Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 4 Divine Blessing Ceremony

The entire northern province of the Styak Empire was developed by generations of pioneering lords and their subjects. Although the nobles of other provinces often call the emerging nobles of the northern province "country bumpkins and stupid northern barbarians", there is no doubt that the great expansion of the northern province in the wilderness is constantly injecting fresh blood into the body of this ancient empire.

However, in recent years, with the increasing tension of the empire's fiscal expenditure, the country's support for the pioneering lords of the northern province has also declined year by year. From the initial fifty-year tax exemption for one generation to the later twenty-year tax exemption and the current ten-year tax exemption policy, the national pressure of the entire empire has gradually been more on the pioneering lords of the northern province.

Yinshuang Town is one of the pioneering forces with the strongest comprehensive strength and the best development situation in the newly developed areas in recent years. Naturally, it is backed by the investment and support of the noble forces. On the way to the horse, Rhodes even saw the Ranger Sheriff.

A small emerging pioneering territory can actually afford cavalry? How generous!

There were 21 people in the Redwood Town group, and only Lord Rhodes himself rode a heavy packhorse. Usually, this was the most important production material for the village, and the villagers would rather starve themselves to feed it.

Beside Rhodes, who was riding a horse, Raymond ran behind with the 19 militiamen. As the militia captain of Redwood Town, he not only did not make much money, but also had to share his hunting gains with his subordinates from time to time, so the militiamen of Redwood Town were not weak and pale.

After arriving at Silver Frost Town, the vast land, neat houses and large population of the pioneering territory in front of them amazed the country bumpkins who came with them.

There was even a small stone fort in the core area of ​​Silver Frost Town. When they arrived at the stone fort, the accompanying militiamen were excluded, and only Rhodes, who had a noble status, was allowed to enter the banquet hall. Because Redwood Town was far away from Silver Frost Town and received the news late, when Rhodes entered, the reception banquet here had already begun.

Of course, powerful pioneer nobles can look down on weak pioneer nobles in marginal areas, just like the old nobles often look down on emerging nobles. This is a chain of contempt that cannot be stopped once it starts.

However, Rhode did not feel that he was treated coldly. When he saw the dazzling array of ingredients on the banquet, his eyes almost glowed green.

He took two steps forward and rolled the smoked sausage and pickles on the long table into a pancake, and devoured them with a crunch.

In fact, it is no wonder that the predecessor would gamble everything on his life, because Redwood Town is so poor and miserable. The hardships that the original pioneer lords, especially the pioneer lords with little strength, have to endure in the wilderness in the north of the empire are unimaginable for ordinary people.

It is not just the common people who are hungry and full, even Rodhart, the lord of Redwood Town, he can't see a meal of meat for ten days and a half months. Many times, being able to eat white bread is a great enjoyment.

Put all your worth on the gamble, and if you win, you can greatly solve the financial problems of the territory. The only problem is that the predecessor lost the gamble. And he also greatly overestimated his ability to withstand pressure.

"Reindeer meat, sour cream, caramel-flavored dry cheese, woo woo, after being in this world for so long, I finally had a decent meal." The aroma of meat, the sweetness of cream and the mellow taste of dry cheese, they mixed together and bloomed on the taste buds.

While eating in the corner, Rhode glanced around, looking for an opportunity to hide some on his body and bring it back for the little maid Cress to taste.

The poor child was so greedy that she drooled even when she saw herself eating white bread, but she refused to eat it. If she could eat these good things, would she feel that she was the happiest person in the world?

As for the noble demeanor? The noble Rhode is dead, and the current Rhode is from the working class and peasant class for three generations, and his family background cannot be better. Rhode himself has always looked down on the nobles. There is no such thing as a general or a minister. This is the unique soul mark of this world that belongs to him.

At the noble banquet, eating and drinking is never the focus. The focus is on the communication, interest cutting and trading between each other. The lord of Silver Frost Town is actually a graceful middle-aged lady. No matter where she goes, she is the focus of everyone's attention at the banquet.

In the Styak Empire, women can also inherit the surname and become nobles, but due to their own talents, there are still a few real female nobles with real power, especially in the powerful place like the northern border of the empire.

Compared with other pioneering lords who surrounded him like stars, Rhode, who knew that the strength of Redwood Town was low, hid in the corner of the banquet and ate a lot, but at the same time he was also paying attention to everything that happened at the banquet. After observing for a long time, he found that the Silver Frost Lord was always followed by a female guard with silver hair, red eyes and a mask. The Silver Frost Lord would subconsciously look at the guard every once in a while, but the guard was indifferent and indifferent.

