Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 48 Taking advantage of the situation

Back to the camp, inside the tent.

Raymond was so angry that he trembled all over, and Fatis's face was also not good.

Again, the soldiers who were born as farmers in Redwood Town had not seen much of the world. In their perception, humans like themselves should not work like animals under the whips of lizardmen and jackals, and then be hanged like animals for no reason.

On the contrary, those slave traders and caravan guards who traveled all over the country had seen a lot, and now, they no longer felt anything.

"Sir, let's just kill the mine tonight and free all the slaves in the mine. With so many of us, we have the opportunity to occupy this place directly. At that time, you will be the lord of this city, and you will collect the city tax from that pretty boy Arlos in the future." Raymond said this with some excitement.

However, the response he got was the cold look from his own lord.

"Raymond, you are already ugly."


"So don't think so beautifully. If this place is easy to conquer, do you think someone as smart as Arlos will pay the city tax honestly?"


"The witch of the wilderness who rules here is said to be one of the strongest beings in the entire wilderness. If the legend is true, she can kill all the people in our Redwood Town by herself. Even if the witch of the wilderness is not as strong as the legend, her gnoll guards are real. I have seen them fighting with centaurs from a distance. I can only deal with two at the same time." Standing in the corner of the tent, Fatis said this.

"Raymond, do you still remember the group of gnolls that attacked Redwood Town before? Each gnoll guard is at the level of the leader of the gnoll tribe, and there are at least fifty of them."

When hearing this, even the somewhat reckless and impulsive Raymond swallowed his saliva subconsciously and said nothing more.

Because he had fought with them before, and when a group of people surrounded one of them, he was almost killed by a flail.

"But this is really a good place. It's on the top of the mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It's surrounded by forests and rich in resources. There are rivers running through it, and there should be iron ore veins. The most important thing is..." Rhode didn't say what the most important thing was, but came to the entrance of the tent with his hands behind his back and looked out, as if he was measuring and thinking.

"The most important thing is that this place is also in the key area connecting Styak and the two orc empires. As long as it can be occupied and defended, the commercial tax revenue alone is enough to support the development of the town. But with my current strength, I can't take this place. If I want to succeed, I must take advantage of the situation and use Arlos as a bargaining chip."

Rhode didn't say this, because the noble lady from Bright Moon City was very powerful. If he dared to use her, it would be extremely dangerous for himself and Redwood Town if he didn't handle it properly.

"I have the Mount and Blade system. The most rational approach should be to stay at home and find a relatively stable place to raise people and train soldiers. After ten years, I will definitely be able to train an elite and strong army."

"However, the establishment of Silver Frost City, the musketeers, the goblin civilization, and the beginning of the magic tide. The Atlan Chamber of Commerce opened up new trade routes, and there was also the mysterious Miss Arlos. All of these seemed to tell me that if I couldn't master the power of self-protection as quickly as possible, I and everything I wanted to protect would probably be crushed to dust in the next chaotic world. Now that all the objective conditions are in place, I will do my best to become a club model. If I lose, I will escape from the world."

Before thinking about victory, think about failure. At this time, Rhodes was already thinking about how he should take Cress, Raymond and others to escape if he failed to take advantage of the situation. Liu Bei was displaced for half his life, and he still had a group of loyal brothers around him. Although Rhodes did not dare to compare himself to Liu Bei, he believed that with the blessing of the system, he could also lead a group of loyal people.

The next day, because of the protection and deterrence of the harpy witch Magna, although they are human, the caravan people can still move freely in the mountain city of the mountain fortress and even trade.

However, there are no special supplies here. Originally, Arlos planned to replenish a batch of food here, but the twelve carts of food given to the swamp fishmen before were all pulled back because of the objective situation, so now there is no need for this.

The caravan guards and slave traders rarely go out, and most of them sleep in the camp to replenish their energy.

On the contrary, Rhodes from Redwood Town took Fatis and Raymond out early in the morning to see the scenery and products of the entire mountain fortress.

