Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 491: Pressure

Of course, this is just relatively strong.

After all, the ghost ghost is not a high-level undead soldier, and the training potential is also very limited. Among the legendary fifth-level, although it is a great supplement to the strength of the ghost king Giovanni, it is not enough for him to crush other legends of the same level.

Boom, boom, boom.

With the shaking of the earth, a heavy cavalry team began to charge in the distance.

Rhodes allowed the Dark Knight Corps to choose two advancement routes. Most of the dark knights chose the discipline knight advancement. Yannick has commanding power, and Remo Mac is kind and generous, but when it comes to who they trust more and who they think is more reliable.

Most of the dark knights certainly think that Lord Yannick is more reliable.

Although a leader like Remo Mac is kind and interesting, it is not easy for a leader who gets drunk in a tavern and fights with his brothers and then is punished together to gain the trust of the majority.

"Dark spell, start!"

During the charge, Yannick took the lead with a gun and shield. As the soldier skills were activated, the dark knights in the front row connected their qi and overlapped with each other.

Then, they were hit hard.

At the beginning, the caravan was still disguising itself, but later they found that it was completely exposed, so they stopped hiding and tried their best.

As a result, the vampire swordsmen and ghosts who took the lead were unlucky and were killed in large numbers in an instant. At the same time, a female archer turned over and jumped to a high place with a neat movement, raised her bow and arrows, and released them one after another.

What is the biggest difference between a fifth-level legend and a fourth-level extraordinary?

With almost endless replenishment of their own energy, a fourth-level extraordinary has to secretly calculate his fighting spirit and magic consumption for each move, while a fifth-level legend basically only needs to load, and all skills can be released infinitely. At the same time, there is also energy purification, which leads to the advantage of skill power enhancement.

Each of the powerful arrows shot by the fifth-level legendary elf archer is wrapped in a strong white-purple aura.

The knights in the front row of the Dark Knights all held their shields upright, but it was useless. Except for Yannick and Ounila, every arrow shot a dark knight off his horse, and even the arrows broke through the shields and pierced the knights' arms and chests.

However, it was not Yannick or the Dark Knights who were surprised by this, but the drow elf archer who jumped to a high place.

You know, she once defeated a heavy cavalry regiment head-on. When the arrow energy was released from the string, the rainbow arrow force could often penetrate a row of heavy knights on the shooting path, instead of being unable to do it with one arrow and one person like now.

In a very short time, the Dark Knights had quickly rushed to the attack distance, and another drow legendary wizard completed her spell. With the sweep of the gemstone wand in her hand, a blue-gray illusory sea of ​​fire appeared in front of the team.

This was not an ordinary fire, but a demonic flame that burned the soul directly. Therefore, even if the Dark Knights had the skills to improve fire resistance, it was useless. Most of the Dark Knights who rushed through the fire wall fell off their horses with wailing and screaming.

Many of them had bursts of smoke coming out of their black armor, and then there was no sound.

If you are hit by this kind of soul-burning fire, if you can't withstand the spell judgment, you will be burned to death in an instant, and your body will show traces of being burned by the fire, but in fact, he just thought he was burned to death.

However, at this time, all the Dark Knights suddenly appeared with a white and gold glow, and there were faint changes in the runes:

"Healing, first aid, surgery, holy healing!"

Rhodes has almost cultivated these four light runes to the extreme, and his light immortal body ability can also amplify the effectiveness of these four light runes.

As a result, Rhodes' control over the holy power of light has reached the point where even if it is parallel with darkness (blessing dark soldiers below legendary), the two will not conflict.

So that the elven mage who was good at burning souls and capturing souls, after casting a spell with a large consumption, was shocked to find that he had not successfully collected a single soul.

"It shouldn't be like this, are none of these cavalrymen dead? Or, is there a soul-capturing master hidden in the enemy who is more skilled than me?"

She will never have an answer to this question.

Due to his personal behavior habits, Rhodes, who was wearing heavy armor, had approached the legendary elven mage without knowing when, and successfully rushed to the close range of the legendary elven mage and cut him with a sword.

In a team battle, it was either to cut the mage or the shooter. This was almost an instinctive habit for Rhodes.

"Human, your opponent is me!"

A narrow and thin sword suddenly blocked Rhodes in front of him.

A silver-haired elven swordsman suddenly intercepted and appeared in front of Rhodes. After blocking with a sword, he quickly attacked with a sword. The swordsmanship of this elf has reached a very high level of attainment, like a gurgling stream gathering into a torrent, like a waterfall pouring down from a height, with a strong and shocking force, and it was continuous and full of lethality.

After just one fight, Rhode quickly determined that he was not as good as the other party in terms of swordsmanship.

However... it doesn't matter, why practice Qigong?

It's to overwhelm others with your strength, and even a head-on collision will crush you to death.

The silver-haired elf swordsman's swordsmanship is extremely superb. After a few sword fights, he can get a chance to succeed and attack Rhode's vital points, but clang, clang, clang, clang.

Every time the sword struck, it would be bounced back with a huge force. Rhodes's Wind King armor basically had no gaps. The silver-haired elf swordsman only attacked wherever he could. However, after attacking with a few swords, Discover.

The heavy armor defense of the human swordsman in front of him was unimaginably high, and it was difficult to break through the defense with his own sword power.

And with a rebound of the sword, the opponent will quickly regain the disadvantage in swordsmanship, until the elf swordsman finally seizes the opportunity and stabs Rhodes's left eye, which is the gap in the armor, with a sword, and then, Cang.

Because the sword power exploded with all its strength, the narrow, thin and exquisite long sword was bent when it was struck. It was like hitting a steel plate, and it counterattacked with a stronger rebound force and scorching power, impacting The whole body is on fire.

"No, this is not the defensive power of the legendary armor at all, but his own fighting spirit protection? How can it be so tough?"

The thought just flashed through his mind. Because he attacked his opponent with all his strength but failed, the silver-haired elf swordsman's swordsmanship had major flaws in his offensive and defensive skills. Rhodes' swordsmanship was just a step below him. He instantly grasped this flaw and destroyed it. The sword exploded and the sword passed by.

The silver-haired elf swordsman stabbed the human swordsman in front of him at least five times with all his strength, but nothing happened to Rhodes. At this moment, he was struck back by Rhodes, and the golden broad sword blade first cut through the leather armor, Then he broke through the fighting spirit and plowed a deep sword mark on his body, almost tearing his body apart.

It may be described as slow, but in fact the battle between the two sides was extremely short, even to the point where the Dark Knights could not even reach the point of full charge.

At this moment, the Dark Knights finally arrived on horseback, and the first one to attack was the Griffin Knight in mid-air to interfere with the opponent.

A strong drow warrior who didn't look like an elf at all came forward with a large axe. He was wearing bronze armor. The ax in his hand was nearly one and a half blades long. It was luxurious and simple, with figures of giant beasts engraved on it. Go, even people and horses will be shattered by the sharp edge.

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