesty for most of his life, Moken had a vague sense of what His Majesty wanted to do.

This is indeed the case.

After the grand celebration and the city's joyous singing, in the City of Divine Blessing where millions of people gathered at once, the Emperor of Light Rhodes performed a miracle.

With his magic tower as an aid, he used phantom magic to display the scene in the Void God in front of millions of people, and at the same time promised: "Whoever believes in me will have eternal life!"

When millions of people cried and knelt together, chanting the Holy Name.

Standing at the highest point of the Holy City, Rhodes felt that huge power was gathering towards him. Again, because of the physical relationship, the power of faith provided by believers in the main material world was ten times that of petitioners. hundred times.

If it were a normal period in the civilized world of faith, the gods would never allow Rhodes to reach such a level of faith unless a certain pantheon of gods protected him and planned to grant him the status of god.

In the current historical period, whether many old gods in the Lost God Kingdom can wake up is another matter. Even if they wake up, they are still extremely weak now. Rhodes is taking advantage of this gap to strengthen his faith.

"Brother, brother, look, look, is that grandpa!"

Not only the people kneeling down, but also Kress and Raymond were excitedly watching the brilliance around Rhodes.

The scenes inside are changing, but Elder Enge, as the patriarch of the Void God Kingdom so far, is the one person who cannot be bypassed.

Seeing that their dead grandfather was still living well in his husband's kingdom, both Kress and Raymond, who had a deep relationship with Elder Engel, were filled with tears.

Rhodes' eyes met theirs, and he nodded slightly.

Whether it is the world of science and technology, the world of immortality, or the world of faith, they all have their pros and cons. It's just that the evolutionary path chosen is different, and there may not be an absolute distinction between high and low.

The world of science and technology has developed to a certain extent, with information explosion and material prosperity. However, powerful power is in the hands of mortals. If one accidentally loses it, the world of Skaven is a lesson learned. Even the earth where Rhodes was born has The Cuban missile crisis also had the Dead Hand system, and the entire world has been on the verge of nuclear apocalypse several times.

In the world of immortality, there may never be a big explosion of information or material prosperity, but such a civilization is conducive to inheritance. The Taoist tradition can last for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. Although the struggle between monks is cruel and fierce, it is basically limited to monks. level, it has nothing to do with most ordinary people.

On the contrary, due to the intervention of the forces of immortal cultivators, there will basically be no major fluctuations in the stability of the mortal dynasty's political power, and there will be no overly absurd monarchs who torment the country. There will be no wars and massacres, and they will be passed down for thousands of years. , the vast majority of ordinary people work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Even if this kind of farming civilization continues for hundreds of millions of years, it will not be a waste for the entire world.

In the world of faith, although there is no information explosion or material prosperity, it does have the immortality that immortal cultivators can only dream of!

Although not everyone can obtain it, the difficulty of becoming a petitioner is always relatively low. You can live for hundreds or thousands of years, and all you have to pay is faith.

However, even if they had the choice, the vast majority of cultivators would probably not choose this path:

The integration of one's true spirit into the kingdom of God is worse than the death of the soul in the eyes of the immortal cultivators. The soul can still escape into reincarnation after the death of the soul, but it takes a long time to accumulate soul power again. After all, it can enter reincarnation again and find the way again.

What does it mean for the true spirit to be integrated into the kingdom of God? Will it be a pavement brick in the kingdom of God forever?

In addition to these three, there are thousands of evolutionary paths in the universe, but Rhodes doesn't care about them and cultivates his own system wholeheartedly.

With the boiling of the powerful power of faith and the original force of the world, the human-god contract is truly reached.

Rhodes can feel the huge energy gathering, even promoting the growth and evolution of the ancient god's body in his own great light immortal body.

"Having the body of an ancient god gives me a certain degree of independence. Since I have gained the benefits of this world, I will naturally go all out to improve the status of this world. But when things are impossible, I can also rely on the Void Kingdom and the body of the ancient god to take Cress, Fatis and others out of this world so that they will not be buried with me."

Thinking of this, Rhodes slowly opened his eyes, and the platinum-gold flames shot out from his eyes, as if they were real and terrifying.

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