“Tall peaks covered with snow, lush valleys with rushing streams;

An elf ranger riding a strong stag can shoot the lice on the brim of your hat with one arrow from a distance;

But they always have difficulty dealing with the dwarves who are as stubborn as stone. The dwarf girls have lush beards on their cute little faces;

Orcs never attack by surprise because they believe that life is about fighting.

Goblins are stealing, gnolls are running, and on the pointed towers, human gods are looking down.

Our family declined generations ago;

Dad left the family property to his eldest brother;

And I choose to pick up the sword and fight;

For ambition, for life, and for the beloved girl next door, she doesn’t have to marry the miller and become his third wife! "

The almost tuneless and cheerful singing was echoing in the sky above the advancing caravan. It may not be pleasant to listen to, but it is also a good entertainment.

The female knight Riel, who was riding her horse nearby, frowned slightly because of the words in the song, so she came to Alos and asked softly: "Do you want them to stop?"

"No, Rui'er, isn't this a beautiful song?" Yaros smiled as he rode on the horse with his eyes closed, tapping his palms as accompaniment.

Endless white snow, tall mountains, lakes in the distance, green grass on the plains, a simple and natural wild scenery as far as the eye can see.

"Brother Fatis, the scenery of the wilderness is very good. Why is there no one living in such a beautiful place?"

Riding a gray-brown furry packhorse, Kress came to Fatis and asked. Kress's physical fitness was very good, but her riding talent was very average, even if the horse she was riding now was The most docile draft horse, she barely learned to control it after falling numerous times in the past few days.

Even the horse that was carrying her was helpless. It was already carrying her very steadily, but it couldn't hold the person on its back and always liked to sway from side to side, as if its buttocks were covered with spikes.

"It is said that this place was once a battlefield for ancient gods. Of course, legends like this are too old and it is difficult to distinguish whether they are true or false. However, it is a fact that various natural disasters occur frequently in the wilderness."

"Natural disaster!?" Kress asked curiously.

"Well, okay, let me tell you what I've seen."

"It was not long after I came here, and I didn't have any goals. I was just wandering around. One day I passed by a place. There was sunshine here, and it was cloudy there. Everything was normal on the sunny side. It’s raining on the cloudy side, which means that if you stand in the middle, one side will be clean and the other side will be soaked by the rain.”

"Although this kind of thing is very strange, it can't be called a natural disaster, right?" At this time, Raymond also rode over. He also heard it, so he asked with interest.

"Of course it wouldn't be a natural disaster if it was just raining, but it didn't take long for the temperature to drop rapidly in the area where it rained, and ice rain cones began to fall, which can kill people directly. Fortunately, I was riding at the time It was Snow, it reacted very quickly and took me out of the area before I could react, but even so, I was still disappointed." As he spoke, Fatis took pictures. He took a picture of the old Masnow he was riding.


Although Fatis spoke in an understatement, Kress and Raymond looked at each other in shock after hearing what he said.

Because the longer the contact lasted, the more clearly the two of them could feel Fatis' outstanding personal strength. Even he was injured because of it. If this strange rain fell outside the wilderness, genius knows what would happen. How many people were killed directly!

"I once met some human refugees in the wilderness. I learned from the elders among them that the frost rain I encountered was relatively 'mild' among the natural disasters in the wilderness. More than ten years ago, here Once upon a time, there would be huge storms in space, the earth would collapse, and magma would spew out. No one could escape from such a natural disaster in the wilderness."

"The situation has gradually improved in the past few years, otherwise Mr. Jaros would not want to open up a new trade route. Opposite the wilderness of the Sidyak Empire, it is said that Hoffman The Empire and the Sims Royal Court are powerful forces dominated by orcs. Their craftsmanship and luxury goods are far inferior to ours, so as long as the trade route is opened, this is a road flowing with gold. "

When he said this, Fatis looked around and asked: "Raymond, where is Lord Rhodes?"

"We are training the security forces in the back. Your Excellency is really practicing with all your might. Just now, two more people passed out and were thrown into the truck. Now, Your Excellency, you have dismounted and are following the training!" When Yan said this, Raymond said With a look of fear on his face, the reason why he ran to the front was partly because he was afraid of being caught by Rhodes and training together.

"Sir Rhodes is right to do this. You have to endure more hardships during training, and you can reduce casualties when you actually experience the battle. Speaking of this, Kress, have you practiced the martial arts I taught you before?"

"Of course, I will not be lazy about what the master has specially told me. However, I don't understand why the skills I practice are so different from those practiced by soldiers?" Kress met Rhodes and Raymond Germany and the training of soldiers: weight-bearing, long-distance running, and soldier-holding drills.

