Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 366: Advancement and Enlightenment

Deirdre's talent and qualifications are insufficient. She is not suitable for reading and comprehending "The Theory of Domains". She is more suitable for breaking through the fifth-level legend through traditional methods. In fact, this is also a method suitable for most extraordinary people.

Sometimes, knowing too much and understanding too much can make people feel confused, which is not a good thing.

Needless to say, Yaros's personal qualifications, even Deirdre herself had to be convinced, knowing clearly that as for Rhodes, Alan Dial had insight into the exaggeratedly complicated route of fighting energy in his body, and had such a talent for cultivation. The qualifications of such a person cannot be bad.

People with simple minds and insufficient intelligence cannot even practice this mental method.

Alan Diel was in a good mood because he saw his little granddaughter Mandy.

He first came outside the library, glanced at the two people who were still studying "Theory of Fields", and then his eyes fell on Kress and Riel who were waiting.

That's all about Rui'er. During this period, he often saw him and gave him many pointers. But even though Alan Diel has transcended the idea of ​​race, seeing Rui'er as a human being devoted to the elves doesn't make him feel special. appreciate.

On the contrary, it was Kress who was so heroic and energetic that Alan Dial subconsciously hoped that his granddaughter could look like this in the future.

So he took the initiative to show up and gently patted Kress on the shoulder.


Kress was suddenly startled, turned around, and saluted quickly after seeing Alan Dire. She had a strong sense of superiority and inferiority in her heart, and she always respected the strong.

"Well, your foundation is good, but you can still go further. I just have time today, so I will give you some guidance."

"Thank you... thank you Lord Alandir!"

Rui'er looked at Kress with envy as he was taken aside by Master Alan Dier, but she didn't dare to learn from him secretly.

Being specially instructed by such a big person, even if it is only one or two sentences, as long as the understanding ability is sufficient, you can benefit a lot from it.

"Your bloodline fighting qi is originally pure in nature, but it has been washed and compressed by the power of light, so it has become alienated in nature. This can be regarded as opening up a different path for practitioners of other bloodline fighting qi. The practices practiced by other bloodline fighting qi practitioners The path is nothing more than greedy devouring, robbing other people's lives to make up for one's own shortcomings. In the short term, the benefits are huge and the progress is amazing, but you are on the wrong path from the beginning. Just keep purifying your own blood energy. It affects and controls the transformation of one's own life essence. The short-term improvement is not as good as others, but it has huge benefits for the future advancement to the fifth level legend. "

"But, but I don't want huge benefits in the future. I think I can help the master now. The master is going to fight that dragon. I want to help the master with my own strength. Sir Alandir, can you help me? "?" At this moment, Kress raised his head timidly and said.

"...Okay, then I will help you strengthen your connection with the magic weapon behind you, so that your combat effectiveness can be greatly improved in a short period of time. I originally planned to give you a perfect human body training map. If you If you want to be strong in battle, I won’t give you this map.”

"Well, I want to help the master. Kress doesn't want to see the master anxious and anxious, so he should get over the current hurdle first and then talk about the future."

"Okay, then I will help you communicate with spiritual beings and give you a set of bone weapons, so that you can gain enough combat power to help your master."

At the same time, Rhodes and Alos jointly understood the field theory, and both of them gained a lot:

"It turns out that there are so many tips and knowledge required to build your own perfect field. It's really amazing. If I were to sum it up myself, it would take at least ten years of hard work. I'm not sure I can reach this point. "

"It turns out that in addition to the main material plane, there are so many secondary planes in this world. They are said to be secondary and rely on this world. However, only by successfully communicating with them can one be promoted to the legendary realm. In this process One wrong step could cause irreversible damage to myself... Fortunately, I read my mentor's "Theory of Fields" before I made my breakthrough."

Rhodes is more focused on the research of establishing a personal domain, while Yaros is more concerned about how to communicate with those demiplane worlds.

There is no distinction between superior and inferior, it is just the difference in the path chosen by the two. When they reach the extreme, they are both extremely powerful.

Unlike Alos, Rhodes was allowed to take out a book after selection and keep it as a personal collection. Therefore, after reading until his head was swollen, Rhodes exhaled softly and placed "Theory of Domain" outside the spell barrier. In front of Alos, I went to look through other books to change my mind.

In any case, Rhodes' gains in "Theory of Fields" are bound to exceed that of Alos. This is not because of his wisdom or understanding, but simply because the ownership of this book belongs to Rhodes and he has studied and thought about it repeatedly for many years. , which is more solid and reliable than any gift or talent.

"The infinite greed for blood and life is the source of power for the vampires; the infinite hunger for blood and the endless greed for life. In this package of desire that is so strong that it is almost perverted and twisted, it also carries countless The anger, fear, grief, confusion, unwillingness, despair, hatred and other small and chaotic thoughts and emotions that humans experience before death..."

Coming to the side of the bookshelf, Rhodes took out a book and opened a page. What he saw was this content:

"Blood Curse" is a book that describes the origin, history and development of vampires. However, the author wrote this book to understand the opponent and then eliminate the opponent.

Therefore, many tips on dealing with and killing vampires are recorded in the book. Although it is of no use to Rhodes now, he is still very devoted to reading it.

However, when Rhodes turned sideways and saw Arlos reaching out to the "Domain Theory" lying on the ground through the spell, he was shocked and rushed over.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Rhodes fell to the ground and grabbed Arlos's palm. It was not until this moment that Arlos came back to his senses and saw that his palm was only a very small distance away from the spell barrier. She was also scared.

If it really touched, it might die!

"Sorry, I was so absorbed in reading. Sorry, sorry, Rhode."

"I can understand that, but if you really touch it, either the barrier will be activated and kill you, or your sword will fight against the barrier and blow up this place, and then we will be killed by Lord Arantir."

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