"The King of Wei is very handsome, but the man who writes for me is a hero." This thought naturally popped up in his mind, but Rhode did not make any moves or thoughts about it.

Now the two sides are not in the same league at all, and it doesn't matter whether his judgment is right or wrong. If he really guesses too many secrets that he shouldn't know, it will be disadvantageous to him now.

"For all the lords who come to support Yinshuang Town this time, everyone can get a sum of supplies before the war. After resisting the thieves, I will also reward the lord who has killed the most enemies and made the most merits. I hope you all will fight bravely."

The Wilderness Plain is located between three human empires and two Orc Empires. For hundreds of years, the five empires have been limited by their respective populations and have never been able to effectively rule the entire Wilderness Plain. The buffer area between the two countries gathered a large number of losers in the power competition, refugees and criminals from the five countries. However, things have changed over the past hundreds of years. With the increase in population and accumulation of strength in each country, the situation has gradually changed.

"The purpose of the female lord Shuangyue is obviously not just to gather strength to resist thieves. She obviously wants to establish prestige and form a loose coalition. It is indeed a good idea. If the power of these pioneering territories can be concentrated If you get up, it will indeed be quite a force."

After the banquet, it was late at night at the Redwood Town militia camp.

The sound of boiling soup was accompanied by the aroma of food. Wheat, venison, and pieces of cheese were boiling in the iron pot. No one with any status would think highly of such a pot of food. , however, as the aristocratic young man with black hair and black eyes sprinkled the red umbrella and white stem mushrooms as ingredients, all the militiamen, including Raymond, subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

Rhodes personally served each militiaman a large bowl of offal soup with a smile on his face, appearing gentle and kind. It's just that everyone's attention was attracted by the food, and they failed to notice that their lord was different from before.

"Sir, don't you want to eat?"

"I don't have to. I already ate a lot at the banquet and was very full."

After all the militiamen present devoured the bowl of hot food, Rhodes smiled and said:

"Everyone knows that I am the heir to the Hart family, a famous family with a long history in the Eastern Province. In fact, our family has a powerful magical inheritance called the Divine Blessing Ceremony. As long as you are completely loyal to the lord and accept this magical technique, With blessings, you can gradually activate your potential in battle and gain powerful angelic power!"


Following Rodhart's words, the ignorant country bumpkins around them all looked shocked and ecstatic.

And Rhodes did not give them more time to think and digest, and said directly: "Yes, after more than two years of service, I have recognized your loyalty, so I decided to hold a divine blessing ceremony for you, but I You must explain in advance that once you accept this ritual, if you betray me or the Hart family in the future, your souls and those of your family will fall into hell and be burned by endless fire. Are you really willing to do so now? It’s not too late to regret it.”

After all, Rhodes had experienced a complete aristocratic education. After more than two years of commanding a group of farmers who were extremely grateful to him, he had already gained a high degree of loyalty. Most of them immediately knelt down on one knee. Touching the chest and saluting, it means that one is willing to devote oneself to faith.

Even Raymond, who was relatively the smartest and most capable among all the people present, vaguely noticed something was wrong, but at this moment he felt dizzy - those red umbrella and white stem mushrooms were Kress's mushrooms some time ago. Based on his own knowledge, Rhodes discovered that the poisonous mushrooms he collected had hallucinogenic effects if taken in small amounts, so he decisively collected them and used them now, which made Raymond unresponsive and followed him in a daze. The fanatical militiamen around them fell to their knees.

Under the light of the bonfire and as the white smoke spread, the nobleman whom Raymond had always disliked slowly pulled out the cross sword from his waist and chanted something in a low voice. At that moment, his whole body seemed to A sacred radiance spreads out, and there seem to be huge wings behind it, waving faintly!

"Buy four radishes, cut them or chop them; add four pieces of tofu, make them slurry; if you don't have aniseed peppercorns, just add a few drops of vinegar, let's drink it together." He sang in a low voice. While singing the classic national anthem of the Mao Xiong family, Rhodes continued to pass everyone's applications to join the team. Among all the people present, only Raymond was an elite model, but even so, he was already very satisfied.

I made an appointment with the inner demon priest, smiling and holding hands: never change. It will be updated with 5,000 words every day before it is put on the shelves, and 4,000 words will be updated on Fridays and Saturdays. If it cannot be done, I will lose 4,000 yuan. The update time is tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

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