Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 39 Ancient Relics, Temple of the Sun

There is a rather secret cave nearby where the swamp fishmen were finally exterminated. But if you observe carefully, you can still faintly see traces of someone's daily activities nearby.

The swamp murlocs have been exterminated, and the terrifying necromancer has also left. Although the specific reasons are not known, everyone is safe now.

Therefore, the five people no longer had any concerns and naturally chose to go in and explore.

Then, they discovered that there was a special space in this fish-man cave, which was quite open. It seemed to be the remains of an ancient civilization buried by a collapsed mountain.

Such ruins are not uncommon, especially in the wilderness, a special area that has been inaccessible for countless years.

"This should be the lair of those swamp murlocs. There should be more than just one entrance." Rhode said while looking around.

This parallel world is seemingly different from the world he knows well. There are many characters and events that he is familiar with, but there are also many that do not seem to exist in the first place.

Of course, Rhodes was not sure about this. After all, he was just playing games back then. It was not a humanoid library or a two-legged bookcase. The online version of the riding and slashing world was huge. Maybe these story lines existed, but he never had them. It is very possible that you have been in contact with it.

The ancient civilization relics in front of us seem to have a religious style, because they are decorated with quite gorgeous ancient flame patterns everywhere. Considering the nature of the swamp murlocs and the degree of filthiness here, this place is obviously not their true nature. ethnic beliefs, but was later discovered and occupied.

"Sir, there is a secret passage here." At this time, Rui'er, who was quite observant, discovered a tunnel at the corner and turned around and shouted.

"Sir, the swamp murlocs probably don't have anything good that can catch your eye. There may be danger down there, so let's leave first." At this time, Gunnather came to Yaros and said.

This is true. For people like Alos, unless it is a hobby, adventure seems to have no practical value.

Unfortunately, Alos's interest was already heightened at this moment.

"It doesn't matter, let's go down and have a look."

Yaros said this, and everyone else present, no matter whether they wanted to or not, could only follow.

Unexpectedly, the underground space here is not dark. The surrounding rock walls are covered with translucent mushrooms that emit a faint blue light, and the air is also very fresh.

The underground space is also covered with fish-man corpses, but these are mostly young fish-men.

The space here is larger than the space above, and in the center of the area is an altar inlaid with various luxurious and bright objects.

However, the top of the altar, where the offerings were placed, was empty.

Here the five people also discovered the food carts that the caravan had given to the fishmen before. Twelve carts of food were placed here. The lids had been opened, and there were even some scattered on the ground around them. Poor swamp fishmen Suddenly rich, he suddenly got so much food. He seemed very excited, and then he became very happy and sad.

They will never have the chance to enjoy this again.

When he saw the food, Gunnather's expression was slightly strange. Rhodes had been paying attention to him secretly. When he saw the slight change in his expression, he had already confirmed his suspicion.

However, he didn't care about it. The two sides were enemies, and it was normal for them to plot against each other. This time, he missed a move and was tricked, so there was nothing to say.

Yalos also noticed the food carts. She walked over and didn't pay much attention to them at first, but soon her eyes froze.

Alos came to the food truck and picked out the food inside with the scabbard in his hand. He found that just as he saw at this time, all the food had been "processed".

Before, Rhodes replaced the good meat with the meat of goblins and kobolds. Yaros thought that Rhodes was careless or looked down upon these swamp natives too much, so he placed the food truck at the agreed location without doing any processing.

However, at this moment, what Yalos saw was that all the meat had been artificially processed: minced, mixed with oil and salt, and then mixed with other good meat and placed in the middle and lower layers of the food. Such processing, such care Be careful, not to mention the less civilized swamp fishmen, even humans may be deceived temporarily.

Many unscrupulous butchers in the Styak Empire use this method to add goblin meat to pork and mutton. If the method is clever, many civilians who eat less meat will not be able to tell the difference at all. At most, they will think that the meat is not. Very fresh, slightly sour.

Gunnather followed behind Alos, sweat appearing on his forehead. His people cannot get close to the people of Redwood Town, but the caravan guards and hired crossbowmen of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce are relatively familiar with the soldiers of Redwood Town, and it is not easy for Gunnather to spend money to bribe them. Not difficult.

Therefore, he noticed what Rhodes was doing secretly, so he let his people come into contact with the swamp murlocs to trick Rhodes. Originally, even if this trick could not kill Rhodes, it would never implicate him, but Who would have thought that the swamp murlocs would be wiped out in one day.

Now that this noble man has seen everything in front of him, Gunnather is sweating on his forehead at this moment. Unlike Rhodes, he knows the true identity of this noble man in front of him. Although he does not know the specific purpose of the other party, he has Gunnather is very clear about this:

With this nobleman's status, he must have many means to save his life. Even if more than 200 people in the caravan died, he would definitely not be in trouble.

Therefore, Gunnarsser did not dare to have any thoughts of being cruel and reckless, because in the end, the other party would be fine, and he would have to face the wanted list of the entire empire.