What he practiced was all kinds of strange and difficult movements every day. If the master hadn't seen it and approved it, Kress would have already begun to suspect that the wandering knight Fatis was deceiving him.

"Of course it's different, you're a girl. We men carry weights, run long distances, exercise our physical fitness, make our bodies stronger and stronger, and finally practice with soldiers. As long as a part of our strength can be exerted in battle, we can cause enough damage and destruction, enough to kill people. What affects our further progress is not strength, but whether we have a strong mind to persist in moving forward."

"But women are inherently much weaker than men, not only in strength, but also in reaction speed and concentration. Therefore, when you practice your martial arts, you must save more potential development and concentrate every bit of potential where it should be concentrated."

Men practice martial arts, doing hard labor while practicing martial arts, which can complement each other. Women practice martial arts, they can only practice martial arts to gradually adapt their muscles to various extreme ways of exerting force. If they want to be effective in martial arts, they can no longer do physical work, otherwise it will be in vain. This is the difference in innate endowment.

Therefore, after Fatis explained to Rhodes, Rhodes had expressly forbidden Cress from doing any physical work, and only let her do some pure maid work such as serving tea and pouring water.

In fact, if men practice martial arts purely without doing hard labor, they will be more efficient and easier to form combat effectiveness. However, weight-bearing and long-distance running also have some effects of sharpening willpower, which is very beneficial for breaking through a certain realm in the future.

During this period, Rhode has made up his mind to give up the extraordinary career of Scorpio Assassin that Cress has, and instead train her in the direction of a pure auxiliary female knight hero. Although this is a bit of a waste of potential, Cress has only one life, and the career path of knight is much happier than the career path of assassin.

I'm afraid no one would like to hide in the dark forever.

"One, two, three, four!"

"One, two, three, four!"

At the end of the long caravan, Rhode was naked, tied with a lot of weights, and shouted training slogans with a group of Haidam militia security teams.

The Haidam militia had a hard time training, so they naturally had many complaints in their hearts. However, no matter how many complaints they had, after seeing the lord bare-chested and personally accompanying them in the training, they gritted their teeth and endured it. There was nothing more to say.

During the process, Rhodes ran on the periphery, watching and managing the Haidam militia in the long-distance run, and kept silently chanting: "Endorphins, endorphins!"

As a lord, Rhodes could have eaten well, dressed warmly, and rode a horse to enjoy the natural scenery of the wilderness. He didn't have to live in pain like he did now.

But the weak succumbed to dopamine, and the strong enjoyed endorphins/endorphins.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which is a chemical used to help cells transmit pulses. This brain secretion is related to human desire and feeling, and it is responsible for transmitting information about excitement and happiness. For example, when a person is tasting delicious food and is with someone he likes, a large amount of dopamine will be secreted in the brain, making people feel very happy.

Endorphin/endorphin is an endogenous (secreted by the pituitary gland) morphine-like biochemical synthetic hormone. It produces an analgesic effect when people are in pain, and then makes people feel a sense of accomplishment full of animality.

After Rhodes retired in his previous life, because he had no goals at all, he completely let himself go, playing games all night, playing black music, reading novels, and enjoying the secretion of dopamine wantonly until he died.

However, after regaining his youth in this life, he quit dopamine again and enjoyed the strong sense of accomplishment brought by endorphins again, because he had a new path to pursue in this life.

From Rhodes' perspective, the system is a kind of talent of his own, similar to Kress's rage and Fatis's unparalleled fighting spirit, and: people who have talents but don't work hard, and people who wantonly waste their talents are fools.

On the road to becoming extraordinary, one day you will encounter a chasm that cannot be crossed by talent alone. If you cherish your talent and combine it with hard work, then perhaps you will have a greater chance in the future to go further on the road to becoming extraordinary.

"If this is a novel, if I have a chance to go out, I must throw the 2B author of this book into a gay bar and let him be gangbanged a hundred times! How can I not work hard? How can I not work hard? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"


Because of the pain brought by crazy physical exercise and polishing the actual use of attributes, Rhodes secreted a large amount of endorphins in his brain, but at the same time, it also made him excited, and his body was filled with a strong vitality, so that he finally roared subconsciously.

That feeling is just like the beast king running freely in the wilderness!


However, at this moment, the female knight Ruier with long water blue hair happened to come to him.

When she saw the man running and roaring in the snow, the horse she was riding was slightly startled and almost stood up, but fortunately she quickly subdued it.

"Lord... Lord Rod, my master has something to discuss with you." She was suddenly startled and was a little angry, but when she looked at the young man with solid muscles on the snow, Rui'er felt her cheeks getting hot for no reason (suspension bridge effect). For a long time, she always thought that she liked someone like her master, who was handsome and beautiful like a god. However, when she suddenly saw another completely different charm today, the female knight felt from the bottom of her heart that the other choice seemed to be quite good.

