Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 27 Moon Shadow Step Phantom Moon Shadow

The cold wind mixed with ice and snow blew down quickly. The old man who was lame on one leg shivered and shrank his neck, so that the coldness that fell into the back of his neck was no longer so clear and distinct.

Although he was doing this, he was still meticulously rinsing the horse in the wooden shed.

In the huge wind and snow, many tents in Redwood Town collapsed, but the storage warehouse, stable, mill house, and of course the lord's mansion were not affected.

After a person has eaten enough, he will not feel too cold even in the cold wind. If his hands and feet work more diligently, he will warm up quickly.

Outside the stable, the townspeople of Redwood Town were also doing their best to entertain the pampered caravan traders. The women took out the salt, meat and cheese that they were reluctant to eat on weekdays and made them into delicious food. There were even many teenage girls who gathered in the mill house to boil hot water and then brought it back to serve and take care of the adults who washed their feet.

Of course, that's where the deal ends.

Because the lord issued a strict order to prohibit the presence of prostitutes in Redwood Town. Once caught, they would be executed on the spot.

This is not because Rhodes wants to cut off the only way for helpless women to survive, but because Rhodes knows in his heart that when a person adapts to a relaxed enough way of survival, it will be difficult for most people to survive. Let’s accept another relatively difficult way of survival.

Once you become accustomed to selling your dignity, it is easy to form a habitual behavior. The current folk customs of Redwood Town are simple and strong. Rhodes wants to manage it into a place of dignity and pride and will never allow it to become a city of prostitutes.

Plans never change quickly. Although the executives of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce have decided to solve the loan problem of Redwood Town in a short time, a snowstorm that was unexpected by everyone suddenly hit Redwood Town.

Although Redwood Town did not suffer any major economic losses due to its poverty, the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce's caravan was temporarily trapped here. Even the craziest people would not dream of leaving the town. Set off in such weather.

The lord's mansion in the center of the town has been expanded to a certain extent during the great development of Redwood Town. Although it cannot be said to be exquisite and luxurious, it is strong, warm and covers a large area.

After the blizzard, the main stewards of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce were invited by Lord Rhodes to take a short break at the lord's mansion. The relative living conditions here were at least much better than outside.

In fact, this blizzard did not bring much damage to Redwood Town. In fact, it stimulated an increase in economic income, because a town of 500 people had to take care of the living and food of hundreds of people in the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce caravan. For accommodation, basically every household has to send someone:

Chopping firewood, cooking, heating hot water, taking care of and washing the horses, the people in the town tried their best to provide services, and those in the caravan would also spend some copper. For Redwood Town, which has a very low starting point, the economy is borrowed. This pull started.

"one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

Shouting slogans in unison, groups of teenagers and young people wearing thin clothes lined up in the cold wind, ice and snow, and ran with great strides.

Even if there is a blizzard outside, the military winter training has not stopped. In fact, Rhodes' supervision has become more stringent during this period.

Because he knows that winter is the golden period for a person to exercise. In winter, people's muscle density increases and their cardiopulmonary function is lower than in other seasons. In winter, it is relatively easier to stimulate the potential of muscles and improve muscle endurance and strength.

At the same time, winter is a season of high intake and low output, and the body's consumption is not as high as in summer, so winter is an excellent time to enhance physical strength.

"One, two...three...four!" The majestic and high-spirited roar spread far away, scattering the wind and snow in the sky.

"It seems that we have no hope of attracting the military instructor from Redwood Town. Who would have thought that the hidden military instructor in Redwood Town is actually Lord Rodhart himself." Standing behind the wooden window, the female knight Rui'er pushed open the windshield board with her hands and stared at the militia team outside who were undergoing winter training.

The person leading the front of the team is Lord Rodhart. Next to him are the Fatis Knight, the guard captain Raymond and even his maid Kress. Although the little girl does not look like the one beside him, Several men were also shirtless in the wind and snow, but they were also running along, panting, and their little faces dotted with freckles were flushed.

"A small pioneering lord can actually support such an army. He is simple and self-disciplined, so strict with himself, and so ambitious. If he were in the Styak Empire, he would probably die if he had such ambitions. Fast, but this is the north, maybe our Knight Rodhart can really develop."

"Then it depends on his own abilities and whether he can understand the situation." In response to Ruier's words, the blond and blue-eyed Steward Alos smiled slightly, and his words seemed to indicate something.

After the morning training, Rhodes, who was bare-chested and showing clear and strong muscle lines, returned to the Lord's Mansion with a relieved breath. When he was young, he was a very self-disciplined and successful person. As he aged, he became a little more wild and wild. When he came to this world , satisfied with the joy of regaining youth, while greedily peering at the extraordinary power of this world.

