Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 553: Annihilation War, Palm of Light (It’s the end of the month, please subscribe to have a

Chasing the light and the moon, swallowing the sky and the earth.

Even if you need to hide your identity and cannot fully display what you have learned.

However, when Rhodes used all his magic skills, the bright moon in the night sky disappeared, but a huge moonlight column appeared in the air, and the dazzling light rushed straight into the sky and penetrated the sky.

At the same time, with Rhodes' body as the center, the space in an area showed strange changes and distortions, as if the earth was shaking, and with the gathering of moonlight, it seemed that the sky and the earth were all plunged into a dark doomsday and the world was collapsed.

The vast praise of God spread to all directions, making all the creatures in the range, whether in the world or in hell, feel an incomparable shock that went straight to the heart.

Unfortunately, the strong are strong. If the demons of hell were so easily crushed, they would not be able to be promoted to legends at all.

The demon who suddenly appeared in the void and suddenly killed Rhodes in the air in the distance was a vampire witch holding a crystal dagger. It was the demon general who attacked Isa but was severely injured by Rhodes four months ago.

However, she was not as hot and charming as she was four months ago. Half of her body was transformed by the dead, and one-third of her charming cheeks were replaced by corpses. Although she was covered with hair, how could she hide from Rhode's eyes?

"It's you, it's you! Kill you!"

In order to dissolve the dark runes that Rhode had injected into her body, this vampire witch had to sell herself to the white bone necromancer and became the other party's corpse queen.

Although there was nothing she couldn't do to survive, her hatred for Rhode could not be washed away even if she poured out all the water in the river and sea.

This time, she sneaked in, but was forced out from a very far range by the strange force field and distorted space around Rhode. She was already full of hatred and anger, and her killing intent was boiling.

"Your move is actually to cover up its existence, right?"

In the white sea of ​​moonlight, Rhode's expression was indifferent and cold, and he was not affected by the violent killing intent of the vampire witch at all.

To put it bluntly, the magic martial arts is just the eight characters: "Use the false to cultivate the true, and the devil is born from the heart".

What is "not on this shore, not on the other shore, not in the middle", the more you get into it, the more you fall into the illusion of the devil.

Most of the strange and incredible changes in the magic martial arts are caused by the mind of the recipient. The stronger you think the opponent is, the stronger and more invincible the opponent will be.

Rhodes has been a human for two lives. Although it is difficult for him to explain these understandings to others, the benefits he has gained will not be reduced.

Especially in the last life, he experienced the baptism of the information explosion era and learned countless truths. Every time he applied a truth to himself, he benefited and became stronger.

At this moment, the internal fighting spirit and external hand gestures changed, and the brilliant white moonlight gathered around Rhodes condensed into a huge god image that was like a virtual and real god. His face image faintly had Rhodes' own appearance characteristics, but it was more sublimated and perfect, like a god in heaven, with infinite style.

"Lord of Lonely Mountain!"

"That's His Majesty, Lord of Lonely Mountain!"

The impact of the legendary battle was too great. Even though he had consciously distanced himself, Rhode's attack still affected Castaneda Military City. However, it was a very positive impact. When the soldiers saw their commander, who looked like a god descending to the mortal world, they were all inspired and fought bravely.

"I told you, I told you, Lord of Lonely Mountain is the god of the human race who came to the world to save the world. I knew it a long time ago!"

Overnight, countless fanatics of the Holy Light Sect appeared in Castaneda Military City. This influence spread rapidly even in the Bright Moon Legion and even in the miscellaneous legions.

In the form of a god, the void meridians were formed.

The next moment, Rhode slowly opened his eyes, and a mighty divine light bloomed with his body as the center.

Then, these spreading rays of light condensed into substance, forming thousands of dazzling and unstoppable sword shadows and spears, carrying an overwhelming and irresistible great force, shooting outward in all directions.

In such a range-based indiscriminate attack, all shielding and hiding are meaningless. As long as you get close, as long as you want to attack, you must show your presence.

In the void around, waves suddenly appeared, and a simple and powerful corpse was exposed.

This is the real killer move that the White Bone Necromancer has hidden until now. As for the vampire witch?

It's just cannon fodder to deceive people.

Even the White Bone Necromancer didn't think that he could defeat and kill the strongest dark warrior of the human race with just a vampire witch.

After all, before the retreat, Rhodes had already killed many people in the Bridges defense line. As a spellcaster, the White Bone Necromancer must have carefully studied the opponent's information before participating in the battle.

However, it could not imagine no matter how hard it tried that in such a short period of time, Rhodes' cultivation and strength had once again been greatly improved. Rhodes' foundation was too solid and too strong, and his accumulation for promotion to the fifth-level legend was too deep, so that within a certain period of time, the more he practiced, the faster he improved. As long as his comprehension and knowledge could keep up, his realm would be improved accordingly.

This is the difference between the righteous and evil ways. The righteous way trades mediocrity for the past ten or even several decades in exchange for unimpeded access in the next few decades or even hundreds of years. The evil way advances by making rapid progress. Once the pressure of the former is understood, there will be no more obstacles in the future practice. The latter, after reaching a certain level of practice, may face an insurmountable gap every day.

This is the truth that Rhodes knew in his previous life. In this life, he came to a world where great power belongs to oneself and applied it to his own practice, which is proven to be correct.

"Monster, have you ever seen a palm technique that falls from the sky?"

The next moment after the voice fell, the vampire witch below saw it.

Just like the camera switching, there was no palm movement at all.

In the air, the giant god had already swung a palm, which expanded infinitely in the eyes of the vampire witch. This giant palm, which carried a sense of boundless holiness, grandeur, and majesty, slammed down fiercely with a boundless tyranny that could turn the world around and suppress the universe.

The entire boundless world and all space seemed to be suppressed at once. The vampire witch lost all perception of color, light, smell, sound, etc. In her eyes and heart, there was only the huge divine palm that spread endless moonlight, which seemed to exist forever.


The moonlight giant palm shot down, and the legendary vampire was killed instantly!

In essence, she kept adding drama to her mind, causing the power of this palm to increase infinitely. When she thought it was invincible, then Rhode was invincible to her.

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