Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 508 Dark Despair (Highly recommended by the editor, please give me a tip and subscribe to su

Western Continent Saint Laurent, Viar Volcano Area.

This place has just experienced a horrific volcanic eruption, and the dark red magma is splashing like the blood of the earth.

The sky is full of burning gray clouds, and the endless ground is full of bottomless cracks and faults, full of darkness and unknown, and from time to time it will spray out flames and lava.

The dark red color is dazzling, the magma flowing like a river, and the flames that rise from time to time in the cracks of black rocks will dye the surroundings red, feeling like blood smearing the earth, full of bloody feelings.

Between the two erupting volcanoes, a deep red doorway is formed out of thin air. On the ground and in the sky, there are strange figures that are either moving slowly or fighting violently together, full of unspeakable chaos and evil everywhere.

However, this does not affect the tens of thousands of demons pouring into the world, and the catastrophe that is about to devour the entire continent is about to come.

"This guy just cut me so hard, why don't you kill him?"

A tall demon with human heads hanging around his waist grabbed a knight's head with one hand, making a crackling sound, as if he would squeeze the knight's head and make it explode at any time.

The limbs of this heavily armored knight were all cut or broken, and at this moment, he lowered his head. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, anyone would think he was dead.

"Nebiros said he wanted him to live. As a human, he can control such pure demonic power and not fall into madness. This is really interesting and worth studying."

Another demon general crouched down and cut the originally extremely handsome cheek of Knight Airen with his dagger-like nails, leaving a deep bloody mark.

Airen, who was originally in a coma, moved, raised his head slightly, and then spat on the face of the demon in front of him.

The demon on the opposite side gave way, but was still furious because of it.

The opening of the gate of hell not only increased the power of all demon generals, but also made them more chaotic and violent.

The fury that rushed into his mind for a while even made this demon general forget his fear of the first demon general Nebiros. He swung his claws down, and his claws were like knives. Once he chopped, he would even cut Airen's body diagonally.

However, just as the knife was about to hit him, Airen had already closed his eyes and waited for death. The demon in front of him suddenly floated in the air, and the next moment his whole body crashed into the rock wall beside him, fainted instantly, and was covered by rocks.

Then, the first demon general Nebiros had already walked over with the other demon generals behind him.

As the future marshal of the hell army, Nebiros was indeed very curious about Airen. The demon power used by this human knight was even purer than that of most hell demons of the same level.

If he could study it clearly and then master this power, his own power might also be greatly improved.

Moreover, as one of the few wise men among the demon generals of Hell, Nebiros knew very well that if he wanted to rule the main material world for a long time, the agents of each race had to develop and choose one of the human and beast races, so that he could rule the main material world for as long as possible.

Kodar, the national teacher of the Hoffman Empire, was the first person Nebiros contacted. Later, the Lord of Hell contacted Kodar directly, but Nebiros also had many contacts with Kodar, and it can be said that he gained a lot.

"It's a pity that Kodar died so easily, otherwise, the ancient beastman tribe would be the most suitable to be our ally."

After carefully observing Airen, Nebiros ordered someone to bring him to his side.

At this time, Nebiros had completed the ceremony to open the gate of hell, so he had time to deal with the defeated human race.

"Kneel down."

"Kneel down!"

Most of the knights brought to Nebiros by the demon warriors were black-armored knights, because almost all the knights of the Griffin Knights were killed in the battle. The martial arts of the Griffin Knights were slightly weaker than those of the Dark Knights. After all, their equipment was relatively thinner, and their daily training was more about reconnaissance, spying and communicating with the griffins, rather than fighting directly.

"A bunch of bastards who were raised by a bitch and sent to hell, I spit on you!"

Most of the knights of the Dark Knights were seriously injured or knocked unconscious in the previous battles, and at this moment they only wanted to die quickly.

There were also those who were trembling with fear with tears on their faces, but they were kneeling there thinking of their wives, children, and parents at home.

The Dark Knights had both male and female warriors, because being able to join the Dark Knights depended on talent and potential, not gender.

"Your power is very interesting. I noticed that whenever these black-armored cavalrymen around you died in battle, your power would increase slightly. Hehehe... This is really interesting."

The first demon general Nebiros brought Airen to his side and let him watch him torture the warriors of the Dark Knights.

On the other hand, Nebiros was indeed interested in the young and handsome human knight in front of him.

Yannick's cursed spirit swallowing characteristics were noticed by it.

This kind of evil and greedy innate power was possessed by a brave human knight. Such an interesting thing would certainly interest Nebiros.

Following Nebiros's eyes, the demon guards around him began to beat those dark knights who refused to kneel or kept cursing.

"... What on earth do you want to do? A defeated general, no words to say, if you want to kill, kill quickly!"

Yannick, who was kicked down and half-kneeling there, roared and wanted to rush forward, but Nebiros's telekinesis moved, and the invisible and tangible force pressed Yannick's muscles, but he couldn't move at all.

"Why don't you kill these subordinates with your own hands? Listen, for them now, living is both a shame and a pain."



As the brothers behind him groaned and screamed, Nebiros, a demon with the temperament of a scholar, leaned over to Yannick and whispered softly.

The next moment, under the influence of the powerful telekinesis, Yannick couldn't control his body and stood up, and a long sword flew into his hands.

"Kill them, as long as you kill them all, you can survive. Kill them all, you can survive!"

With invisible ripples spreading all over his body, Yannick stood up and turned slowly with his sword, then raised his sword and walked towards his past brothers and sisters.

All members of the Dark Knights were selected from the people by each other, and they were constantly replenished.

Especially the group of fourth-level elites in front of them, all of them were comrades who had accompanied each other for nearly ten years.

At this moment, Yannick's eyes were full of tears, but he couldn't control his body. He walked to a brother who had just been knocked down by the demon warrior, and then stabbed him with a sword in the other's unbelievable eyes.

"Big brother?"

Yannick and Remo Mike were the first to join the Dark Knights, and because Yannick acted very calmly and capable, almost all members of the Dark Knights privately worshipped and respected him, calling him Big Brother, just like now.

"Brother Yannick, I don't blame you."

"Kill me, you devils, kill me!"

Some people saw that Yannick was controlled, and some knights of the Dark Knights rushed around, wanting to be killed by the demon warriors, but because their hands were tied, they were often kicked back.

At the end of the killing, due to the conflict between his own will and the power of his body, Yannick's bones were broken and twisted in several places, his eyes were cracked, and what flowed out in the end was not tears, but blood.

But every time a person was killed, the characteristic of the curse spirit devouring would extract some power from the dead dark knight and replenish it in Yannick's body. When the last dark knight on the scene died under Yannick's sword, Yannick's body was no longer affected by any mental fluctuations, except for the endless pure black strong fighting spirit of darkness, which was pure in nature and powerful.

However, Yannick's mind was completely destroyed at this moment.

Many people seem indifferent when their loved ones die. Some are really indifferent, while others are instinctively avoiding the fact that their loved ones have died.

Nebiros is good at plotting and torturing people.

It first used telekinesis to force Yannick to kill his companions, and then gradually dissipated the telekinesis after Yannick's mind collapsed. When Yannick gradually reacted, his hands and body were covered with blood.

At this time, Nebiros gave Yannick mental hints again, and Yannick walked into the hell camp almost in a daze and walked behind Nebiros.

At this time, Nebiros just turned his eyes to Airen.

"You see, the human race has always been so cowardly. In order to survive, they can sometimes do things that even demons can't do. At least, demons never stab their companions in the back."

"... That's because demons don't have companions in hell, right?"

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