Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 21: Besiege the point and attack the reinforcements, wait for the enemy to tire

"What that man said... is actually true!"


The extremely sad and terrifying wolf howls and roars pierced the sky, and the raging fire burned the houses and melted the flesh and blood.

At this moment, Hacker Town, the pioneer territory in the northern border of the empire, was already engulfed in flames.

Terrifying man-made wolves appeared one after another. They were either wearing leather armor or simply naked. They fiercely waved their weapons and charged into villages and towns, killing everyone on sight and warming their bodies with fiery blood.

As a quite successful businessman in the country, Lord Bust wanted to obtain the status of a noble, so he took part in the business of Harker Town, where most of his wealth was invested. At this moment, all his hard work was over.

Hiding behind the wooden railing of the stable, the fat lord prayed hard to the gods to protect him from the disaster. In fact, a wandering knight had come to remind him before, but at that time, all the mercenaries around Buster were It is a sworn guarantee that as long as the mercenary group is there, it will definitely be enough to guarantee safety.

In addition, Yinshuang City had just won a great victory some time ago, and those wild tribes should be afraid.

After considering all aspects, Buster finally chose to ignore the warning of the wandering knight and allowed the mercenary leader to drive the wandering knight away.

However, what Buster never thought was that the severe cold of the snowstorm and the lack of food were enough to turn people into beasts, not to mention the barbarian tribes who were closer to beasts.

When the jackal force launched a charge, the mercenaries were defeated faster than the militiamen who spontaneously organized to defend their homes. Buster, who was a businessman, overestimated the role of money and even lost his life. What else do you need money for?

The mercenaries fled on horseback, destroying the defensive formation and destroying morale.

"If I can survive this time, if I can survive this time, I will definitely cultivate my own militia group little by little. When those mercenaries get paid, they are all brave and invincible, and they bully the farmers in the town from time to time. It's really a fight. After all, they are all bastards and trash!"

The fat Lord Buster huddled in the corner of the stable, trying his best to huddle up. When he saw two militiamen holding pitchforks, using the blind spot in the corner of the wall, and working together to stab a gnoll rider off the giant wolf, he slightly shook his head. He clenched his fists and felt a little excited. However, in the next moment, a huge iron block connected to the chain roared violently and smashed the heads of the two young men.

An unusually tall gnoll, even though he did not have a riding wolf, was still taller and stronger than other gnolls. Wearing iron armor and holding a blood-stained flail, he walked out. His eyes were sharp, and he saw him huddled in the corner of the stable at a glance. The trembling Lord Buster.

Just this glance made the fat businessman tremble with fear and wet his pants uncontrollably. Of course, he couldn't notice it at this moment.

"Hmph, brave men die in battle, while cowards live in vain...Human beings are indeed born low, and are only worthy of for the great jackal clan!"

"Ho ho ho."

Although there were some stumbles, this jackal leader could actually speak Common Language, and his roaring to the sky made other jackals excited and wild, thus increasing their combat power.

"Don't kill all humans, kill all those who dare to resist. Take the rest back as slaves and as a reserve of winter food."

At this time, a smaller gnoll riding a warg came to the gnoll leader and suggested this.

The tall and strong jackal leader thought for a moment, and then issued an order in accordance with the military advisor's instructions. The intelligence of these jackals was actually not too low. Some smart dogs could even reach the intelligence of five or six-year-old children, and even more so. Not to mention these jackals.

Due to the flight of a large number of mercenaries, after Hack Town was quickly captured, a small number of men who dared to resist bravely were killed, and the vast majority of the remaining people were escorted back by this army of more than seventy jackals.

For this jackal tribe, with so many human slaves, the tribe can multiply and prosper very quickly and completely occupy this area.

At the same time, on the other side, on the edge of a small snow valley, in the wind and snow, two riders and three people stood on a relatively high place and looked down.

"It seems that even if all the people are soldiers, there will still be women and children. It's just that after this snow disaster, there are no old and weak left."

The two cavalrymen were of course Rhodes, Kress and Fatis. Rhodes and Fatis found the footprints of the Jackal troop heading to Harker Town, but due to the heavy wind and snow, they wanted to find them. The journey was already difficult, but fortunately, Kress, who was traveling with him, was very attentive. She found clues through the trees scratched by the Jackal troops as they moved forward, and pointed out the direction. Then Rhodes and Fatis finally arrived. I found this small snow valley in front of me.

There were about twenty or thirty Gnolls inside, most of them were female Gnolls and their cubs.

"What are you going to do next?"

"You go back immediately and bring Raymond here. Now that you have found it, let's destroy this jackal's lair first."

"But, what if the Jackal force does not return directly, but continues to attack Redwood Town?"

"Then they will come up empty-handed. Redwood Town is basically an empty town now. Raymond is a good hunter and has enough time. There is also snow and wind to cover up. If the jackals can still find us, it means that luck is not on our side. I have nothing to say." Rhodes glanced at Fatis and replied.

"I understand." Hearing this, Fatis nodded and got on the horse.

If there were human civilians and women and children in the valley, Fatis might still be a little hesitant based on his temperament, but at this time there were a group of jackals in the valley. Fatis was just upright, but he didn't have a saintly heart.

The light cavalry, in conjunction with Raymond and the Redwood Town militia who were already ready, was of course very efficient. After the troops surrounded the snow valley, Rhodes asked Fatis to scout the surrounding area.

After confirming that there was no trace of the main force of the gnolls, he issued the general attack order without hesitation:

"All troops, advance."

The shield and spear formations were erected and advanced layer by layer, followed by the Charr hunter troops. The gnoll tribe in the snow valley was very alert. As soon as the offensive was launched, the other side responded quickly.

At this moment, Rhodes deeply understood the meaning of the gnolls' all-people-as-soldiers. When the female gnolls encountered danger, they would wrap their cubs in animal skins or rags, and then pick up weapons and prepare for battle.



Several wolves in the snow valley let out a long roar, which caused the wolves' howling to the sky to be heard outside the snow valley and even farther away.

"So that's how they convey information. But it's just what I want."

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