Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 585: Journey to the Kingdom of God (Please collect and subscribe)

"Strictly speaking, this war, which has only been thoroughly understood today, was ultimately won by the gods. Whether it is theology or science, the stronger one wins, right?"

In front of Rhodes' eyes, the previous divine power was refined, and countless fine light lines densely formed a huge light ball, resonating according to certain rules, thus generating calculations and energy.

The ultimate computer virtual godhead, which was completely refined by the power of light, has now become a brain composed of divine power. There is no longer any goblin characteristics in it, only the breath of supreme ruthlessness.

"Why do I feel that even if the goblins hold on to the end of that war, they will only be destroyed by their own creations?"

When the optical brain and the ring were completely integrated, Rhodes knew clearly that at this moment he had completely mastered this artifact. The optical brain not only has all the knowledge of the sage civilization in the past, but can also serve as his ultimate calculator to complete many tasks for himself.

Although the supercomputer was completely refined with the power of light, it cut off the possibility of further evolution of the supercomputer, but it made it completely safe, because Rhodes only knew how to use it, and he did not have enough knowledge reserves to make the optical brain further evolve, or even give birth to intelligent life.

"Huh!? What are these?"

In the process of controlling the black iron ring, Rhodes found that the space inside the ring had become extremely large from the original 1.5 cubic meters, but it was not empty. In addition to the central position where the optical brain was located, there were a large number of souls in the empty space.

Among them, there were his former comrades and subordinates, as well as past enemies. Basically, as long as the souls who died around him and were not strong enough were absorbed by this ring. Among them, Rhodes even saw Cress and Raymond's grandfather, Elder Eng, who died of natural causes.

Just losing his body and being trapped in this ring for several years, Elder Eng seemed to have completely suffered from senile dementia. The spirituality in his eyes was exhausted, and he just walked around here instinctively.

"It is worthy of being called the artifact of the 'Void Kingdom'. It can actually absorb the souls around me."

Thinking of this, Rhodes gathered some faith power and turned it into spiritual rain in this space. A large part of it was gathered by Rhodes and concentrated on Elder Enge, making his somewhat scattered soul suddenly become solid.

"Lo... Your Majesty!? You, are you also..." When Elder Enge just entered this space, he still had a clear consciousness, but as time went by, he gradually lost some of it in this empty space.

At this moment, the nourished consciousness returned, and when he saw Rhodes again, he was shocked, thinking that even Rhodes, the emperor of light, had died.

"Haha, no, no, Elder Eng, I'm sorry that I only now fully understand the function of this artifact. Next, I'm afraid you will have to work for me again."

At this time, the old Lonely Mountain warriors who had regained their consciousness had spontaneously gathered around Rhodes, and the wilderness goblins, orcs, and a slave trader leader named Gunnarsser all looked at the group of people on Rhodes' side with hostility.

"Gunnarsser, you'd better come over. It just so happens that we lack a suitable general here." Rhodes waved his hand, and Gunnarsser's soul was captured by him.

These souls, whether enemies or friends, actually still have a certain value, but no one manages them. After a long time, their spirituality has been dormant. Now they are nourished. Friends can be the first believers in building the kingdom of God. As for the enemy, they can be repeatedly killed to squeeze out their last surplus value.

Rhodes' eyes were cold, and he had thought about everything here in a blink of an eye.

During this process, Rhodes connected his mind to the optical brain and found that he could retrieve information from it with his mind and obtain a lot of theological knowledge from ancient times.

"Although the resources accumulated for ten years were exhausted in one day, it was really worth it to obtain this artifact."

In this world now, except for the Bright Empire ruled by Rhodes, other forces, even if they obtained the heritage of the Sage Civilization, it actually didn't make much sense.

Because just like the Earth civilization relies on oil, the Sage Civilization relies on the magic crystal resources to develop and grow to its peak. In fact, the degree of dependence is far higher. Among the countries on the continent now, only the Bright Empire has sufficient magic crystal resources because it rules the Hell Territory.

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