Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 474 Internal Affairs Talent, Fatis

This was originally the area with the lowest degree of magic riots in the wilderness, and the Iron Hoof Tribe established Minos City and operated it for hundreds of years, with fertile land for thousands of miles.

Most of the Iron Hoof Tribe members have gradually integrated into the Sims Royal Court, leaving only a few members to guard a large area of ​​land.

Without any preparation, they were of course defeated in one blow.

After conquering Minos City, and reoccupying White Stone Fortress and Redemption City, the problem of excessive population pressure in Lonely Mountain Castle was immediately solved.

After all, there was no civil rights at this time. Wherever the lord assigned the civilians, the civilians had to go, and there was no choice.

Lonely Mountain Castle, Minos, White Stone Fortress, and Redemption City, the four cities supported each other, and the entire force began to develop, reorganize, and expand its army.

Millions of orcs in the north failed to successfully capture Lonely Mountain Castle. The identity and reputation of the dragon slayer and the famous general of the time attracted more and more refugees to come here at all costs, because with the changes in time and the times, the situation of the entire continent became more and more bad and chaotic.

In the Hoffman Empire, the ancient orc army was defeated at the Lonely Mountain Castle. However, the Emperor of the Sims Royal Court, Gemanda, led his army to fight against the Kingdom of Rayamond in the East China Sea. With his outstanding military capabilities, he defeated the Royal Fleet of the Kingdom of Rayamond. This battle alone destroyed Rayamond's vitality for at least 20 years.

Immediately afterwards, the Western Front of the Sims Royal Court was originally just to maintain the front line and attack the East. However, a wolf god with natural talent suddenly appeared on the Western Front.

At the age of just over 20, he led his wolf cavalry to successfully tear apart the 400,000 troops of Saint Laurent with a blitzkrieg. After capturing them, he even killed all of them. His brutality shocked the continent.

There was nothing wrong with Kedar's cognition and layout. The orc high-level of the Sims Royal Court also accurately judged that in the era of the rise of the extraordinary, the biggest advantage of the orcs over the human race and the elves was the military advantage and first-mover advantage.

If this continental war drags on until the later stages, the chances of the orcs winning will be lower and lower. Only by annihilating the original human kingdom and integrating it into the orc empire can the orcs be the final winners in the continental hegemony, and they will be invulnerable in the early, middle and late stages.

After two large-scale battles that shocked the human race on the continent, the two human kingdoms of Raymond and Saint Laurent were in name only for a while.

On the contrary, the Styak Empire, which was the first to collapse and fall into chaos, still maintained its basic foundation.

However, this is not a good thing. Originally, the Styak Empire and the orcs had no bordering land. There was the wilderness in the north, Raymond in the east, and Saint Laurent in the west. Therefore, even if the empire was divided from the inside, it did not fall into a cruel and tragic race war.

However, now, except for the continued existence of the northern barrier, the east and west directions of the entire empire have been destroyed by the Sims Royal Court of the Orc Empire.

If the Styak Empire was still in its heyday during the reign of His Majesty Ledsenrevic, then after winning two national wars, the Sims Royal Court would most likely stop and slowly digest its gains.

But now the entire Styak Empire has fallen into a state of division. Whether it is the nominal co-respected emperor Gemanda of the Sims Royal Court or the young wolf commander on the western front, they all seem to be salivating and looking at each other like wolves and lions.

In such a situation, anyone who knows something and is not blind will vaguely sense that the era of turmoil on the continent has arrived. In such an environment, not to mention the civilians who yearn for peace, even the aristocracy, there are many people who pack up their belongings and run north with their families.

The northern province is a little poor, but the dragon-slaying duke seems to be unusually capable of fighting. Although there are rumors that he is a little cruel and tyrannical, and he is happy with women every day and likes to eat human flesh, but the territory is so large, how many people can he harm alone? It may not fall on his own head.

Lonely Mountain Castle, City Lord's Office.

At this time, Rhode didn't know that his reputation was damaged. He was dealing with government affairs with great headache. Although he liked to let Moken do these chores, Rhode's administrative ability was actually not low, even better than Moken. After all, he had a photographic memory, sharp thinking, and the experience of two lives. These conditions were incomparable to Moken.

"The Sims Royal Court of the Orc Empire is really full of heroes."

Looking at the detailed battle report in front of him, Rhode repeatedly deduced in his mind several times, and felt that even if he was, he might not be able to fight better.

Whether it was the naval battle on the eastern front or the cavalry blitzkrieg in the west, they were all classic and amazing in the history of war. If the victory was won by the human race, it would be even better.

"The collapse of the east and west fronts was not the result of one or two days. Even during the reign of His Majesty Ledson, the Empire looked down on the orcs, didn't care, and was even willing to trade with them. Although this also strengthened Styak's power, it strengthened the power of the orcs and weakened the power of humans as a whole."

In the office of the City Lord's Mansion, it was not just Rhodes who was alone. The chief knight Fatis was also sitting in a wheelchair, reading the battle report.

Fatis's intelligence was not low. Now that he could not fight, Rhodes thought that he should not be left alone, so he pushed him to his office and used him as a half-internal affairs talent.

He was so thick-skinned and black-hearted that the landlords cried and the capitalists knelt down!

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