Because I have aged once, I don't want to age again. Because I have died once, I don't want to die again. If there is really no chance, it's fine. But in this world, there is obviously an opportunity to surpass these. Rhodes, who has received elite education for a lifetime, really doesn't want to let it go easily. Therefore, Rhodes is now more self-critical than when he was young in his previous life.

"It's been a long time since I exercised so well. I feel better." Just as Rhodes wiped his body with a towel, Fatis and Raymond walked in. Raymond was fine. When Fatis saw Rhodes's solid and smooth muscle lines, his eyes flashed with admiration.

When Rhodes saw Fatis's body, the same look flashed in his eyes-moderate fitness, attracting the opposite sex. Excessive exercise, attracting the same sex!

Just as Rhodes, Fatis, and Raymond were showing off their strong latissimus dorsi, majestic trapezius, and hard and strong quadriceps in the room, Kress's voice suddenly came from outside: "Master Rhodes, Mr. Alos is here to visit."

"Okay, got it. Kress, take Mr. Alos to the hall first, I'll be there later."

The whole caravan was trapped here, but it was not boring, because Rhodes had brought simple and popular entertainment methods such as Landlord, Gobang, and board games to Redwood Town. The entertainment life of the people in the Middle Ages was extremely scarce. Proper introduction of some entertainment projects can also improve the happiness index and centripetal force of the people.

However, Mr. Yaros had no interest in these games. During his stay here, he would come to Rhode from time to time to chat about all sorts of things. Although Rhode tried to be restrained, the little knowledge he showed still made Yaros' eyes shine. But being stared at by a man in that way made Rhode feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't be too alienated from this generous sponsor. A little bit of what Mr. Yaros showed was enough to offset the painstaking management and development of Redwood Town for several years.

Wipe the body, put on casual clothes with the help of Cress, then Rhode took Fatis and Raymond to meet Mr. Yaros and his knight guard in the hall of the mansion.

"I didn't expect to stay here for so many days. I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

"No, the gods are willing to let Mr. Arlos stay here for a while. This is also a kind of arrangement of fate. Moreover, there is no agricultural labor in winter. The caravan stays here for a few more days, which can also make more income for the people in my territory."

The two chatted leisurely. Just when Rhodes was subconsciously thinking about the other party's intention, Arlos suddenly said after putting down his teacup:

"Just now, I saw Mr. Rhodes showing a very simple and exquisite swordsmanship when training the army. It happens that I have also learned swordsmanship since I was a child. Can I ask Mr. Rhodes for advice?"

"This is not necessary..." Hearing this, Rhodes subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"If Mr. Rhodes can beat me, I can not only cancel the loan of 500 gold coins. Even if I can get one or two more territory investments for Mr. Rhodes, it is not impossible."

"... After all, sword fighting is dangerous, even if you use a wooden sword"

"Then it is not limited to Mr. Rhodes. In Redwood Town, as long as there are people who can beat me in the field of swordsmanship, no matter how many people there are, my previous promise will be valid."

Speaking in this way, it is a bit contemptuous.

"What did you say!"

"Raymond, sit down!"

Raymond, who was still angry, sat down under Rhodes' order and Fatis's suppression. It was too arrogant for a mere businessman to say such words on the territory of a pioneering noble.

Not to mention Raymond, even Fatis and even Rhodes would be unhappy about this.

"Since Mr. Alos is so interested, the people of Redwood Town, though timid, dare not refuse." Rhodes looked at the guy in front of him, and wanted to increase the amount of the bet. After all, Fatis is still here with him. With this first-class knight as a backup, the probability of being directly pierced by a sword is really small.

However, looking at Alos in front of him, Rhodes did not say what was on his lips. Instead, he had such a thought in his mind: "Is this guy stronger than Fatis?"

If not, he should not have such confidence.

In the end, Rhodes did not ask for an increase in the bet. Just follow what Alos said. Everyone did not bring wooden swords and weapons to the outside of the house. When the mansion was expanded, the basement was expanded to store food and weapons, which was quite spacious.

Because many people moved in during the snowstorm, many managers of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce also slept on the floor in this basement. Therefore, a group of people quickly gathered around the competition between Rhode and Arlos, and even the few people who were playing cards came over. After all, cards can be played at any time, but competitions like this are rare in normal days.

"Raymond, the captain of the Redwood Town Guard, let me first ask Mr. Arlos about his excellent swordsmanship." Raymond was a little impulsive, but he was not stupid. He also knew that people who dared to brag were either not clear-headed or really powerful.

Therefore, he would never let Rhode go first. He held a round wooden shield in one hand and a wooden spear in the other, wanting to test the opponent's strength for Rhode.

Across the street, the handsome blond Arlos chose a single/two-handed wooden sword. Although Raymond was from his town, the girls around him were still intoxicated when the nobleman thanked the maid who handed him the sword.

These girls were temporarily recruited during this period of time, otherwise they could not take care of many people in the caravan with only the original servants.

"Damn, pretty boy!"

