Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 489 Destiny Devours Destiny

The universe is a multiverse.

You can simply imagine it as countless soap bubbles piled together. Under normal circumstances, although these soap bubbles are tightly squeezed against each other, they remain independent of each other and will not easily merge together.

However, some information can be projected, such as stories, legends, novels, and film and television works in some worlds. They seem to be created by the author, but in fact, it is also possible that the author has a higher inspiration and sensed the information from other planes. They just recorded these messages.

Inside each plane world, there are a large number of sub-planes: positive energy planes, negative energy planes, and neutral energy planes.

Due to her own temperament and cultivation mentality, Cress could not resonate with the positive and negative energy planes, and Rhodes found it difficult to teach her his own methods.

However, Alantier has a deep accumulation of knowledge. He guided Cress and sensed a neutral energy plane. The energy attribute characteristics in this sub-plane are very weak, but it can greatly enhance Cress's ability to control himself, like a god holding high and looking down.

"Although I was guided to the legendary realm, due to Arantil's ingenious methods, the negative impacts in all aspects have been minimized, which is indeed acceptable."

During these seven days, Rhodes has prepared the Griffin Knights and the Dark Knights. First, he threw them into hell, and together with the stronghold legion, he captured a demon fortress and occupied another base. Then he pulled them back to rest.

Because it was Arantil's invitation, Rhodes decided to bring all four people, Airen, Kress, Yannick, and Remo Mac, with him this time.

Kress led the Griffin Knights, Airen led the Dark Knights, and Yannick and Remo Mac served as adjutants to assist.

In addition, during this period, after years of bloody battles, most members of the Dark Knights finally accumulated enough experience, successfully tamed their hell horses, and successfully started the fourth-level knight profession:

Yannick, the discipline knight profession.

The Discipline Knight, a powerful 4th-order, 12th-level soldier, was created by the Knight Yannick. Although they use dark spells to fight, they will not fall into depravity because of their firm faith and loyalty. Each Discipline Knight has a high mental resistance and will not be easily disturbed by mental magic or demoralized. This cavalry has the mobility and flexibility of light cavalry, but also has the attack and defense of heavy cavalry.

Soldier Skill 1: Dark Fire.

Soldier Skill 2: Dark Spell·Soul Connection.

Remo·Mike, the Berserker Occupation.

Berserker, a powerful 4th-order, 12th-level soldier, was created by the Knight Remo·Mike. It deeply stimulates its own potential and can burst out amazing terrorist attacks in a short period of time. However, after the rage subsides, the combat power will decline to a large extent.

Soldier Skill 1: Dark Fire.

Soldier Skill 2: Violent Charge, when used, it greatly increases the lethality and destructive power of the soldier, and can attack all enemies on the charge route, which can easily cause large-scale chaos. It is so sharp that it is almost unstoppable.

The knights of the entire Dark Knights can choose to follow Yannick or Remo Mac and embark on the path of the Discipline Knight or the Berserker.

Although the Discipline Knight itself does not have the fourth-level military skills, Rhode always feels that this profession seems to be accumulating potential and waiting for a huge improvement. If it can be transferred to the fifth level, it may be a very terrifying military type.

And the Berserker, this military type is very terrifying now.

The violent charge is combined with Remo Mac's own heroic characteristics. As long as the enemy's weak points are hit, the attack power can be directly increased to the level of the fifth-level military type.

Even if the violent state subsides, Remo Mac's "Blood Drinker" characteristics have been stacked very high in this war. Such a high-attack cavalry regiment is enough for anyone to touch.

"Let the dark knights freely choose their own future path, whether to become a disciplined knight or a violent one."

"I always feel that Yannick's original destiny was to sacrifice all the knights who were loyal to him, gain huge dark power, and become a taboo legend like the 'Dark Eagle' in human history. But because of my existence, a greater destiny was formed, which swallowed up his destiny, causing him to gradually develop the path of a disciplined knight. Following this path, if Yannick can live long enough, he can completely continue to become stronger as the deputy leader of the Dark Knights through 'Curse Spirit Devouring' until he reaches a certain difficult-to-cross upper limit."

Hero Features:

Curse Spirit Devouring, for every Curse Spirit Knight killed in battle, the basic attributes and fighting spirit cultivation of the hero unit will be increased.

The Dark Knights themselves also have natural battle damage, so this hero feature is quite powerful.

After decades of service, although it is not as refreshing as sacrificing in one breath, in fact, the basic attributes and fighting spirit increase obtained are actually higher.

Twenty years later, Yannick was suppressed by Rhodes and served quietly until he was old. Rhodes really doubted that he could prove his Dao with strength and advance to the fifth-level legendary realm, or even stronger.

In fact, Yannick is already quite strong now. Remo Mike, who is as talented as him and even works harder than him, is only at the third level now and has not yet broken through to the fourth level, while Yannick had already reached the beginning of the fourth level two years ago.

Their cultivation resources are incomparable to those of Kress. Kress was taught by Rhodes and Fatis. When she asked Airen, Nicolte, and Lady Isriel for advice, no one would fail to answer her wholeheartedly.

Not to mention the blood of the Holy Spirit and magic crystals to help improve the effect of her cultivation.

Ten days after Arantir talked with Duke Rhodes, a group of elite cavalry set out from Lonely Mountain Castle to Sharp Port, and took a boat to the south of Styak.

At least so far, no one in the world dared to easily break the agreement with a big man like Arantir. Although the four cities of Rhodes' Lonely Mountain Castle were strong, he did not want to face the attack of a million undead armies.

Not to mention that his relationship with Arantir was still in the honeymoon period. It would be too stupid to push such a mage out and make him an enemy without an absolutely necessary reason.

Moreover, the Hell Legion sweeping across the world would not do Rhode any good. Lonely Mountain Castle needed moderate chaos on the continent to continuously absorb the population to maintain its own development, but it did not need all life on the continent to be extinct and the entire world to fall into the devil's reign of terror.

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