Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 502: No interest in giving them a chance to grow

The Forbidden Curse of the Dead and the Curse of Hades.

In particular, it was made by the mainland's number one necromancer Alan Dire. Its power was so terrifying that even if it was not at its peak, even the Lord of Hell had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Boom, boom boom.

The purple-white light continued to expand and spread, turning the mountains and rocks into ashes, covering all living creatures within the range, and robbed them of their vitality.

This is the effect caused by allowing the power of the forbidden spell to spread in all directions without the cooperation of domain spells.

If Alandeel's Labyrinth Technique had not been cracked, in a very small space, the power of the curse of Hades would have been unleashed on a dozen legendary demon generals? Dozens of legendary demon generals might not be enough to die in this situation.

However, after the domain spell was broken, the remaining demon generals scattered quickly. They could even directly teleport themselves dozens or hundreds of miles away through the teleportation ability, and then teleport themselves back.

Of course, this is before the curse affects itself. Otherwise, such a powerful forbidden curse will most likely disrupt the space and allow each piece of the demon's body to be transported to different places.

"Demon... Lord Demon Lord, I can pledge my allegiance to you. I am the most powerful vampire king on this continent. I have many arrangements on this continent, Lord Demon Lord."

Giovanni, who originally thought he had escaped, saw the dragon demon suddenly appearing in front of him. His knees weakened and he knelt down.

Even a guy as terrifying as Alan Dial died in its hands. In this state, Giovanni didn't feel that he had the slightest chance of winning. Therefore, it really chose to switch sides, as long as the other party could make him To survive, joining the hell camp does not seem so unacceptable. In some ancient legends, vampires escaped from hell.

"Oh, sorry, we demons don't trust vampires."

The dragon demon sharpened its teeth with fingers that looked like sharp metal blades. It also knew that there were descriptions of vampires in ancient legends. It is completely conceivable that there was basically no good word.


Seeing that kneeling and licking was ineffective, after all, Giovanni was the ghost king who had been traversing the continent for hundreds of years. He also had dignity. He took a few steps forward on his knees as if to continue begging.

However, the next moment, Giovanni, the vampire, suddenly jumped up.

Using the power of the shadow brand ring in his hand as a traction, a ruthless, cunning, and fierce sword intent was carried out, focusing all the ghost power on one point, and then exploded in one fell swoop.

In an instant, there were gusts of gloomy wind and endless ghost cries.

At this moment, the strong wind from his explosive sword spread out, causing ripples and ghosts to appear in the surrounding space, squeezing souls and taking away people's hearts.

This sword was already the strongest, cruelest, most decisive and fierce sword strike Giovanni had ever made in his life, and it was also the one he relied on when he thought he had a chance to assassinate Alan Dire.

Originally, after this mission was over, Alandeel would use the power of the Dark Moon Gem to hold a promotion ceremony for Onila to help her achieve the fifth-level legendary realm.

Giovanni originally planned to launch a sneak attack at that moment, causing Alantil to suffer heavy injuries and then suffer the backlash of the curse. By that time, Giovanni calculated that he was more than 70% sure to kill Alantil and severely damage his body. soul.

However, the opponent it faces at this moment is even stronger than Alan Dire, not to mention that the Dragon Demon has no trust in Giovanni. It's expected.

Passing by, the dark golden claw instantly shattered the Sword of the Dead in Giovanni's hand, and then took out its entire heart.

"Uh uh uh uh..." Looking down at the blood hole on his chest, Giovanni tried his best to control the blood in his body. He didn't want to die. Obviously, he still had so many ambitions and plans, but the whole The body finally fell to the ground and quickly turned into black smoke and began to melt.

The huge dragon demon raised its head and swallowed Giovanni's heart, and then pursed its tongue in satisfaction, as if it wasn't enough.

This time, in order to arrive in the main material world early, it also paid a lot of price.

"Nebiros, take the other generals who are still alive to complete the ritual and open the door to hell."

"Lord, aren't you going?"

In the shadow behind the dragon demon, Nebiros' body twisted and formed, and at the same time, he saluted like this and asked.

"Alandir and Giovanni have been killed by me. Could it be that when things have reached this point, will you make any mistakes?"

"Lord, I guarantee with my life that there will be no mistakes in opening the gate of hell." Nebiros immediately expressed his position.

"Well, then it's up to me to hunt down the remaining strong human beings. The guys who can be taken by Alan Dial are either outstanding in strength or have outstanding potential. I have no interest in giving them a chance to grow up."

“The supreme wisdom of the Lord is beyond all reach.”

Nebiros once again expressed his stance, which seemed to be extremely sincere and came from the heart. However, when it slowly raised its head again, the demon lord in front of it had disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, Rhodes was running away with all his fighting spirit. Since coming to this world, he has never been so embarrassed. While running for his life with all his strength, Rhodes was also continuously sending Holy Light Qi into Kress's body. Gradually, Kress gradually regained consciousness.

"Ah... my head hurts! Master, have we... escaped?"

"Don't talk, use all your strength to recover yourself, we are not safe yet, Airen died in the battle, Yannick, Remo Mike's life and death are unknown, the elite of the Dark Knights were all killed, the elite of the Griffin Knights were all killed, they are still waiting for us to avenge them!" As he spoke, Rhode's teeth were clenched with hatred.

If Airen was still as indecisive as he was back then, Rhode would not be so distressed whether he died or not.

However, today's Airen, in the form of the Ultimate Sword Demon, cut off the retreat for himself and Cress. This choice has already shown that he is completely loyal to himself, and then he died in battle to protect himself. At this moment, Rhode's heart was really full of regret.

That was a genius knight that he had trained for many years, and he was top-notch in both personal strength and military literacy.

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