Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 597 Serum and counterattack

"Amazing! You have suppressed such a difficult situation by force. I really can't think of anyone else besides you who can control the Merchant Alliance and drag the situation until the coalition forces of various countries arrive without collapsing."

When the top extraordinary people from various countries gathered again, it was almost a year later.

After a year of recuperation, the elf elder Spasoye was still a little pale, obviously because of the loss of vitality due to the injury in the last battle, but the poison fire was removed, and he was in high spirits, as if he was extremely happy.

"I can do this because I have a friendship with Marquis Angel in the past, and everyone has given me enough emergency disposal authority. There are many unreasonable aspects in the agreement I signed before, but everyone should accept some of the acceptable parts, which can be regarded as giving the Merchant Alliance back blood and making some compensation. No one wants to deal with Skaven ratmen on their own land, right?"

Although it was a betrayal of the Merchant Alliance, unless he decided to completely kill the other party, Rhode never did anything to the extreme.

Even though they were planning to plot against those greedy merchants when signing the agreement, the war with the Skaven has already started. If they don't give the Merchant Alliance some blood, the country will collapse and it will not benefit anyone.

"No problem, it's just some money matters. I will give orders and try to accept the terms that are acceptable."

The person who said this was Pope Prince, and behind him were still the two holy dragons Link and Vilkarian.

It was obvious that after several years of diplomatic management, the two holy dragons had been influenced by him and would do their best even if they would not fight to the death.

That is to say, Prince could not be subdued. Otherwise, if he could be recognized by the system, Rhodes suspected that his characteristics also had diplomatic characteristics:

There was a great chance of forming an alliance with others, and even completely bringing the other party into his own camp.

"Yes, the Tree of Life serum. This is an anti-poison potion created by combining the abilities of the elven wizard and your doctor James over the past year. After using it, you can be immune to or at least greatly weaken the power of the desolate poison fire."

The elven elder Spasoye took out six cyan potions and distributed them to the six people present.

"If there are no more Saint-level strongmen appearing in the next war, I think we can take action. The Skaven ratmen have already played all their trump cards."

About a year ago, due to the gathering of top extraordinary people from various countries and Spasoye's keen sense of the breath of the plague, the Skaven ratmen's currently known strongest, the giant horned rat god, drew the power of the world and attacked from a distance, injuring Prince and severely injuring Spasoye. If Rhodes had not attacked the opponent's energy circulation system in time, the elven elder Spasoye would have almost died on the spot.

However, this matter has both advantages and disadvantages, just like playing cards. At the beginning, playing big cards continuously can certainly gain an early advantage, but once you fail to kill the opponent, you will have problems. The more you fight, the harder it will be.

Therefore, at this moment, Spasoye means:

"The few people present can already join forces to attack. First, force the situation. If the Skaven rats have no other trump cards, then the several extraordinary saints present will join forces, plus the life tree serum that restrains the desolate poisonous fire, and our world can completely swallow up the Skaven demon rat world."

As his own practice of "Book of Life" is increasingly entering a bottleneck state, it is difficult to improve, and he was defeated by Rhodes twice indirectly and directly, and Spasoye's martial arts heart was somewhat damaged.

He now pays more attention to this aspect of leveraging the situation.

Through the knowledge obtained from Pope Princek through trading, Spasoye knew that if he assisted the origin world to devour the other world, there was a high probability of obtaining the gift of the origin world, and this gift might help him break through the bottleneck of cultivation.

Hearing Spasoye say this, the people present looked at each other, and except for Lazar, they all vaguely understood what he meant.

"Indeed, it can be considered."

"I have no objection."

After thinking for a while, Princek and Lazar said this.

"After all, we still have to put pressure on the battlefield and see the opponent's reaction, so let's take the next position as the goal."

Rhodes said this, walked forward, and gently tapped the military map on the wooden table in the military tent.

On the front battlefield, with the rat army's collapse, the human coalition forces advanced rapidly until they encountered a mountainous valley area. The rat army almost completely emptied this area, greatly limiting the air force and cavalry advantages of the human coalition forces. Another reason was that the thirteen rat clans sent out the top extraordinary people of each clan. Among these demon rats, there were even half-step sixth-level strongmen who could threaten the saints.

"No matter what the reason, this place must be taken down. Your Majesty is watching us from behind, for the glory of the emperor!"

"For the glory of the emperor!"

Along with the roar of the senior officer Haken, the Rhodok heavy crossbowmen behind him also roared excitedly.

At the same time, in the rear, the coalition generals were also exchanging opinions.

"Can't the airships of the Empire of Light fly in for support?"

"No, the total flying height of the magic crystal airship is limited. If it forcibly enters the valley for support, it will become a target for the magic stone beam cannon and magic stone rifle. It can't withstand it at all, and the whole airship will be shot down."

Although the magic crystal airship has a high armor defense, it is a newly built building after all. It is already very difficult to pull it directly to the battlefield. If the less than ten magic crystal airships are caught by the legendary extraordinary, it is difficult to survive in the sky for more than ten seconds.

Even if it is attacked by the rat gunners below, there is a danger of being shot down, but the probability is very low, because the reverse-flying poisonous bullets penetrate the airship armor and hit the key parts of the airship.

However, in the terrain ahead, because of the existence of hills, the ratman's magic stone rifles and magic stone beam cannons can easily hit the magic crystal airship. Under high-frequency attacks, even if the probability is low, it is a high probability event to be destroyed.

The magic crystal airship is expensive, and Kress certainly does not want the Empire of Light to bear such a loss.

"As a soldier, you should be willing to sacrifice for your country."

"Well, then please let your soldiers set an example first. After all, we are the Bright Empire, fighting away from home."

Cress said this with a slight smile. She was only gentle and gentle in front of Rhodes. In front of other people, Cress's temper was always bad.

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