Looking at the little maids around them gathering behind the blond pretty boy, with shy eyes and flushed faces, Raymond was so jealous that his teeth were about to break.

He suddenly charged, and when he reached the attack range, he stomped his feet diagonally, moved sideways with a bang, and then stabbed Arlos's slender neck with a violent spear. If the stab was strong, even a wooden spear would be fatal.


The maids cried out in dismay all around. In their minds, Raymond, the leader of the guards, was a very rough and strong man.

However, just when Raymond's wooden spear was about to attack the opponent, Yaros slashed the sword in his hand diagonally, hitting the spear that was as fast as thunder in the process of stabbing.

With a "snap", Raymond felt the force in his hand lighten, and the next moment, the pretty boy Yaros rushed to him at a speed he could not imagine, so fast that it seemed that his whole figure had become a shadow.

At the moment when the shadow solidified, Raymond just reacted and hit hard with his left hand round shield, but Yaros was faster than him and kicked out diagonally, not even knee-length, but heavy and sharp.

With just this one blow, the strong Raymond was kicked over, and his left hand round shield attack was deformed and meaningless.

With a bang, he hit the solid ground hard, and the next moment, the wooden sword in Arlos's hand was pressed against his neck. All around, there were the cheers of the little girls who didn't know how to react.

"I heard that you are the captain of the guard of Redwood Town? You are just a rough man who relies on your physical fitness. The things you rely on are vulnerable in front of a real swordsman."

"You... I haven't lost yet, and a broken wooden sword can't pierce my neck."

"Really? Humph." Hearing this, Arlos was not angry. He seemed to walk to the side casually, came to the side of a wooden pillar, and then swung the wooden sword in his hand fiercely.

"Pah" With a bang, the wooden sword in Arlos's hand actually pierced nearly half of the wooden pillar. Such swordsmanship shocked the whole audience.

"Mr. Fatis, can you perform such swordsmanship?"

"...I haven't tried it, but I'm afraid I can't do it. It's the first time I've seen such swordsmanship that a wooden sword can penetrate a wooden pillar without damaging the sword at all."

"Haha, it's just a caravan, but there is such a swordsmanship master hidden in it. It's really interesting." After saying that, Rhode stepped forward and called back Raymond who was still making trouble. Then, under Cress's worried eyes, he also took a single/two-handed wooden sword from her hand.

"Please teach me."


Seeing Rhode's solemn expression, Alos also straightened his expression and put on his own swordsmanship posture, and the two confronted each other.

Rhode's personal melee ability now surpasses Raymond, on the one hand because of the refinement of swordsmanship, and on the other hand because the strength increases with the personal level.

But Rhode is also very clear that even he can't think of defeating Raymond as easily as he did just now, so he instantly judged that the personal melee ability of this pretty boy in front of him is beyond his own.

"But in actual combat, it doesn't mean that people with good swordsmanship will definitely win. If you want to win by using the weak to fight the strong... When two meet on a narrow road, the brave will win!"

At this moment, Arlos, who had been paying attention to Rhodes, felt that the man in front of him, his eyes instantly turned blood red.

"Violent? No!"

In Arlos' eyes, Rhodes' eyes returned to pure black, but his loss of mind at this moment was grasped by Rhodes, and in an instant, he drew his sword.

Huh, a sword swept across, the whole room was full of the wind, and the sound of clothes breaking through the air continued. Sword style: Fiery!

Compared to Raymond, the strongest point of himself is that he has a solemn and meticulous swordsmanship inheritance, while Raymond, even after the system enhancement, is just a wild background, and his martial arts are just a sublimation of physical fitness and basic martial arts.

It doesn't show in the low stage, but in the middle and high stages, once he makes a move, it is different.

At this moment, Rhode's skills were gradually deepened and his fighting spirit was strong. He slashed with his sword, and there was the might of the iron cavalry galloping and the whole army charging.

Yalos's swordsmanship was indeed better than Rhode's at this time, but his biggest shortcoming was that he had never really experienced a battlefield where he had to risk his life. At this time, he stabbed Rhode's eyes with a sword, and killed him first. Most people would instinctively retreat when facing a sharp sword stabbing in front of their eyes, or at least be timid, but Rhode did not retreat at all at this moment, but attacked and attacked without avoiding or giving way.

When there is a gap in strength, if you still want to win, then you should attack and attack to exchange injuries. This is a principle that even militiamen understand, but at this moment, Rhode used it and instantly suppressed Yalos.

"What's going on?"

In his mind, he felt incredible that he was at a disadvantage. In fact, compared with Rhode's swordsmanship, what surprised Yalos more was the opponent's might and spirit that could suppress him.

"With my heritage, my qualifications, and my hard could I possibly lose to you!" At the moment before Rhodes's sword was about to strike, Arlos' figure instantly disappeared without a trace, like a phantom.

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