At that time, not to mention the bounty hunters who swarmed in, even his own men would capture him and send him to Bright Moon City to ask for a reward and plead guilty.

Therefore, even though Gunnarsser knew that the nobleman in front of him might have killed him, he was sweating all over his forehead and did not dare to make any moves.

It was nothing for the ministers to plot against each other and attack each other. It was a normal behavior in the aristocratic upper class, but when the process involved and affected the superiors, it was a very serious crime.

Looking at the food truck and the goods on it, Yalos's thoughts kept changing in an instant.

"Rodhart is corrupt and Gunnarsser is collaborating with the enemy. According to the laws of Bright Moon City, both of them should be killed. But if the laws of Bright Moon City are strictly enforced, will there be any nobles and officials alive in the entire northern province?"

"Today, I cut it with my sword, which is easy and relieved. But in the future, when I face the nobles of Bright Moon City who have been playing games with my mother for decades, how many people can I kill with my sword? Learning to control them is the purpose of my training. Although Gunnarsser and Rod have problems in character, they are both talented, which is rare compared to many people in the northern province who are in high positions but have no ability because of their family background."

Thinking back and thinking, Arlos's original fierce killing intent gradually calmed down. The cold feeling on Gunnarsser's neck behind her also gradually disappeared.

After a moment, Alos turned around and looked at Gunnathar. Just one glance made Gunnathar feel cold all over, but Alos didn't say anything and continued to explore and observe the ancient monument in front of him. At that moment, with one look, Gunnathar, who had been on the edge of a knife for most of his life, almost peed.

He was not afraid of fighting with others, but when facing Alos, who not only controlled his life and death, but also controlled his fate, honor and disgrace in the second half of his life and even everything, Gunnathar was trembling and unable to control himself. This is the charm of power.

It can make cowardly people brave, greedy people honest, despicable people noble, and brave people become like a piece of mud that can be held in the hands of others and kneaded at will.

Behind Alos, Rui'er followed around with a curious look on his face, and also followed Gunnathar, who was trembling and guessing Alos's thoughts, but could not grasp them at all.

On the other hand, Fatis and Rhodes encountered their own fate.

As mentioned above, there was a common language on the continent in ancient times. There was once a powerful civilization that created a language and used it to teach people. Therefore, even though thousands of years have passed, as that civilization disappeared, the common languages ​​in various places have undergone certain local alienation, but everyone can still communicate in general.

Therefore, through the common language on the wall murals, the two gradually learned that this was the temple where ancient humans worshiped the sun god, as well as the past events that happened in their era:

That was the era of barbaric pioneers and pioneer knights, although the civilized war of hundreds of races had ended for nearly two hundred years.

The entire continent has entered a stage of recuperation, but the weak life of human beings still has a very difficult survival because they do not have the protection of ethnic gods.

Although relying on the growth of population, a large number of new territories have been obtained, allowing countless emerging towns of human beings to rise from the ground, but then they suddenly disappeared for various strange reasons.

Sometimes because of a sudden and terrible plague, perhaps behind it is the whisper of a demon lord.

Some were slaughtered by orcs and then piled up into a mountain of human heads, while others were just hungry beasts.

In that era, it was extremely difficult for ordinary mortals to just want to survive.

Under such circumstances, naturally some humans with wisdom chose to be relatively inclined to their own gods, and those who built the Temple of the Sun believed in the ancient sun god.

In that era, priests and warriors were inseparable.

They were the smartest, strongest, and bravest people. When their people were hungry, they led others to hunt. When their people were sick, they tried to treat them. When their people were in danger, they were also the ones who stood in front waving their weapons. These humans were the first generation of sun believers.

"We are the knights of God, the guardian knights who perform the duty of guarding in the dark, guarding the light and our people. We are the original believers of the sun."

Looking at the scenes on these murals, Rhodes thought of the opposing balance between theocracy and the ruling power of the nobility, but Fatis beside him was already in tears:

"You can think that this world is full of filth and darkness, but please also believe that there are still noble and unyielding souls in this world. Please believe in your heart that there is light in this world!"

Just such a motto smeared with stains on the wall made Fatis, who had been lost for a long time, feel a deep awakening.

He was originally a graduate of the Royal Military Academy of the Styak Empire and was a first-class genius knight. However, due to emotional trauma and self-conscience condemnation, he gave up everything and practiced asceticism alone on the road of wandering and traveling, torturing himself.

Over the years, Fatis's martial arts and combat prowess could be said to have been declining instead of advancing, but he didn't care. After all, even being alive was painful, so how could he care about the future.

But the bird of Hermes is my name, swallowing my wings to tame my heart!

Sometimes, people are so strange. After losing what they are best at, or even losing everything about themselves, they can see more clearly what they really want.

For several years, Wan Li practiced asceticism alone and tortured himself. The less he paid attention to it, the more solid and pure Fatis's martial arts foundation became. When any skill is performed to a high level, it is often an extension of the heart, and Fatis Tisi's heart has been honed to an extremely clear and strong state.