"Got it, Lord Ruier, thank you for your message."


Hearing this, he asked his subordinates to lead his horse, then Rhodes put on his outer robe and got on the horse, riding forward. Soon, he followed the guidance of Knight Ruier to the front of the caravan, where the caravan leader Mr. Alos was.

"Mr. Alos, good day."

"Mr. Rhodes, I am very pleased to see you so energetic. However, you are diligent in practicing your martial arts, which is a good thing, but human energy is limited after all. I still hope that you can also devote more energy to this mission."

While saying this, the blond and blue-eyed Alos handed a piece of parchment to Rhodes. Rhodes reached out to take it and read it, and found that it was a scout briefing.

As time went by, the large caravan continued to go deeper into the wilderness, and a group of wilderness followers gradually gathered around the caravan. At first, their number was very small, but as time went on, their number was increasing rapidly, just like a herd of cattle that had to cross the territory of predators during the season change, and they always had to leave a few of them as "passing" expenses.

"What do you think about this, Mr. Rhodes?"

"I have no opinion. Enemies, kill as many as they come." After reading the briefing, Rhodes smiled and handed it back to Alos.

The man opposite responded so crisply that Alos was slightly stunned. He thought the other party would shirk his responsibility or at least negotiate some conditions, but he didn't expect that Rhodes would directly agree.

But it was a battle after all, risking life, and it was almost certain that people would die.

"Mr. Rhodes, out of our friendship, I still want to remind you not to underestimate your opponent too much. The combat power of the wilderness race should not be underestimated."

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Alos." After saying that, Rhodes pulled the reins and left.

Because the situations of both sides are different, although the caravan guards of Yalos are elite, and even have a large number of heavy armored cavalry, too frequent battles will reduce the morale of this unit and its combat effectiveness.

Rhodes' own Redwood Town troops are different. They secretly have the blessing of the "God's Blessing Ceremony". Rhodes' army can gain stronger power in war and killing, which is a great boost to the soldiers' body and mind. Therefore, Rhodes is not worried that his troops will decline in morale and combat effectiveness due to frequent battles.

"It just so happens that the will of the Haidam militia is about to reach its limit. This battle is just the right time for me."

The caravan has many cavalry, and Yalos is well versed in military tactics and acts cautiously, so it is normal for him to obtain military intelligence faster and earlier. But after obtaining military intelligence, Rhodes took Fatis, Raymond, and Kress around the caravan for a few circles, and also found the increasing number of wilderness aliens following.

These creatures living in the land of magic riots are relatively strong in combat, and due to this year's snowstorm, it is difficult to find food. Therefore, once they found a large group like the Atlan Chamber of Commerce caravan, they naturally gathered together. Raymond even found that they had elected a temporary leader, because the following gradually became more covert and more purposeful.

"Lord Rhodes, will the manager Arlos use the caravan's cavalry to help us fight? Or will we fight alone in this battle?" After jumping off the horse and looking at the traces left on the snow, Fatis raised his head and asked.

"Fatis, don't worry. Mr. Alos is a man of great courage. His goal is to successfully open up a new trade route, not to argue with us about the pros and cons. Therefore, although the command of the cavalry will not be in our hands, Alos will still choose to help us when necessary. Sometimes, we can choose to trust our allies."

"With cavalry, this battle will be much easier to fight."

In this era, no matter how you calculate it, among the many arms of human forces, cavalry still firmly occupies the main combat position. Although it is a money-burning arm, the cost of raising a cavalry is enough to raise ten infantry, but as long as there are certain conditions and ambitions, there is no lord who does not train cavalry.

Of course, Rhodes dare not think about large-scale cavalry in a short period of time. The little wealth he has is really not enough to burn.

"If possible, I hope to rely on the power of the Redwood Town army to wipe out all these wilderness aliens while minimizing losses."

"This is probably difficult and unnecessary." Fatis didn't understand Rhode's thinking for a while, because he didn't know about the "God's Blessing Ceremony". In Fatis's mind, Rhode should try his best to avoid unnecessary battles and losses, because he was not sure whether he could subdue Fatis, so Rhode didn't tell him about the "God's Blessing Ceremony". This was also the biggest secret of the Redwood Town army. Due to the threat of hellfire, almost no soldiers in the Middle Ages would not keep the secret.

On the other side, in the settlement of the wilderness race, an extremely skinny and wretched goblin was waving his sharp scimitar in his hand from a high place. Around it, there were a large number of earth goblins, dog-headed men, and even tall and strong blue fat ogres kneeling on the ground to express their submission.

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