Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 529: Mission to Bright Moon

"My Lord Duke, I have recovered now. You can take me with you when you go to Bright Moon City." In the room, Fatis clenched his fist, felt the power, and said so.

"No, you have only recovered a frame now. If you fight, I am afraid that your internal injuries will worsen again and again. This time I plan to take James out. You are the first knight of Lonely Mountain. This is something everyone on the continent knows, but no one knows James. His identity as a bishop can show his strength and is not likely to arouse the hostility of the elves."

Looking at the golden holy grail in his hand, which was completely empty, Rhodes sighed in his heart. The next moment, he turned the holy grail and it disappeared without a trace.

The golden holy grail, this epic holy weapon, is the most powerful weapon in Rhodes' hands at present, without a single one.

It's just that because it is too powerful, it has to be used in all aspects, so the energy storage is always insufficient. It can be said that it is used as much as it is accumulated.

Although, it was worthwhile to use them, such as healing Fatis, using the Great Prophecy to activate the oracle, distorting reality, and accelerating the cooling time of the Angel Necklace.

Rhode tried it before, and it was possible to use the Great Prophecy to consume the dark gold spirit fluid to charge the Angel Necklace, but because he needed to save and prioritize the treatment of Fatis, Rhode only tried the minimum, accelerating it for two months, and now the cooling time of the Angel Necklace is more than nine years.

"The Prophet Sword and the Angel Necklace are two of the six pieces of the Order Alliance. If the Order Alliance is collected, the cooling time of the Angel Necklace Resurrection should be reduced. The collected Order Alliance is an extremely powerful epic suit."

While Rhode, Fatis, and James were talking, a light footstep came and slowly walked up to the second floor. The three people present were all legendary strongmen. Just by listening to the footsteps, a cute little girl carefully holding a plate of pastries appeared in their minds.

The little girl had just walked to the door of the bedroom. She was still thinking about how to open the door with her hands holding the plate of pastries, and the door had already opened from the inside.

"Kanna, thank you."

Fatis said as he took the pastry plate from his little daughter Kanna, which contained strawberry biscuits and lemon cakes made by his wife, and the aroma was overflowing.

The short, silver-haired girl in front of him was white and plump, and looked very cute. Rhodes smiled and walked forward, picked her up and hugged her in his arms, pinched her cheeks, and then put a piece of lemon cake in front of her.

"Come on, have a piece."

The little girl Kanna looked at Fatis timidly, and after getting her father's consent, she held her beloved cake and ate happily.

"Hahahaha, a foodie, Fatis, you spoil her so much, what if she can't get married in the future?"

The little girl was so cute, Rhodes asked jokingly.

Kanna in his arms gradually blushed because of shyness, and then ate more and more, and a large piece of lemon cake disappeared in a short while.

"She is still young, it is too early for her to think about these things. In this world, girls always have a harder life, let her be carefree and happy now."

"Not really? Men have to join the army and bear the main production labor, how can girls have a harder life? Those noble ladies often don't need to do anything in their lives, just obey the orders of their families and get married." James said this with some disapproval of Fatis's words.

"Because generally speaking, women are always weaker than men, so I say women have a harder life."

At this time, Rhodes put Connor down, stuffed a few more strawberry biscuits into her chubby hands, and then let the little girl leave.

"Without a stable and strong country, all living beings suffer. Under this premise, it is meaningless to talk about who suffers more, men or women. Okay, Fatis, take a good rest. You will need to guard the four cities of Lonely Mountain for a period of time. Now Resarit and Moken can suppress him to death. You just need to focus on healing and hide behind the scenes to balance it."

"Yes, my Lord Duke."

In the next two days, Rhodes took James and a legendary army of 200 people to visit Bright Moon City.

After a battle with the Outer Gods, 19 fourth-level ogres can be promoted to the fifth level. Four were promoted before, but one died in the battle. Now there are 22 legendary fifth-level ogres left. Five Dawnguard crossbowmen who were promoted before, one survived, and another 22 were promoted. Twenty-two plus twenty-seven is 49 people, plus James's 20-man Light Priest Group, a total of 70 people.

In addition, Rhodes also brought 130 units of the Outer Gods, making up a total of 200 units of the fifth-level legendary army to Bright Moon City.

In this era, at least so far, there has not been a fifth-level legendary army, let alone so many types of soldiers. It is enough to show off muscles.

Of course, Rod Hart cannot go to Bright Moon City empty-handed as an envoy. In addition to the legendary army, he must also bring rich gifts: silk, heavy crossbows, swords, armor, fine wine, and 300 Rhodok heavy crossbowmen as auxiliary troops, responsible for logistics and transportation.

The envoys left two months in advance. During the two-month gap, Rod practiced in seclusion and pondered his own fifth-level legendary characteristics/sage characteristics.

James is the same. He has just been promoted to the fifth-level legend and needs to polish and adapt to his growing strength and increase his skills.

The four attributes of strength, agility, intelligence, and charm are limited to 20 to 25 points for mortals. A few people can reach 30 points for a single attribute. After being promoted to the legendary realm, these four attributes will increase rapidly. It is not uncommon for a single attribute to reach 50 points or even higher. However, this does not mean that it is meaningless to improve the attributes before being promoted to the legendary realm. On the contrary, the better the foundation, the faster the improvement speed after being promoted to the legendary realm, and the higher the upper limit.

Because Rhodes' true spirit traveled through the two realms and his true spirit was sublimated, he was an innate ancient god in this world. When he was promoted to the fifth-level legend, the three attributes of strength, agility, and intelligence all reached the personal attribute limit of 30 points, and his charm was also close to the limit. He also had the skill of wisdom enlightenment, which increased his skill points, which further improved his foundation accumulation.

Therefore, even if he was in a head-on confrontation with the Lord of Hell, Rhodes did not fall into a direct disadvantage. In terms of attributes, Rhodes was in a crushing state compared to most legends.

But it is precisely because the foundation is too strong, which is enough to deal with most dangers, that this strength hinders one's own understanding of legendary characteristics/sage characteristics, because there is no need, and there is naturally no change.

When you are poor, you must change. Rhodes' current state is full, so of course he will not have the need for further evolution. This need cannot be just subjective, and even requires the desire and need of one's own heart. Only in this way can one get a response from one's own cultivation system.

"What do I want in my heart, my body and mind? I seem to know the answer, but I can't say it out loud."

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