This is why among the hundreds of thousands of NPC heroes: ordinary, upper-middle, best, famous general, god level, except for those special heroes rewarded by extreme missions, only Fatis and Alleyn have the best chance to rise from the famous general level. The reason why he was trained to the level of God of War is because of his strong heart.

Fatis beside him was inspired by some kind of spiritual enlightenment due to the content on the temple murals. He closed his eyes and entered a state of enlightenment. The potential accumulated in his body for many years erupted like a volcano at this moment.

At the same time, Rhodes next to Fatis received a row of system prompts:

[Growth-type hero Fatis triggered the Holy Knight's job transfer and detected that he possesses the adaptable light heart method. Should he teach it? 】

[If taught, the "Soul's Redemption 2/5 Mission" will jump directly to the final stage of Soul's Redemption 5/5, and Fatis must be subdued before he leaves within six months, otherwise Fatis will leave permanently. 】

[Refuse to teach, the progress of "Soul Salvation 2/5 Mission" remains current. But Fatis has a 25% chance of dying, a 40% chance of being seriously injured, and a 35% chance of completing a breakthrough. 】

[Do you want to teach the Holy Light Qi Fighting Qi mind method? 】

If the hero next to him at this moment is another God of War hero Alleyn, then this option will be enough for Rhodes to struggle for a long time.

Not to mention the great value of the Holy Light Qi Fighting Heart Technique, just forcing the jump mission progress is very dangerous, because once the time limit is exceeded and cannot be subdued, the opponent will bring the Holy Light Qi Heart Technique and the secrets of the Redwood Town territory. Leave directly.

Forget about fighting spirit, the other party may not be completely unaware of the secret of the Redwood Town soldiers' rapid advancement. If this news leaks out, it will most likely be a disaster for Rhodes and even the entire Redwood Town.

In this era, nobles and careerists in the Middle Ages went crazy. In their eyes, the lives of 8,000 people were not human lives at all, but something that could be discarded at will.

But now that the person next to him is Fatis, Rhodes has nothing to be afraid of.

Based on Fatis's personal character, even if he cannot find his way to salvation and subdue him in the end, Fatis will not spread the Holy Light Qi Heart Method to others at will, or reveal the secrets of Redwood Town to others, or even make a drunken gaffe. It's unlikely, because he doesn't drink at all now.

The worst result is that there is just one more upright and powerful wandering knight in the world.

Therefore, Rhodes had no hesitation. He hit Fatis on the back with his eyes closed with one palm, pouring the not powerful but condensed pure holy light fighting energy into the man's body. At the same time, he guided the originally chaotic energy in Fatis' body to gradually form a smooth energy circulation circuit.

In a world with powerful magic, a strong mind is also a powerful force in a sense.

If those powerful sages from Rhode's previous life, such as Laozi, Confucius, Zhuangzi, and Sunzi, traveled to this world, they could easily manifest their souls into unparalleled powers, even in modern society. Those chicken soup bloggers who come to this world are more likely to attract the prying eyes of devils or demons from the lower planes than ordinary humans in this world.

Because their endless greed is much stronger and more terrifying than the ordinary people in this world who have not been bombarded by information storms.

Fatis has a deep foundation, and he has punished himself with great spiritual power over the years. After being touched by his epiphany today, Rhodes felt that the fighting energy that was constantly emerging from Fatis's body was far more powerful than what he had trained himself, so he intervened Under this, that force almost began to strangle and disrupt his own Holy Light Qi fighting spirit.

"Hey, now am I included in the 25% chance of death, 40% chance of serious injury, and 35% chance of breakthrough?"

But at this moment, the involvement is so deep that it is no longer possible to force an exit.

Otherwise, Rhodes would be like stabbing Fatis in the body, and the opponent would almost die as a result. Therefore, Rhodes could only concentrate and try his best to help Fatis complete the construction of the holy light energy cycle.

At this moment, Yaros, Riel, and Gunnasse came close, and the three of them quickly discovered something unusual about Rhodes and Fatis.

Seeing this scene, Gunnather almost instinctively clenched the sledgehammer in his hand. He also vaguely heard the secrets of fighting spirit. As the intensity of magic power in this world continues to rise, various races and skills in ancient times have also become more and more powerful. The more it appears in the eyes of the world.

Gunnather is also considered a first-class warrior in today's era. Of course, it is impossible for him to not care.

If this were a martial arts novel, then the next plot would be that Gunnarsor struck with a hammer, but assisted Rhodes and Fatis to complete their own breakthroughs and complete their deeds.

However, this is a system game novel, so Gunnarsor just had some thoughts, but Yalos beside him gave him a sidelong glance, suppressing all his thoughts.

So what if he is a Dou Qi strongman? A team of heavy cavalry rushed towards you, you will die if you deserve to die, not to mention that Gunnarsor is not one.

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