Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 429 Cognitive Cost

"This guy, luckily I have Fatis on hand to keep him suppressed. Otherwise, it would be really uncomfortable to be stared at by him from behind."

Having strong self-esteem and being motivated are all good things. However, the problem is that this guy has a low limit and is unscrupulous.

Fortunately, Fatis's constant presence prevented Alleyne's eyes from falling directly on Rhodes. Otherwise, Rhodes would probably be tempted to kill him.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you.

Rhodes himself is not a good person. In fact, to be able to get to the point where he is today, sometimes it is difficult to avoid some dark sides. If there is no Fatis and Alleyn follows Rhodes directly, Rhodes will dare to do two bad things. This guy Alleyn dares to secretly score ten points!

If you don't kill him in time, being stabbed in the back by him is an inevitable outcome.

When you gaze at the light, you will still yearn for it even if you cannot enter the light.

Fortunately, in Lonely Mountain Castle, Alleyne's first target was not Rhodes, but Fatis. Apart from the mistakes he made in his early years, Fatis was almost a perfect example of a knight. He was humble and valued. Honor, fearless sacrifice, bravery and skill in fighting, compassion for the weak, honesty and justice, not greedy for money, not greedy for enjoyment, not greedy for power.

Even his wife was arranged by Rhodes as the master, otherwise he might not even have a wife now.

Alleyn is the kind of person who can learn from you with confidence if you do something evil.

However, after trying hard to chase the pace of Fatis, Alleyn found that he was not even a basic knight. He was arrogant, afraid of death, weak in combat, despised the weak, greedy for money, sex, and power... Alleyn did not I don't know, but it was because he regarded Fatis as the target of his pursuit that Rhodes allowed him to grow up to this point safely. Otherwise, Rhodes would definitely conduct a thorough investigation into such a dangerous thing as cultivating the Demon Sword.

"It seems that the relationship between Alleyn and Caitlin is much closer than I imagined. How many benefits has he secretly given to Caitlin to let her help him like this?"

"It doesn't matter, with Alleyn's talent and talent, others may escape death if they take this path. If he takes this path, he may be four or five levels sure that he can find another way and make the most of the benefits without suffering any harm."

After the fight, Rhodes, as usual, did not punish Alleyne for losing control. In the eyes of others, this was based on his absolute confidence in his own absolute strength.

In fact, in the battle just now, Rhodes really tried his best. However, at this moment, everyone felt that the Duke in front of them was even more unfathomable, and there must be some powerful gun skills that he had not yet used.

It is true that Rhodes did not use the Secret Technique of the Immortal Light Body. However, if he had used the secret technique of fighting for his life, it would not be a fight, but someone who Rhodes was fighting for his life with.

"Okay, okay, let's go take a look at the city defense construction of Gushan Castle. Master Artiman has recently added many defense designs. We must be familiar with these, so that when the war is going on, Only then can the full effect of these fortifications be brought into play.”

"Sir, are you giving too much authority to Bachelor Artiman? You almost let him transform it however he wants... Our families have actually trained their own engineers, and many of them have asked me to I would like to suggest that some of the construction projects of Academician Artiman actually need to be discussed.”

At this time, a middle-aged nobleman from the Paine family came forward to salute and said this.

He has fair skin, a beautiful mustache, and a purple soft hat on his head. He looks very elegant in the aesthetics of this era.

However, as a northern nobleman who could be valued by Rhodes during this period, this middle-aged nobleman still wears a stabbing sword on his waist, and as long as the extraordinary person is not weak in cultivation, he can feel the energy in this man's body. Extraordinarily pure fighting spirit.

"I also know that the engineers of the Paine family are very professional in bastion design and specialize in the art. It is normal for your engineers to have doubts about these aspects of Bachelor Artiman."

"However, Bachelor Atiman is the chief engineer. He is responsible for the overall defense construction of the entire Lonely Mountain Castle. The more he does things and the more people do, the easier it is for others to find faults. You all have your own engineers, so Just send more people to join Maester Artiman’s team instead of telling me through this method that there is a design error in Lonely Mountain’s fortifications.”

Most of the time, conversations between nobles are not straightforward, and it is rare to express dissatisfaction directly like Rhodes did at this time.

Fields, Paine, Snow Lion, and the nobles of the Ravenston family looked at each other and then bowed and apologized. At the same time, they also felt the degree of trust Duke Rhodes had in the chief engineer he appointed.

As for the conversation here, Yatiman was naturally told what happened, which made his loyalty a lot higher.

The armored shooters of the Paine family are very famous in the northern provinces. Their family is best at defensive counterattacks and has fought many amazing battles in history. Such an engineer trained by the family is good at defensive design. Rhodes believes that of.

But the cost of knowing someone is very high. Many people have known each other for a lifetime, but they are unable to completely recognize each other. But because of time travel, Rhodes can directly know: Fatis, Kress, Caitlin, Lei The basic characters and abilities of people like Sarit, James, Alleyn, Atiman, and Jamila are a huge asset in themselves.

When the northern orc army was about to overwhelm the territory, it was impossible for Rhodes to give up Yatiman, whom he knew very well, to reuse an engineer he was not familiar with, and then take a bet on whether the other party had the level of a famous general-level engineer.

This choice is really stupid and Rhodes has no interest in it.

Under the leadership of Rhodes, a group of people began to inspect the entire Gushan Castle. During the process, Duke Rhodes would suddenly ask questions to test the military theory knowledge of the nobles who followed him.

Some people behaved very well, and some behaved mediocrely. Rhodes memorized all these answers so that he could have a general understanding of his subordinates.

"If there are orcs who successfully attack in this direction, I will choose to lead the soldiers of the Fields family to fight to the death and completely suppress them. I also have enough confidence in the combat power of my Fields family ax warriors. ”

At a corner of the city wall, Hap Fields responded to Duke Rhodes’ sudden question. He was not the head of the family of Fields’ generation, but he was the eldest son of Viscount Fields. He was resolute, brave, and quite capable. For excellence.

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