Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 512 If you can find a rich woman, who wants to work hard typing every day?

The flames burned with rising black smoke, and the ground was covered with rubble.

The blood-stained Hell Castle collapsed and fell completely after most of the demon army was defeated and General Batalov was killed.

"Abby, take your people to repair the castle and complete the main repair as quickly as possible." Rhodes said as he slowly sheathed the long sword in his hand.

"Yes, master."

At this time, Abby had jumped off the back of the riding ogre and came to Rhodes to bend down and answer his orders.

The goblin group is large in number, strong in survival and reproduction, and weak in potential, but because of this, it is also easy to break through the bottleneck of talent.

After the stronghold army entered hell, Rhodes no longer restricted the number of goblins that Abby could command.

After all, the environment in hell is extremely harsh. If they are suppressed as hard as before, they will easily die out and it will be difficult to serve as qualified auxiliary troops.

Therefore, the stronghold army, with the assistance of the four cities of Lonely Mountain in the main material world, received batches of goblin supplements and died in batches.

However, after repeated selection in harsh environments, some goblins have undergone hellish mutations. Their skin and fur have a faint dark red color, and they hold sharp knives, becoming more brutal and bloodthirsty.

However, even if these hell goblins mutate, their absolute strength is still far behind that of ogres. From the first-level talent potential to the second-level talent potential, they are still no match for the fourth-level talent potential of ogres.

Moreover, even if they are real hell demons, they still follow the law that the weak obey the strong. Therefore, the mutation of goblins does not make much difference to the stronghold corps.

It's just that the talent potential of hell goblins has been improved, and their intelligence has also been improved to a certain extent, which makes it easier for Abby to manage. Now, as an overseer, it is also very suitable to supervise the captured demon slaves.

After the preliminary arrangements, Rhodes turned and entered the castle.

Although the hell castle is far from being as luxurious and comfortable as the human castle, it is also spacious and open. Rhodes summoned all the sacred heavy crossbowmen and top ogres that need to be upgraded.

Although there were not many of them, all of them were strong and sturdy. Even those who were a little short and capable exuded a strong aura. There were only a few of them, but they had a feeling that they filled up the hall.

However, these arrogant soldiers and generals all bowed their heads in front of Rhode.

The soldiers of Lonely Mountain Castle believed in the Duke of Lonely Mountain, and those top ogres were even more submissive to the dual suppression of blood and strength.

"During this period of time, you have fought the hardest. Next, I will give you a force. Whether you can bear and adapt to this force depends on whether your will and strength are sufficient."

"I am willing to die for the Duke."

"Uda, Uda!"

Looking at the soldiers kneeling on the ground in front of him, Rhode knew that the loyalty of these subordinates to him was almost full. Therefore, he did not say too much nonsense, sat in the position where the demon general originally sat, and stretched out his palm downwards.

During this process, the white light in the room became brighter and brighter, until finally, it was difficult to see.

Grains of light like gold particles scattered from Rhode's palm. After being pushed away by Rhode, each one flew into the bodies of these heavy crossbowmen and ogre warriors as if attracted and merged into them.

[Congratulations, the fourth-level fourteenth-level "Dawn Restorer" has been promoted to the fifth-level fifteenth-level legendary unit: "Glorious Dawn Guard", which is your first legendary unit. ]

[Congratulations, the fourth-level fourteenth-level "Ogre King" has been promoted to the fifth-level fifteenth-level legendary unit: "Dragon Hunter Glutton", which is your second legendary unit. ]

Glorious Dawn Guard fifth-level fifteenth-level legendary unit, omitted.

Unit skill 1: Glorious Holy Healing. Omitted.

Unit skill 2: Glorious Hard Soldiers. Omitted.

Dragon Hunter Gluttony is a fifth-level fifteenth-level legendary unit. It is said that the oldest ancestor god of the ogre is a powerful creature that is almost a natural god. They feed on dragons and are natural hunters. However, as time went by, the environment changed and the dragons plotted, this powerful giant monster gradually disappeared from history, and no one even knew of its existence.

Soldier Skill 1: Rage. Omitted.

Soldier Skill 2: Toughness. Omitted.

Soldier Skill 3: Giant Power. Omitted.

Soldier Skill 4: Anti-magic Skin. Omitted.

Legendary Skill 5: Faith in Light, although the ancient giant monster's brutal and bloodthirsty bloodline was revived, these blue fat men who grew up in the land of light love to eat honey, eat cooked food, and take a bath. If they can make a living by acting cute, they don't want to carry sticks to hunt everywhere.

Due to the reasonable diet structure during childhood and growth, the physical fitness of these giant monsters is far stronger than that of their own kind. At the same time, in order to return to their childhood hometown to continue their happy life, they have a firm will to fight and can strengthen their potential.

"Uh..." Rhode knew the properties and skills of the fifth-level Dawnguard in advance, so he was not surprised. However, the properties and skills of these fifth-level ogres really surprised Rhode.

"These guys, don't they regard Lonely Mountain Castle as their hometown?"

"If you think about it carefully, it is understandable. It is normal for an ogre who grew up in Lonely Mountain Castle not to want to stay in hell. However, this legendary feature is a bit arbitrary, although I also understand that the system is Explained in the way I can best understand.”

In addition to the attributes and skills of the soldiers, Rhodes also ordered a Dawn Guard who had just been strengthened and upgraded with a strong body to step forward, stretched out his palm and pressed it on his forehead, sensing the power of light in the opponent's body.

"It has indeed been greatly improved. From this point of view, both the effect and the number of uses of the holy healing technique should be improved."

Although the troops have been upgraded, this is not the end.

Because Rhodes also has an epic Holy Grail in his hand, the fourth enchantment of the Golden Holy Grail: Holy Front, Holy Grail Blessing.

The former strengthens the power of order within the range of one level of light attribute troops. The maximum limit is to strengthen the fourth level to the fifth level, but it also has a strength enhancement gain for the fifth level troops. The latter is blessed by the fifth-level Holy Grail and can bless fifth-level troops.

However, because Gushan Castle has not developed the fifth-level arms until today, this enchantment cannot be used until today.

"I was originally worried that the ogre army would not be able to bless the Holy Grail, but now it seems there is no problem."

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