Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 23: Attack and Defend with Ease

Looking down from the perspective of a majestic giant eagle soaring into the sky, you can see a vast white and clean world.

However, within this, there is a bit of terrifying blood that is rapidly spreading, like blood and ink soaking through the white paper.

Rhodes' tactics can be said to be very simple. He used horizontal carriages as chariots to form a formation to withstand the crazy attacks of the Jackals head-on. At the same time, he continued to consume them with arrows from long-range troops. However, it sounds simple. It is not easy to accomplish this with a total force of less than twenty-five people. It can even be said to be very difficult.

To achieve this, the general must take the lead and boost the morale of the soldiers. In battles involving less than a hundred people, the general's personal combat effectiveness is even more important than his commanding ability.

"Brother Su Xiu, when are we going to go up? The brothers below look like they can't hold on any longer."

At this moment, the Redwood Town militiamen who were ambushing at relatively high places on both sides of the Snow Valley were already a little worried, because they were all very simple young people, and they were helplessly watching the lord they were loyal to, and their brothers who were stirring the pot. He was struggling below, but he was lying on his stomach not far away.

This feeling makes most of them feel very uncomfortable, and they feel like they might as well be fighting the jackals down there.

"Don't be impulsive. The Lord has said that no one dares to rush forward without his order. Even if he wins in the end, he will be hanged. This is called military law. You don't want to be dealt with by military law, right? You don't want to either, right?"

"In no mood."

"I don't want to either."

The two militiamen who were asked this question by Su Xiu shook their heads wildly. It would be fine if they died at the hands of the jackals. The elderly at home would also be taken care of. If one dies at the hands of one's own people because of violation of military law, not only will one be unjustly punished, but all sacrifice benefits will be lost. This point has been repeatedly emphasized by the lord during the training process.

"But why are we fighting like this? There are obviously so many of us. There are twenty here and twenty on the other side. If these people had gone down earlier, the battle would have been won long ago."

"If you can think clearly, then you are here to be the lord. My lord comes from a famous family of Eastern military nobles. You don't know a few characters and can't even write your own name. Now you question your decision? You want to die? Die by yourself, don’t drag me down.”

Amidst Su Xiu's insults, the surrounding Redwood Town recruits were calmed down by him.

In fact, Su Xiu himself was anxious at this moment. The people fighting below were all his comrades who had fought side by side before. However, thinking of Lord Lord Rhodes's terrifying look in his eyes before the war started, Su Xiu really didn't dare to disobey that Lord. plan, although he didn't understand why.

The same scene appeared on the snowy slope on the opposite side.

In a way that was almost the same as Su Xiu's, Mader suppressed the recruits following him. At the same time, he stared at the battlefield, worried about missing the moment when Lord Rhodes gave orders.

"The Wolf Riders of the Gnolls come and go like the wind. If they can't finish their work in one battle, there will be a lingering and unrelenting threat in Redwood Town. Then there is no development?"

"But if we want to annihilate these beasts in one fell swoop, we must always give them a tangible hope, making them feel that they can eat us as long as they work harder, and then consume us until they are exhausted and demoralized. ”

This is not a tactic that Rhodes came up with on his own, but in his previous life, it was the most effective tactic used by the Central Plains infantry troops to annihilate the prairie cavalry troops in large numbers. Of course, it is undeniable that this is a dangerous strategy, even if all other conditions are in place. , if the troops used as attractions are defeated in a short period of time, the original exquisite combat plan will directly fail and turn into a real rout and retreat. At that time, it will be difficult to make a comeback.

Compared with the Gnoll tribe, the Redwood Town militia guarding the ice wall fortifications have inferior individual combat power, and the general's combat power is not as good. If the soldiers are singled out, one Jackal can kill three or five Redwood Town militiamen. If the general is singled out, Rhodes On their side, only the temporary wandering knight Fatis can compete with the giant jackal leader, and the chance of winning is low, at most 40%.

Of course, this is also because the equipment provided by Redwood Town to Fatis is too poor, and the current Fatis is not in peak condition. Fatis with peak equipment and peak condition can double his chance of winning, but now As a result, he lost the will to win that he had been strong and fierce in his youth, and his mind fell into confusion again. He lost his heart as a knight. Coupled with the lack of equipment, his combat power dropped sharply.

But even in this state, Fatis, holding a gun in both hands, is still equivalent to four or five Redwood Town veterans. On his side of suppressing defense, there are no jackals or giant wolves that can rush forward. .

"It's really amazing. Even if he is not at his peak, he is still a top-notch warrior among human knights. If he can find his reason to fight again, coupled with the extraordinary rise of this world, I really wonder how far he can grow in the end." Luo De glanced at Fatis, then took a breath and charged forward again holding the ancient cross sword in both hands.

