Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 476 Light and Darkness

"With the knowledge accumulated by Master Isriel, it shouldn't take so long to be promoted to the fifth-level legend."

"But Master is too old, and was seriously injured in some things when he was young, so Master is reluctant to take this step, because he is worried that his body cannot bear the infusion of elemental energy and will collapse."

Outside the Elemental Mage Tower, a group of high-level officials from Lonely Mountain Castle walked together. The beautiful blonde Yamila and Rhodes intertwined their fingers and walked at the front of the crowd.

With Rhodes' status and reputation, if he didn't walk at the front, everyone else would feel constrained, which was not what Rhodes wanted to see.

"Have you thought of a way to solve this problem?" Since Yamila had already said this, Rhodes naturally asked the following question. Although he knew very well that someone like Lady Isriel would never try her life without sufficient confidence.

"Well, a magic power conversion frequency device is designed in the Mage Tower. In a short period of time, the mentor's physique is converted to the same frequency as the infused energy, which can effectively reduce the body load and even improve the efficiency of energy conduction."

"Oh, the superconductor phenomenon."

"What?" Rhodes whispered, which made Yamila stunned for a moment, and asked curiously.

"Uh, nothing, which department of mage did Madam Isriel choose to be promoted? Fire department?" Before, Isriel had cast a lot of legendary fire magic, so Rhodes naturally asked this question.

"The mentor chose to practice all four departments and chose a neutral energy plane. After all, with the mentor's knowledge accumulated for a hundred years, it would be a waste if he only chose to specialize in one department."

At this time, a semi-transparent light column that seemed to be filled with colorful lights rose into the sky with the entire Elemental Mage Tower as the center.

Compared with the promotions of Rhodes, Fatis, Airen and even the Bloodbeard Dwarf Elder Nicolte, Madam Isriel's promotion was too spectacular.

In every main material plane, there are sub-planes such as order, goodness, power, or chaos, evil, destruction or neutral energy.

In the Paladin training system, there is a "detect evil" skill that can directly detect who is close to the secondary planes of chaos, evil, and destruction in the nearby range, so as to distinguish good from evil. I dare not say that it is 100% accurate, but it is no problem to hit 70% or 80% of the time.

Lady Isriel of the Green Language Elf chose the neutral energy plane, which has the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind at the same time. After obtaining enough energy infusion from this plane, Lady Isriel will be able to cast these four spells in the future. The power will be greatly enhanced.

The translucent light column impacted the clouds above the Lonely Mountain Castle and spread them. In the void, another desolate and violent energy plane with extremely strong magic seemed to appear faintly.

"Everything went smoothly!" Yamila said happily.

However, at this time, Rhode frowned slightly. He looked around. Places like the Mage Tower are usually not open to ordinary people because of excessive radiation of elemental particles, let alone today. But just now, Rhode felt that he was being spied on.

He looked around, but couldn't find anyone.

However, Rhode didn't think that this was just a temporary illusion. He set his eyes on Fatis, who also had the insight characteristic.

Feeling the gaze of his master, the one-armed Fatis nodded slightly.

Others may not see anything unusual, but Rhode understood it instantly, and Fatis also sensed the feeling of being spied on just now.

"Temporarily memorize the heroic characteristics of Iron Will, Blood Drinker, and Crusher."

"Memory successful."

Fatis's strongest personal characteristic is either Dragon Power Swordsman or Insight, but Rhode only memorized his Iron Will characteristic to enhance his mental resistance.

Because the characteristics of body transformation, such as Fatis's Dragon Power Swordsman and Airen's Dark Magic Transformation, cannot be memorized by Wisdom Enlightenment. Wisdom Enlightenment can temporarily change Rhode's mental state, but it cannot create alienated blood power out of nothing.

Yamila used her five fingers to tightly hold her husband's five fingers, watching the changes in the strange phenomenon in the sky in front of her, but she did not notice that as Rhode's lips moved slightly:

Fatis, Airen, and the blood-bearded dwarf elder Nicolte all suppressed their own facial expressions and seemed to inadvertently adjust their bodies.

Sure enough, not long after, the translucent light column that soared into the sky with the Elemental Mage Tower as the center seemed to be distorted abnormally.

Yamila didn't understand why, and instinctively thought that there was some problem with her mentor's breakthrough. This idea was normal, because breaking through one's own limits and stabilizing it to obtain life sublimation from then on was extremely difficult. Very few people broke through the fifth-level legendary realm easily, and even if the foundation was extremely deep, it was not necessarily impossible to encounter accidents.

At this moment, Yamila thought her mentor had met with an accident, and the surrounding blue-speaking elf mages were also nervous.

"Alas, these elves are under the protection of Lady Isriel, and their ability to respond is too poor. No wonder Lady Isriel asked us to come and watch the ceremony after her breakthrough."

This thought flashed through his mind for a moment, and the next moment, Rhodes closed his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly jumped up, waving his hands at the same time, and his whole body was shining brightly for a moment.

"Everyone comes to my Lonely Mountain Castle as a guest, but you are so sneaky and sneaky. Are you doing something shameful?"

During this period of time, Rhodes meditated on the "Eight Burning Heavenly Mirror". Although this secret book is full of evil and evil, the most evil part is the latter part. Normally, the little prince of the ancient orc will not be around for more than ten years or even decades. Only one can cultivate it, but with Rhodes' foundation, he can now integrate it into his own cultivation.

After all, the national teacher Kedar was unwilling to let his hard work disappear just like that, so at the end of "Eight Burning Heavenly Mirror", he faintly recorded the dark runes he had studied all his life, but it was written in an extremely awkward and obscure way, hoping that future generations would be able to I understand, but I hope that future generations will not understand.

Because according to Kedar's deduction, only people who are full of killing, destruction, and destruction are suitable for cultivating this dark rune and can understand it.

However, Rhodes majored in light runes. In contrast, he seemed to have no problems. He benefited greatly and his cultivation and combat power improved.

At this moment, the words are wrapped in fighting spirit, which seems to be good, evil, god and devil, which only causes the Qi around the subject to suddenly become chaotic and conflicted.

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