Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 533 The Story of Remo Mike (Thanks again to reader Mr. M for his support!)

[Name: Remo Mike

Level: 31

Strength: 28 (raised to personal limit.)

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 9

Charisma: 7

Remaining attribute points: 0

Skills: Iron Skeleton 7, Power Attack 7, Weapon Mastery 5, Running 5, Shield Defense 4, Riding 3, Plunder 2, Control 1.

Skill points remaining: 1

Weapon proficiency: 89 for one-handed weapons, 228 for two-handed weapons, 46 for pole weapons, 54 for bows and arrows, 28 for crossbows, 42 for throwing, and 294 for Agni Fire Breathing Technique.

Weapon proficiency remaining: 12

Hero Traits:

Blood Drinker, for every group of enemies killed (including summoned creatures), the attack power of the hero and the troops led by the hero increases the hero level/6 points (rounded up). Dominate-2.

Crusher, the hero's direct attack damage +5 per level, and greatly increases attack priority level at the beginning of combat.

With bottom blood, when receiving a fatal blow, there is a very high chance of entering the bottom blood state of suspended animation, and a very high probability of being revived from suspended animation. 】

When a person who was supposed to die suddenly came back alive, Rhodes would of course take a look at his system attributes to see if there were any abnormalities.

"Based blood characteristics? Even if you have the bottom blood characteristics, it is extremely lucky to be able to come back alive in that situation."

With this thought in mind, Rhodes turned to the wolf knight Art Liusi and said politely:

"Thank you, Knight Arte Lius. We have not yet repaid you for the help you gave us in the Dragon Slaying Battle. Now you have saved an important knight of my Lonely Mountain Castle."

"It was just an accident. When I first met him, I didn't know he was a knight from Gushan Castle. I found out later, so I sent him back to you."

From behind the gap in the armor, Altero's somewhat dull voice came.

This is a very mysterious man. He was almost written into legend as one of the Seven Dragon Slayers during the Dragon Slaying Battle at Gushan Castle. However, after the war, he achieved nothing and simply disappeared. Now when he appears again At that time, judging from the energy intensity around him, he was already a legendary powerhouse.

Even in this era of rising demonic tides, it is still an exaggeration for a wandering knight to be promoted to a legend.

As a legendary transcendent, his movement speed is much faster than that of the army. Therefore, the front army goes first, and Rhodes and James can both treat Remo Mike from the opposite rear.

With the level of medical skills and light magic of these two people, as long as the person is not completely dead, even if there is only one breath left, it is quite certain that he can be brought back by force, not to mention that Remo Mike's condition is not that bad. Unfortunately, within a few days, he gradually recovered and his consciousness gradually became clearer.

"Your Majesty the Duke, Yannick has betrayed Lonely Mountain, but Knight Alleyne has not. He is now imprisoned in a place. I don't know the name of that place, but I can find it."

This was the first thing Remo Mack said to Rhodes after he woke up.

Upon hearing Alleyne's name, Rhodes' eyes moved slightly, but his ups and downs were quickly suppressed by him.

"Don't be excited. Now you have a good rest. When you recover a little, you can tell me what you have experienced during this period. Since Alleyn is not dead now, he will not die in a while. It is your business, Ya I want to know everything about Nick and Alleyne.”

While speaking, Rhodes reached out to the back of the head of the agitated Remo Mike and used a little force to knock him unconscious.

When a person is seriously injured, his consciousness is not so clear, and sometimes he will regard his imaginary things as real things. Words in this state cannot be trusted by others, at least, they are not enough to convince Luo. Virtue.

A few days later, Remo Mike's physical and mental state recovered a lot. Only under such circumstances did Rhodes listen to his story.

With his upper body leaning on the bed, Remo Mac held a glass of hot water while thinking and narrating:

"In that battle, the Dark Knights attacked dozens of demon generals head-on. All the brothers knew that it was a matter of life or death. At that time, I rushed to the second position on the flank and attacked with all my strength... and then, with the hammer My arm exploded completely, and one of my eyes was blinded by the broken iron thorn... In the end, I only remember that I rolled and fell off the cliff, and I can't remember the rest of it. "

Inside the military tent, Rhodes and James listened quietly. However, there was a doubt here, because even if an ordinary general entered a state of suspended animation and could temporarily hide it from the demon general, when he recovered from suspended animation, he would also It was impossible to hide it any longer.

Because Rhodes and James are both legendary transcendent beings, they are very aware of their own perception. The Demon General has lived in the lower plane of cruel war for a long time, and his vigilance will only become stronger. How could he not notice it?

However, the two of them did not say anything, but chose to continue listening.

"When I woke up again, I found that I had fallen off the cliff at some point. It was the traitor Onila who saved me. She secretly threw me a pack of water and cast a spell around me that I couldn't see. I understand what the magic barrier does. At that time, my body was completely unable to move. It was not until I finished eating the food and water she gave me that I basically regained my ability to move. At this time, the magic barrier was also broken. Although there were many demons nearby. , but the demon generals were gone, so I looked for opportunities and explored them bit by bit. "

"The entire south seems to have fallen. Everything I saw was full of hellish demons. Ordinary people couldn't survive at all. I killed a few demons to save a group of farmers, but this also attracted more demons. I was chased and seriously injured. I originally thought I was dead this time, but I unexpectedly encountered Lord Art Lius, a wolf knight who was killing demons, and was brought back all the way. "

After talking about his journey, Remo Mack felt a little weak and coughed. James stepped forward and injected holy power into it to relax his body.

"Remo, we are also going to the south, come with us, and then we will look for opportunities to rescue the Knight of Alleyn."

Although Remo Mike's journey was filled with too many accidents and luck.

But Rhodes still chose to believe in the other party. After all, the man in front of him was a knight who had fought desperately for him. Even if he had to take some risks, Rhodes still chose to believe in the other party.

"This guy Remo Mike may have hidden luck. He succeeded in escaping with such a small probability. Yannick, Alleyn, I didn't expect you are not dead yet!"

With such a mood, the northern reinforcements formed after the alliance of humans and elves continued to move towards the south. At the same time, the wandering wolf knight Art once again temporarily joined the camp of Lonely Mountain Castle, expressing his willingness to do his part in the fight against hell. force.

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