Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 352 Extraordinary Rune

In the wilderness, the Lonely Mountain Castle, the grand festival made the whole town fall into the joy of carnival.

Although they came to this world, the material living standard of this world is of course far inferior to the highly developed world where Rhodes originally lived. The backward productivity makes most people in this world live very hard.

"Today, let them eat and drink happily and have fun."

Holding a copper wine cup, Rhodes, who was dressed in a purple silk robe, walked to the window of the castle and supported his body with his palms to look down, sighing softly.

Because he traveled to this world, he had a new life and a young body. However, for the people in this world, Rhodes always had some compassion in his heart (he didn't mind being better to the people without losing huge benefits), although this did not affect his rational judgment.

At this time, just after midnight.

There were many people in the town of Lonely Mountain Castle. When Rhodes finished praying in the cathedral, he suddenly felt the fluctuation of the internal qi and the disorder of the holy light qi and qi machine shuttled through the orifices around his body, which made him groan softly and feel pain.

As the extraordinary knowledge he acquired continued to accumulate, Rhodes gradually understood the essence of cultivation in this world, at least the essence of the profession of Sun Knight/Holy Knight.

The so-called mana is actually the power that the magician combines his own consciousness with the external magic and natural energy to condense and generate.

The so-called fighting spirit is actually the power that the warrior combines his own life energy with the external magic and natural energy to condense and generate.

Although the details of each extraordinary school are different, they are generally these two paths, and use this as an opportunity to open the door to the evolution of their own life.

Most of the Sun Knights/Holy Knights practice the light system fighting spirit, using their own spine as the core of the power foundation, accumulating power and penetrating step by step until they break through the limits of mortals, comprehend the power of the domain, and are promoted to the fifth-level legendary extraordinary.

Rhodes's practice reference model Fatis is like this, starting from the prayer aura at the beginning, the fire resistance aura, the defense aura, the cold resistance aura, the toxin purification aura, the lightning resistance aura, the vitality aura, the meditation aura, step by step, step by step.

Fatis's cultivation foundation is extremely deep. It is not just the defensive aura of the Holy Knight system. He also practices the attack aura and martial arts because he thinks it is not difficult. It is easy to learn and practice. These practices will not distract his mind and energy. Instead, he feels that learning by analogy will help improve his own fighting spirit.

Of course, Fatis's situation of unity of body and mind is a special case. Normal Holy Knights have to choose a main direction, otherwise comprehensive promotion is equal to comprehensive mediocrity.

Rhodes's cultivation foundation and talent are not inferior to Fatis, and even some are better. However, Rhodes only chose one or two martial arts skills of the Holy Knight system to practice, but he has his own ideas in his heart.

The extraordinary skills of the Holy Knight are to continuously practice their own spine with their own bright fighting spirit, and penetrate the important acupoints around the spine to form supernatural powers such as fire, ice, or lightning.

If expressed in the form of a graph: that is, the several important acupoints corresponding to the Holy Flame Halo are at the relative bottom of the spine, the several important acupoints corresponding to the Holy Frozen Halo are slightly higher, and the several important acupoints corresponding to the lightning energy are higher.

In this way, you cannot go up step by step. You cannot go over the several important acupoints that penetrate the Holy Flame Halo. This is the foundation, but at the same time, the more corresponding acupoints you penetrate, the purer and stronger the light fighting spirit power you get, and the smoother and more powerful it will be when you practice. This is the way Fatis took.

Rhodes only penetrated the acupoints around the Holy Flame Halo, and then controlled his own holy light fighting spirit to go up step by step, but he cleverly bypassed the relevant acupoints corresponding to ice and lightning with the help of fighting spirit micro-manipulation, and went straight into the brain at the end of the spine.

If a normal holy knight practices like Rhodes, one will die if he practices one hundred, and one hundred will die if he practices one hundred, and he will definitely die.

Because Rhodes himself had two prerequisites for practicing like this. One was to have profound and extraordinary knowledge about the three abilities of healing, first aid, and surgery. Rhodes believed that he had entered a real parallel world, so the operation of the system skills must have a bottom-level operation foundation, that is, an operation mode that conforms to the rules of this world.

Therefore, as his own fighting spirit control ability gradually increased, Rhodes once carefully sensed the operation mode of his own fighting spirit after it was connected to the soldier's body:

He found that after the bright fighting spirit entered the soldier's body, the operation mode and shuttle acupoints were extremely complicated, but Rhodes's memory was amazing after his intelligence attribute was increased to 30 points. After two years of repeated observations and continuous recording, he finally memorized the path mode of the three system skills of healing, first aid, and surgery, which was similar to a rune.

Gradually apply this extraordinary knowledge to oneself, and to do this, you need a super strong fighting spirit micro-control ability, which is a fighting spirit operation mode that even Fatis thinks is absolutely impossible to complete, and it is also the basis for Rhodes' current holy light energy practice and the condensation of the fifth characteristic.

Without these dedicated practice accumulations, Rhodes might not have discovered the genetic trap restrictions in his body at all.

However, his discovery also activated the genetic trap in advance. The projection of the sage civilization was definitely an ancient power to Rhodes at that time and even to Rhodes now. The hidden tricks of the other party would certainly not be so easy to crack.

For people in this world, this hidden move is almost impossible to crack. The more the recipient benefits from it, the more certain the final result is.

"... The fifth characteristic, as long as my fifth characteristic 'Immortal Light Body' is condensed, the so-called gene trap will be useless to me, and it will even help me succeed."

At this moment, the holy light and fighting spirit around him suddenly went astray, and Rhodes thought it was caused by Gary implanting the ogre bloodline in him.

He closed his eyes to calm his mind, and circulated his fighting spirit to repair himself for a while, but still felt a little chest tightness, so after hinting to Moken and Fatis, he left early.

Moken and Fatis will work together to suppress all problems, just let everyone think that the lord is too drunk. After all, Rhodes rarely drinks normally, and today he drank a few more glasses. This explanation is easy for everyone to understand and accept.

On the other side, Rhodes returned to his room with the help of Cress.

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