At this moment, the gnolls have fallen into complete madness. They even sent out their most precious wargs to participate in the frontal attack. The claws of these giant wolves slipped on the ground where blood and snow blended. However, under the urging of the master behind them, Next, they still howled and pounced forward, ferocious and cruel, never looking back.


The veterans of Redwood Town were already familiar with dealing with attacks by humanoid creatures, but the first time they fought against these pure beasts, someone was bitten by a giant wolf from the gap in the shield's defense, and fell down the ice and snow wall with a howl, and the next moment the whole person was torn to pieces by the jackals below.

War, killing.

Blood, death.

This huge terror stimulated the warriors on both sides, and the blood vessels on their faces bulged and swelled, like beasts and demons.

However, this was a survival competition between the two sides, there was no reason to talk about it, and there was no room to retreat. The productivity was insufficient, and neither wanted his wife and children to suffer from the cold and hunger to death. As a man, he could only put everything he had on the line, for the people he cared about and for himself, to fight for the survival resources in this world.

Therefore, a philosopher said: "The world is purgatory."


The sword light flew and brought a whistling wind. Very fierce, with an almost unstoppable spirit. This fierce sword move is a battlefield killer move in the Fiery Sword Art.

He breathed in and out to exert force, tensed his whole body, and then suddenly slashed out with the sword. This sword move did not have a resounding name, but because of the double bonus of thousands of hammers and polishing and physical strength, Rhodes quickly rushed up and chopped down several jackals that rushed up the ice wall, repelling those giant wolves.

At this time, a giant wolf first retreated, and then it rushed up fiercely. When Rhodes reacted and wanted to dodge, it was too late. He watched the bloody wolf mouth getting closer and closer to his throat. He only had time to instinctively use his left arm to protect his throat. The next moment, the sharp teeth pierced into the flesh. Although he did not feel particularly painful under the large amount of adrenaline secreted at this moment, Rhodes could still clearly feel the feeling of the rows of sharp teeth like small knives piercing deeply.

But Rhode's situation has always been watched by everyone. The next moment, a sharp knife was thrown at the head and face of this cunning and brave giant wolf, and then the lance in Fatis's hand pierced through the air with a "whoosh". This full-strength throw made the rapidly spinning lance carry huge force and violently pierce into the giant wolf's abdomen and knock it away, killing it with one blow.

"Master, you are injured!"

"Kress, retreat, this is a battlefield!" Rhode waved his hand violently and shook off the girl who wanted to bandage his arm. Although he knew that he was confused because of his concern, Kress was still too immature now.


At this moment, the jackal leader who was originally panting under the ice slope discovered that Rhode was injured, and immediately he howled and attacked again.


"Yes, sir, all archers, abandon your bows, everyone, follow me!" At this point in the battle, most of the archers in the rear had no bows and arrows in their quivers. At this moment, they were also extremely tired. Continuous bow shooting was also a very mentally exhausting thing, but relatively speaking, this small archer unit was still considered a fresh force.

At this moment, under the leadership of the archer leader Raymond, the archers abandoned their bows and drew their melee weapons to fill the defense gap.

"Warriors of the jackals, kill them all!"


From the perspective of the jackals, they were bound to win. As long as they captured the fortifications held by humans, the rest would be a one-sided massacre. After all, there was a gap in combat power and numbers between the two sides. The only things that humans could rely on to fight were fortifications and combat discipline for mutual cooperation. Therefore, even if there were some heavy casualties now, they could still grit their teeth and hold on.

However, the strength and tenacity of the human army in front of them far exceeded the expectations of all the gnolls. They joined hands and suppressed the offensive of the gnolls again and again, so that the ferocious gnolls could not successfully charge up and capture the fortifications no matter how crazy they roared.

On the one hand, this was because Rodhart, as the leader and lord, was brave and determined enough. On the other hand, it was also because the militia knew clearly that there were a large number of their comrades ambushing on both sides of the snow valley at this time. They only needed to hold on until the necessary moment, and reinforcements would arrive.

The blood and bravery of all the fighting power of this gnoll tribe was gradually consumed in such fruitless charges like waves hitting reefs again and again.

The gnoll leader also felt this, so he chose to lead the crowd to charge again regardless of the fatigue in his heart. They were all intelligent creatures and could sense the difference between "Brothers, follow me" and "Brothers, come to me".

Click, click, click.

During this charge and counter-charge, something unexpected happened.

The ice wall fortifications here were hastily completed under Rhode's command. After more than half an hour, even if the weather was cold, it was not strong enough. Under the constant fighting and trampling of both sides and the washing of hot blood.

The entire ice wall finally cracked and collapsed, and then most people fell down. Fortunately, it was not high, and there was snow below, so most people would not be hurt by such a height.

However, the fortifications and discipline formations that humans relied on for survival all collapsed at this moment, which was not a crime of war.

"Humans... are born lowly... You must accept death!"

At this moment, the ecstatic gnoll leader pointed his claws at Rhode, and then issued his own death announcement in a somewhat unclear common language.

