Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 609 The War between the God of Heaven and the God of Earth 2

When he saw the Void Kingdom, even with the mind of God, the Dark Wolf God was stunned, that is, at this moment.

Swords, fire and gun shadows bombarded from all sides, and Rhodes rushed into it, like rushing into a raging fire, and continued to attack without hesitation.


With his mind lost, he suddenly suffered a full-strength blow from his opponent.

As the Dark Wolf God's body fell back, most of it was broken like a crystal. Although it was repairing quickly, it was undoubtedly a big loss.

However, at this moment, it couldn't care about this.

"You are not a goblin, but you have successfully inherited the ultimate legacy of that civilization? Haha, no wonder you can assess my status so accurately. It turns out that you have a virtual godhead to assist in calculations. This time, I am not wronged at all."

After being promoted to a god, you will have your own godhead. The godhead can be considered a powerful data processor that will greatly assist the gods in handling affairs and granting divine arts.

Weak godhood, weak godhood, medium godhood, strong godhood... Every time you upgrade one level, the amount of calculation will increase significantly.

The Dark Wolf God originally had his own godhood, but as his power was exhausted, his godhood had long stopped functioning.

During the battle, he could only rely on his own experience and consciousness to fight. In this case, facing Rhodes who had a virtual godhood to assist in the battle, he was of course restricted everywhere, and the more he fought, the more uncomfortable he became.

At the same time, it also understood that he would definitely lose and die in this battle, because waiting for the godhood to make a mistake was like waiting for a computer to make a mistake in calculation. It was not absolutely impossible, but the probability of occurrence was too low.

"But once the news that you have this thing is passed on, you are dead. No god will let you go!"

"Sorry, the reason I show you this is to tell you that you absolutely have no chance to pass on this news."

As he spoke, Rhodes, flying in the sky, stretched out his palm and five fingers to his opponent. At the same time, the brilliance of the spears and swords around the two had already gathered like a rushing river.

It is true that the Godhead is very strong, but it does not mean that you are invincible if you have it. Once the data input by the subject is wrong, the result calculated by the Godhead will naturally not be correct.

Or suppress with absolute power, no matter how much advantage you have in calculation, it is meaningless.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Light spears burning with holy flames pierced out from all directions, restricting the actions of the Dark Wolf God.

The next moment, the holy flame swords on all sides gathered into a huge dark golden heavy sword, and with the direction of Rhodes' seal, it slashed down with terrifying destructive power.

The energy level of the Dark Wolf God is currently between the sixth and seventh levels, so when it faces Rhodes, although it marvels at his actual combat strength, it still believes that it will win in the end.

After all, after becoming a god for thousands of years, the accumulated fighting will is not weak, and it will not even be forgotten and lost because of the passage of time.

But with the help of the Godhead, the gap between the two sides became smaller and smaller, and in the end, it was Rhodes who gathered the absolute power.

However, the Dark Wolf God still retains the last dignity as a god.

Although it knew it was going to die, it still tried its best to attack the dark golden giant sword, carrying its terrifying killing and destructive power, and launched a final attack on Rhodes.


Under the shrill howl, there was the will of God that surpassed everything.

This will even surpassed the calculation of the virtual godhead, and it finally rushed to Rhodes: "Let's die together!"

The dark torrent suddenly hit Rhodes' body and hit the ground.

This was the last will of the gods in this world, so the whole world was responding and shouting.


The huge darkness and the explosion directly vaporized the mountains on the edge of the kingdom of God.

A huge crater was blasted out, and the smoke spreading from all sides covered the sky and the sun, spreading endlessly.

"Cough cough..."

After fighting to this point, although the Dark Wolf God was not dead at this moment, he only had one or two divine powers left, which had not been exhausted.

However, when it looked away, the pitch-black giant wolf saw a perfect human body that slowly walked out of the broken egg of light.

Even the sacred weapons of the Order Alliance were temporarily destroyed, but the body covered with golden patterns of the sun was not damaged at all. Of course, this was also because the Great Light Immortal Body and the epic equipment were superimposed and withstood most of the attacks.

"This is... the body of the innate ancient god!? You, you actually..."

The ancient gods are different from the old gods. The ancient gods are the gods born at the beginning of the birth of this world. They do not need to rely on faith and can directly extract powerful power from the origin of the world. Of course, the height of the divinity of such existence is usually not too high.

The innate ancient gods are often just a transitional stage of the plane world. Because they do not need to rely on faith, and their lifespan is endless and naturally powerful, the decay and degeneration of these gods can be completely imagined, so the old gods naturally came into being.

Although the old gods rely on the faith of humans and even other intelligent creatures, their number can be increased compared to the ancient gods, and their growth rate is much faster.

Although they were too weak to be taken seriously by the ancient gods for a long time, the favor of the world's fortune was constantly changing. The number of ancient gods, which was almost fixed and decayed, would eventually be replaced by the old gods, and the same was true in this world.

Even because of the tragic war that had broken out between the two, the old gods would not be willing to see a new ancient god born in this world.

Of course, if there was no deep jealousy, no god would believe it, at least Rhodes did not believe it.

The faith path of the old gods benefited from faith but was also limited by it. It was impossible for them to directly draw power from the origin of the world like the ancient gods, which was comfortable.

Rhodes did not have this knowledge originally, but after obtaining the virtual godhood, he directly obtained it from the knowledge reserve of the sage civilization. Therefore, he could understand the shock and fear of the Dark Wolf God at this moment. After all, he was a mortal enemy who had fought with him for countless years.

In this way, this guy's qualifications among the old gods are also very old.

"Now that I've let you know my two secrets, you can rest assured on your journey, right?"

As the flames in his body circulated, the golden patterns of the sun around Rhodes spread terrifying energy flames.

Under the sun god's light, the next moment the head of the Dark Wolf God, no, to be more precise, the upper body, was burned and melted.

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