Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 398: One Hundred Riders Defeating One Thousand (Please collect and subscribe)

Four days later, the army that set out from the town of Verugatel successfully surrounded the more than 400 troops of Gushan Castle in a plain area. They were surrounded by a faint force, and it was absolutely difficult for the opponent to escape.

After repeatedly confirming through scouts that the opponent really only had more than 400 people, even the veteran general Trevor felt relieved. The twenty-fold difference in strength, even the legendary "Dragon-Slaying Duke"'s personal strength would not matter. He was so strong that he could at most lead a charge and escape with his own men. There was no way he could counterattack with 400 men, a force gap that was 20 times larger.

Although such battles existed in the history of war, they were all genius-level generals who met extremely famous idiot generals. Both Trevor and Grande were sure that they were definitely not the kind of idiots who could go down in history.

"In this case, General Trevor, please allow me to go over and advise Duke Rod Hart. After all, he is a strong man who guards the northern border and protects many people. If the two armies really fight, let him do this I can’t bear to see a hero die here. I used to have a good personal relationship with Rhodes.”

Prince Grandhe asked General Trevor this question. This is one of his strengths when employing people.

"In this case, it's okay, but please be sure to bring enough guards, Your Highness. The Grand Duke is known as the 'Dragon Slayer'."

"Don't worry about this. I have also recruited many powerful extraordinary beings as my bodyguards." After obtaining the consent of the old general, Prince Grandhe sent a scout to the enemy camp and conveyed his willingness to meet and talk to Rhodes. .

It just so happened that someone felt a little guilty about his old friend, so he agreed directly.

Not long after, Rhodes rode alone and heavily armored to the center of the two armies, and met Prince Grandhe who was surrounded by hundreds of guards. Prince Grandhe looked at the man in front of him with a little envy. young people.

Born into a poor Eastern noble family, he went to the northern provinces to become a pioneering lord. He built the Gushan Castle almost from scratch. Now he is a famous Dragon Slayer Grand Duke in the mainland. All of this is what he wanted but failed. Unobtainable.

Of course, Grandhe didn't feel that his background was not good enough, but he was still envious of the personal achievements that Rhodes had achieved.

"Duke Rod Hart, it's really been a long time."

"Good day, Your Highness, I never thought that I would meet you under such circumstances. The scene of our happy conversation in Fastel, the royal capital, seems to still be before my eyes."

"Rhode, you and Anna have no way out now. Come and help me. As long as you are willing to help me, I, you, and Anna can still maintain the friendship we had in the past."

Come and help me. I only want the position of emperor. As for the affair between you and Anna, I don't care.

As for aristocrats, there are countless examples of them living together happily and growing old together even after marriage.

Prince Grandhe said this in front of hundreds of guards around him, but no one except Rhodes could understand him.

The guards who were guarding the surroundings would only think that His Highness the Prince really cared about friendship. How could they understand the filth hidden behind the seemingly decent words.

"Men sweat, women sweat!"

The original purpose of marriage was to ensure the security of property. In most cases, love was not required for marriage between aristocratic couples in the Middle Ages. After a wife gives birth to a family heir, some husbands will take their wives out and allow them to enjoy themselves freely.

Of course, women are not allowed to have illegitimate children. This is of course not because of love, but to return to the original purpose of ensuring the safety of family property.

"...I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to live up to His Highness the Prince's kindness. Let's decide whether Princess Anna will stay or go in a war."

"In this case, I can only express my deep regret." Prince Grandhe felt that he had a chance to win, and he only made such a concession because he cherished talents very much.

But under such circumstances, he was still rejected by the other party, which made his face change, so he said harsh words, and then chose to run away.

In fact, if he attacked alone at this time, Rhodes was quite sure that the opponent would be left behind, but he pulled on the horse's reins and did not do that:

"I need to nail someone to the pillar of shame and tell everyone that times have changed. I'm sorry Grandhe, I actually admire you."

After the generals of both sides returned to their respective military formations, this war with a huge disparity in military strength officially began.

On Prince Grande's side, although Grande is the commander-in-chief, he has completely handed over military command to the veteran general Trevor. He only acts as a mascot while watching the battle in the front line trying to gain experience and become a A wise king.

Trevor also understood the psychology of his employer, so while he commanded skillfully, he informed Prince Grandhe of the meaning of such command and why he did it.

"One thousand heavy cavalry is the elite of our army. It is also a deadly sharp blade and must be used with care. Therefore, it is placed in the central army and can change according to the times. Our army has an absolute advantage in strength, so a thousand infantry are holding down the formation. Two thousand infantry advanced on the flanks, one thousand light cavalry assaulted, two thousand light cavalry assaulted on both flanks, assisted by infantry, and finally one thousand light cavalry moved around to attack."

On the other side, in the military formation of Gushan Castle, although the four hundred cavalry were also outnumbered, in comparison, they were indeed at an absolute numerical disadvantage.

However, almost every dark cavalry knight had no nervousness or fear on their faces, because since the establishment of the Lonely Mountain Castle, they had accompanied their lords and experienced too many battles where the enemy was strong and we were weak.

The dark cavalry regiment could always get up again in the sea of ​​blood and corpses and stand to the end. After experiencing so much, they naturally got used to it.

Elf mage Ligia watched the flight path of the griffin in the sky. This was the eagle language used for communication. It was originally based on the golden eagle communication of the blue language elves. Of course, she had no problem reading it.

At this moment, he came to Rhodes' side to inform him and fully conveyed the enemy's military deployment.

"It seems that Grandhe has found an experienced old general. This deployment is stable and is indeed conducive to responding to the situation with more people against fewer people. Unfortunately, this era has changed."

Although high-level soldiers have a crushing lethality advantage over low-level soldiers, high-level soldiers without numbers may also be swallowed up by the sea of ​​low-level soldiers if the number of low-level soldiers is large enough.

"Pass on my military order, all troops follow me to charge!"

"Yes, sir!" Following the order, voices of response were heard all around.

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