However, it did not see any fear it expected to see. All it faced was the human's disdainful sneer and an ancient cross sword held high by Rhodes.

"In the name of Lord Rodhart, I order the whole army to charge!"


Along with Rhodes' order, the human warriors' extremely excited roars came from the snow valleys in all directions.


"Lord, victory, brothers charge!"

The emotions and fighting spirit of the nearly 40 Redwood Town militiamen who were suppressed by Mad and Su Xiu had long been suppressed to the extreme. Therefore, when they charged at this moment, they were like tigers out of the cage, roaring wildly and unstoppable.

Even though they were excited and fanatical, they still maintained a relatively neat formation. This was the result of strict training and the greatest reliance of humans to fight against various magical races on the continent whose physical fitness far exceeded their own.

"How is this possible?"

The relatively smartest military advisor on the jackal side went crazy when he saw this scene, because he could never imagine that there were still a large number of ambushes in front of him at this moment.

Why didn't he send them out before? Wasn't he afraid of death?

This jackal military advisor will never get an answer.

Because it will soon be pierced through the body by the sharp steel spears of the Redwood Town militia coming from both sides. It is not only the jackal military advisor who is mentally collapsed, but also those ordinary jackals. Jackals are also intelligent creatures. In other words, they will also weigh the pros and cons, and they will also be afraid of death and defeat.

At the moment of "exhaustion", they find themselves in a trap that is doomed to death, with a large number of ambushes of the enemy on all sides.

If you want to avoid morale collapse and defeat at this moment, you need an iron army that is ready to die. It is impossible to rely on the beast soldiers of the Gnoll Tribe. You can't hold on at all.

"Chief, Lord Chief, you can escape, please escape."

"Blood Fang Chief, please escape, we will block the pursuers for you."

When most of the Gnolls fell into collapse and chaos, a few Gnolls tried to let the strongest Blood Fang Chief escape first. Their idea was very simple. As long as the chief escaped, there would be a chance to rebuild the Blood Fang Tribe, and the Blood Fang Tribe would not be considered exterminated.

However, at this moment, the nearly three-meter-tall giant Gnoll stared at the human noble youth in front of him: Rodhart, and then it once again raised the heavy three-headed flail in its hand.

"Human, like a warrior, fight me to the death for the last time." It issued such a challenge, but this time Rod ignored it.

Instead, he handed his arm to the maid Cress beside him and asked her to bandage his wound.

"Do you think I'm stupid to fight you in this situation?"

A man like Rhode, who is experienced and cunning, will not easily take unnecessary risks. The reason why he let go of the bloody battle before was because in Rhode's judgment, standing at the highest point and the front line, under the protection of his own soldiers and heroes, the probability of his direct death in the battle was very low, so he dared to block all emotions that affected his combat effectiveness and concentrate on fighting.

But in the current situation, it is not worth taking unnecessary risks.

"There is an ancient proverb in my hometown: A general who has already failed, what face can he have to mention bravery? Raymond, kill him for me."


In fact, at this moment, Fatis is a far more suitable candidate than Raymond. Even if Fatis fights alone now, he is quite sure to kill the leader of the jackals alone, instead of needing the assistance and cooperation of other soldiers like Raymond.

In this situation, if Rhode gave an order, Fatis would most likely not refuse such an order. This is a normal knight's sentiment.

However, Fatis is not his own training hero yet, so of course, killing the gnoll leader should be handed over to his own people. Rhode even regrets that Cress is still too weak now, otherwise it should be handed over to her to complete the killing.

"Ah, ah, despicable and cowardly human!"

The gnolls on all sides are being defeated, and even the bloodthirsty and ferocious giant wolf has tucked its tail between its legs at this moment, so the Redwood Town can gather a large number of militias to cooperate with Raymond to besiege. The gnoll leader is very strong, but unfortunately, not strong enough, at least it is far from being strong enough to break the army alone, and in the previous battle, his energy and physical strength were greatly consumed, so he finally died in the hands of Raymond with a left shield and a right spear.

[This is a brilliant victory, the morale of the troops +12. You have obtained 281 dinars, trickery flail, broken blood pattern heavy armor and other trophies. 】

【Currently, the morale of the leader is 92, some soldiers can be upgraded, the elite soldier Raymond can be upgraded, and the growth hero Fatis can be upgraded. 】

【Level increased to level 7】

【Attribute point +1】

【Skill point +1】

【Weapon proficiency +10】

After this glorious victory that even the system recognized, Rhodes, Raymond, the temporary Fatis, and a large number of soldiers all gained strength and level.

This will also be of great help to Rhode's future development plan. If he wants to establish a territory that truly belongs to him in the wilderness of the wild world, strong military force, whether personal or military, is a necessary cornerstone.


Looking at the snow and blood around him, and looking up at the giant eagle soaring high in the sky, Rhode finally felt a little relaxed.

Although, everything has just begun.

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