Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 455 Holy Light

Lonely Mountain Castle, Cathedral.

Suffering, disaster, these can purify and inspire people's faith.

Especially in Lonely Mountain Castle, now there are a large number of sons, husbands, and fathers as militias on the city wall, and the cathedral is crowded with people praying devoutly every day.

The religion of Lonely Mountain Castle was jointly established by Rhodes and Fatis. It is based on the belief of the ancient sun god and has a positive attitude of justice and progress, but it is unconscious and great power.

Holy light, as a belief that transcends race, world, life and death, but is invisible and invisible, its power will become purer with the piety of the user.

Among these doctrines, there is Rhodes and Fatis's understanding of the power of holy light energy that they have cultivated, and at the same time, there is a secret door that Rhodes set up in advance.

After all, many gods that once existed in this world are either asleep or dead. Rhodes has no interest in disturbing the eternal sleep of these great beings. Let them die forever.

In the cathedral, all the priests of light have been transferred away. Although there are many believers in the church now, those who are making announcements are basically trainee priests.

As the evening approached, the trainee priests began to persuade the believers to leave. As the last trainee priest left after cleaning, only the holy spring in the entire cathedral was still spreading the holy light.

The silver holy cup was placed at the top of the holy spring, and in front of the holy spring was the little girl Mekrivila, who was covered in white gauze and looked lifelike.

The blood of the Holy Spirit has always been the most important strategic material of the Lonely Mountain Castle. Taking it can restore part of one's youth and delay aging. Therefore, the only person who has soaked the whole body in it is the little girl Mekrivila.

Under the effect of the blood of the Holy Spirit, Mekrivila's body is not rotten, and her face is as peaceful and beautiful as when she was alive. However, Rhodes came here today for something else.

"You all retreat, I want to stay here for a while."

In the cathedral, which has been completely silent, Rhodes suddenly walked out slowly from the shadow in the corner. With his order, all the hidden Charles guards around him responded and retreated.

The four holy objects of Lonely Mountain Castle: the Harvest Horn, the Silver Holy Grail, the Prophecy Machine, and the Glory Crusaders Banner. Except for the Prophecy Machine, the other three holy objects are all in public view. However, in fact, they are all protected by guards hidden in the dark. In fact, not everyone can get close to them. It can be said that the level of strict protection is higher than that of Rhodes.

The Charr Guards and Haidam Swordsmen who once accompanied Rhodes to build the Lonely Mountain Castle were basically incorporated into these dark guards. First, their loyalty is sufficiently guaranteed, and second, they also have a good destination.

The elders who accompanied Rhodes at the beginning can be said to have died in battles one after another. Now, Rhodes intends to compensate.

[Holy Grail]

[The legendary item Sacred Silver Grail has an unimaginable powerful order power. After being blessed by the pure and powerful power of faith, the legendary item Sacred Silver Grail is upgraded to the epic item Golden Holy Grail. ]

[Enchantment effect:]

[Power of Order 1: Within the territory, as long as the people's faith is strong and pure, they can obtain the blessing of light, and at the same time, chaotic and evil creatures within the area will be expelled.

Blood of the Holy Spirit 2: Condensing the power of faith, the Holy Grail will continuously produce the blood of the Holy Spirit. Drinkers can restore youth, strengthen their bodies, and enhance the cultivation of light-related fighting spirit.

Hidden enchantment 3: Holy Baptism. After the Holy Baptism, the soldiers will open up the fourth-level potential. Selected, the fourth-level, twelve-level special soldier, the priest of light.

Hidden enchantment 4: Holy Front, blessed by the Holy Grail. The Holy Front strengthens the power of the order within the range of the light attribute soldiers. The highest limit is the fourth level to the fifth level. The latter is the blessing of the fifth-level Holy Grail, which can bless any soldier (except the dead spirit and the dark system).

Hidden enchantment 5: The accumulation of faith has been completed and is waiting for activation. 】

Not to mention the power of order and the blood of the Holy Spirit, the last three enchantment effects of the Holy Grail are more exaggerated than one.

Holy Baptism brings a fourth-level, twelve-level special soldier, the priest of light, to the Lonely Mountain Castle.

Although the priests of light themselves do not have much combat power, the strength of this unit lies in that they can strengthen several third-level units into fourth-level units in a short period of time, and have a strong restraining effect on the undead and dark systems.

The Holy Front, blessed by the Holy Grail, allows the main battle elite sacred heavy crossbowman unit of Lonely Mountain Castle to directly jump from the third-level ninth-level unit to the fourth-level twelfth-level unit, and even the Glory Crusaders' Banner, which is also a legendary holy relic, recognizes its strength, allowing the sacred heavy crossbowman unit to directly jump to the fifth-level legendary unit.

And the blessing of the Holy Grail is also effective for the fifth-level units, but because it consumes strategic materials such as the blood of the Holy Spirit, Rhodes has never used it.

"In the extraordinary era, the role of a holy relic in the development of a force is really indescribable, and it can even determine the rise and fall of a force."

Whispering softly, Rhodes walked forward, stretched out his five fingers to spread the light, and echoed with the Holy Grail.

[Energy conversion, energy conversion, enchantment activation, enchantment activation...]

[The Great Prophecy of Light... activated successfully! 】

【Energy conversion in progress, energy conversion in progress, enchantment activation in progress, enchantment activation in progress...】

Such system prompts kept popping up in front of him, and between Rhode's palm and the Holy Grail, the platinum-gold light was already spreading strongly, forming a more powerful energy cycle again.

The holy object makes its master, and the master also makes the holy object.

At this moment, the endless and majestic holy power continued to flow out of the Holy Grail, far beyond Rhode's previous imagination.

"What the hell!?"

Rhode had not been prepared for this before, after all, he didn't have many holy objects in his hand, especially, such a powerful one as the golden Holy Grail.

At this moment, Rhode's right hand had changed to platinum color, and this energy transformation was still spreading to his body.

"Immortal Body of Light, open!"

He held the seal with his left hand and pinched it quickly. Although the scene in front of him was a little scary, Rhode still controlled his mind and calmed down quickly.

Channeling the holy power of light that continued to flow into his body and spread it all over his body.

[The Great Resurrection Technique of Light Divine Art... Activated Successfully! 】

【Energy conversion, energy conversion, enchantment activation, enchantment activation...】

"Ah, it hurts, is it over? How many divine arts can I activate?"

In the midst of the glory, Rhodes and the Holy Grail in his hand all floated up, and the majestic holy power swept, spread, and swirled, gradually filling the entire cathedral.

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