Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 2 I will always be your uncle

When you were born many years ago in a faraway continent, your father was...

A declining nobleman.

You were born into this world as the son of a declining aristocratic family. Only one house in your family is still standing, recording the glory of the past that has dissipated. However, even if life is difficult, your family still gives you a good education and gives you strict behavioral training from childhood. Later, as a teenager, you did...

A nobleman's attendant.

You were sent to a local noble family for foster care and gradually grew up like other boys. There, while waiting for the master and his wife, you learned your first lesson called "humility." In addition, in playing games with them, chatting, and even praising great achievements or noble love, you quickly learn the battles and competitions of the adult world. You will also learn from the other children's wild games, in which they fight with sticks instead of swords, how their adults use swords.

Later, during your teenage years, your life changes of course. You become a...

The knight's retinue.

Despite such a huge class gap, you are still guided by some power to become a man, and the whole world will change because of you. As the designated guard of an upper-class noble, you have practiced various weapons for a long time, learning how to attack and parry. Be taught loyalty to your master and responsibility to those who may become your subordinates in the future. When learning the ideals of chivalry, you also learn about the less glorious side from the stories of those veterans—cruel power politics, betrayal and usurpation, and the end justifies the means.

But after a while, everything changed and you decided to go on an adventure alone. What makes you do this is...

The desire for power and wealth.

Only you know exactly why you gave up your old life and became a pioneer lord. Everyone knows why you came. You want to be rich, powerful, respected, feared, and obeyed. You want your name to be known to all living beings and to be awed from the bottom of their hearts whenever they hear it. You want everything and won't let anyone stop you from getting it...

You became a pioneer lord pursuing your own destiny, determined never to surrender.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem."

Rhodes felt that his heart was turned upside down, as if there was a fire burning, so he coughed violently. In a daze, he tried to open his eyes, as if he saw that although there was darkness in front of him, there was indeed someone there. The shadow is shaking.

"Master, wake up, wake up...Master!"

But after a while, the figure ran out.

"Eggs? Eggs!"

"Ahem, didn't I use blacklisting for eight hours straight... I'm in the ICU of the hospital now?"

Accompanied by a violent vomiting, I spit out a stream of sour liquid. After a while, it calmed down. There was a large amount of scattered memories in my mind, as if I had split my head and forced it inside. It was chaotic and unsystematic. .

After a long while, he finally managed to get up from the cold, hard ground and sit up. Looking around, he found that he was in a dilapidated wooden house. The place was fairly clean and there were even beds, wooden tables, Chairs and other simple furniture.

He touched his forehead with his hand and waited for a while. As his eyes wandered, Rhodes subconsciously glanced at his palm. He was stunned and slowly moved the palm in front of his eyes: This is a very ordinary palm. , strong and slender, with some scars and calluses on the palms.

But the smooth skin and plump muscles were full of the luster and strength of young life. These features made Rhodes' pupils dilate in disbelief.

"How, how is this possible? How is this possible! I'm not dreaming." He looked at his palms, then touched his equally smooth cheeks with both hands, and then Rhodes filled the room like crazy. He searched for a mirror, but couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, he could only throw himself in front of the wooden washbasin in the room and reflect his cheeks with the clear water in the basin.

A full half an hour passed:

"Hehehehehahahahahahahaha, I'm young again, I'm young again. I can jump, I can run, I can hehehehe again! Hahahahahahahahahaha...hahahahahahahahaha."

"Is this time travel? A brain in a vat, or the country's latest virtual reality technology? Damn it, I'm young again, hahahahahahahaha."

Because of his physical weakness, Rhodes sat back down on the ground little by little. He almost laughed himself out of breath. In the process, the chaotic memories in his mind were finally sorted out. Now he has this body. The owner of the body is named: Rod Hart.

He was the second son of a declining noble family in the Eastern Province of the Empire. Because of his ambition, he consumed all his connections and financial resources. He gathered a sum of capital and went to the Northern Province to become a pioneering noble, hoping to achieve a career of his own.

The word "pioneering" in the pioneering aristocracy clearly shows that this profession means huge prospects and benefits, as well as the huge risks to be taken.

However, gambling with all your cards will often end in failure. Rodhart is no exception. His pioneering career has been frustrated and finally lost everything. In the end, he chose to participate in the arena competition in Bright Moon City and lost.

Therefore, this guy was so depressed that he took medicine to commit suicide. That is, the acid that Rod just vomited.

"This silly boy, there is nothing more important in life except death. What else is more important than life in this world? You committed suicide by yourself, not me. Don't blame me when you go to the underworld. You can't blame me."

With the rapid fusion of memories, all the original memories of Rodhart were swallowed by himself. Rod quickly merged all the knowledge of the language and characters of this world. It is very dangerous not to merge quickly. In the memory of his predecessor, this world has Western medieval concepts such as demons and churches. If he suddenly showed that he couldn't speak or even had other abnormalities, he might be put on the stake by the church.

But just as Rhodes was integrating his memories and sorting out his thoughts, a very simple and clean light blue interface slowly appeared in front of him:

[Name: Rhodes Hart

Level: 1

Strength: 8

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 6

Charm: 9

Remaining attribute points: 4

Skills: Power Attack 3, Weapon Mastery 2, Looting 1, Riding 3, Tactics 1, Persuasion 1, Command 3.

Remaining skill points: 6

Weapon proficiency: One-handed weapons 74, two-handed weapons 72, long-pole weapons 77, bows and arrows 31, crossbows 31, throwing 31, Fiery Swordsmanship 60. ]

Remaining weapon proficiency: 10

Looking at the block text in front of him that only he could see and understand, Rhodes's excitement gradually calmed down.

Whether this was a gift from the soul crossing the crystal wall of the plane or a novice gift package provided by the supercomputer, feeling his young and strong body at this moment, Rhodes felt that he had nothing to complain about.

The life experience of more than 90 years in the past made him sum up a truth: people are not afraid of being used, but they are afraid of not being worth being used.

The parchment interface is very simple and clean, divided into four parts: personal, military, log and shop. At this moment, the log column emits a faint glow, so Rhode reaches out and touches it, spreading ripples in the void.

[Task Log]

[Survival in the Wilderness:

Maybe it's not your fault, but your territory and people are indeed on the verge of a precarious situation.

They lack housing, food, weapons, protection, and hope. Although they can barely hold on at this time, when the real winter comes, everything will be irreversible, so as a lord, you don't have much time left.

Reserve food for winter: 0/2000.

Mission reward: 1200 dinars, purchase rights for the incomplete sword of power. 】

After dozens or hundreds of version updates, the Wind of War in Mount and Blade 2088 has expanded to the version of Magic Century. As a truly hardcore player, Rhode certainly knows what the Sword of Power is. It is a common and low-level enchanted weapon with a small-range full-army attack plus one effect. Although it is the lowest-level enchanted weapon, it is still in short supply and extremely difficult to obtain, especially in online mode.

Just as Rhode was thinking, the wooden door of the house was pushed open with a "squeak", and a group of tattered and panicked people rushed in from outside.

These people couldn't help but panic and fear. Although Rhode was just a ruined noble, ruined nobles were also nobles. If they lost the protection of the noble status of the man in front of them, then everyone present would not have a good ending.

Being captured by the imperial nobles and made into slaves is the best way out. The worse situation is to become the food for the barbaric tribes to spend the winter.

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