This mountain city is divided into two parts. The upper part is the eagle's nest where a small number of harpies live. Although the number is small, after at least two hundred years of development, even if the war continues, there are as many as hundreds of harpies in the eagle's nest. According to Fatis, this is the result of fighting with the Centaur tribe for many years and expelling a large number of harpies.

In addition to these harpies, Rhode also saw a kind of creature with yellow-brown feathers all over its body, extremely majestic, and extremely sharp steel claws flying out of the eagle's nest from time to time. They have the body of a beast and the head of an eagle raised high. The combination of the four makes them look extremely fierce.

"What is this?" Before Rhode could speak, Raymond beside him asked first.

"Griffins, although they are called pets of witches, I think they are a powerful weapon newly developed by the witch. There are not many of them now. When there are enough of them, the sphere of influence of the Mountain Fortress will be greatly expanded." Fatis once wandered in the wilderness, traveling thousands of miles alone. He explained at this time.

"It's a griffin! It's really capable to breed it so quickly. I remember that in the Wind of War, it was known as the 'king of low-level troops', and only the orcs' wyvern troops could match it." Rhodes looked up and admired, but Fatis and Raymond could still hear his first words, and the latter words became a low monologue, and even if Fatis and Raymond could hear the content, they probably couldn't understand it.

After watching the eagle's nest for a while, before attracting the attention of the banshees guarding the eagle's nest with spears, Rhodes and the other two left first and went to the commercial street of the Mountain Fortress.

Although there are inns and commercial streets here, compared with those in human towns, they are undoubtedly still primary and primitive. The commercial streets of the Mountain Fortress sell almost only two kinds of goods, one is food and meat jerky, and the other is iron weapons.

Don't underestimate the functions of these two. This generation of harpy witch Magna almost plundered most of the wealth in the area around the Mountain Fortress with these two buildings, so that over the years, the harpy witches, who are less numerous, have gradually suppressed the killing of the Centaur tribe.

"In the past few years, the quality of ironware here has been significantly improved. Although it is only the level of farm tools in our human eyes, they probably won't sell the best things." In the largest and only weapon shop in the commercial street, Rhodes picked up an iron axe and weighed and evaluated the quality of the axe.

Because with a long period of concentration, a bunch of Chinese characters will appear on the items in Rhodes' eyes, so as long as he wants, he can often read much more information than others on an ordinary item.

"Three, sirs. Are you going to buy this axe?"

At this moment, a thin human male came out from the dark shadow of the shop, and he spoke to the three people in a slightly awkward common language.

"Are you human?"

"As you can see, I am not the manager of this shop. I am just the slave of the manager of the shop." The thin human male lowered his upper body and said this. Obviously, he was used to this posture.

Rhodes, Fatis and Raymond looked at each other and soon understood that although the status of humans here was low and they could only become slaves, even stupid people like lizardmen and jackals knew that sometimes a human slave might be far more competent than themselves in a certain job.

"So, if I want to buy this axe, what do I need to pay? Gold coins?"

"We accept everything here, gold coins, ores, jewelry, and dried meat. But if it's dried meat, it must be in large quantities or of very good quality."

"So, what if I buy it with 'freedom'?" While saying this, Rhodes looked into the eyes of the man in front of him.

Instantly, he saw a glimmer of light and great panic. The thin man looked around fearfully, then lowered his body and leaned forward to say, "Please don't joke with me, my guest. Moken is very loyal to his master."

"A group of barbaric races, I don't think there will be any advanced means of restraint, nothing more than violence and intimidation. We will come to you again, but at that time we will bring hope and sincerity, and I hope you can consider it yourself, even if not for you, but for your children."

When Rhodes said this, the power of holy light was faintly spreading around. Even if there was a surveillance by the harpy here, as long as the "witch" was not watching in person, Rhodes was confident that no one else would hear the conversation between the two parties. After all, it was just a slave. If the mountain fortress had the ability to monitor every slave, then they would not need slaves.

After speaking, Rhodes put down a bag of gold coins and turned away. Because of what happened yesterday, he believed that the blood of these people had not completely turned cold.

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