Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 192: Run, Dilibu! (I wish the motherland prosperity and I will take a day off tomorrow)

Rod was on his way to Silent Hill with ten Vaegir Knights and fifty Rhodok Light Guardians.

Having just wiped out a group of thieves from the City of Sin, he tested the combat effectiveness of the Behemoth Knights and Rhodok Light Guardians.

The result was quite satisfactory.

The Behemoth Knights were not able to exert their combat effectiveness in mountainous terrain, but the seventh-level Rhodok Light Guardians were almost able to surpass horses in running ability in mountainous terrain, and they had long physical strength, and they were worthy of being called a strong army that could fight with most infantry of the same level in close combat and win.

Although the experience gained from training in Silent Hills would inevitably be greatly reduced after being promoted to level seven, the coach level and hero characteristics of Resarit could still have a good benefit effect. Therefore, after the bandit suppression was over, Rhod almost did not let them rest, and marched overnight, leading the team to Silent Hills. Anyway, they were all familiar roads in their own territory.

Under normal circumstances, there was no need to consider any unexpected accidents.

However, after getting close to a certain distance, Rhode saw the area on the Silent Hill where Resarit and his men were stationed for training. The fire was soaring into the sky and the sound of killing was heard.

"...What's going on?"

Rhode was also confused at this moment, because Resarit led the most elite warriors of the Lonely Mountain Castle, more than 200 level 4 and 5 Rhodok sharpshooters, which should be enough to defeat any enemy in the field within this area.

"The whole army advances at full speed to support our army!"

Although there were some things that he couldn't figure out, Rhode still made the decision quickly, but he himself rode fast and took out a monocular telescope to observe the battle on the Silent Hill.

I saw that in the sky-high fire, a dark red three-headed fierce dog suddenly pounced out, quickly pounced on a Rhodok crossbowman like a leopard, and then quickly attacked another crossbowman because the tower shield defense could not bite him for a while. This creature was terribly cruel and bloodthirsty, and its combat power was also very strong.

"The three-headed dog of Hell, the forces of the Hell Clan? How could they suddenly appear here?"

When Rhodes led the army to the battlefield, the army led by Resarit had been completely overwhelmed and dispersed by the Hell Clan, and their morale collapsed.

The surprise attack, the raging fire, the Hellfire characteristics of the race, the amazing individual combat of the demon army in front of him, and the strength of the opponent's commander, all led to this collapse.

In a slope depression in the silent hills, Resarit, who had not yet put on armor and held the greatsword in both hands, fought with all his strength and fought desperately.

However, the gap was too big, and his army was overwhelmed in his sleep in the middle of the night. At this moment, Resarit was followed by a small number of personal guards. Although these guys were very brave, they were still knocked down one after another. If the opponent had not intended to spare Resarit's life at this time, Resarit would not even have persisted until now.

"What a weak and incompetent race! How can you occupy such fertile land? Occupy all these beautiful things?"

On a relatively high place, a female demon general, covered with steel chain mail, demons and horses, with ram horns on her head, sneered and insulted.

Beside her horse, there was a very strange crossbow cart covered with strange patterns. It was this crossbow cart that fired powerful high-temperature fireballs one after another, setting the entire camp on fire. Otherwise, it would not have created such a huge chaos.

"Ah! Demon, my lord... my lord will take your head to avenge me!"

Strive to gather thunder on the sword, slash and repel a flaming horned demon, but at this moment, Resarit also knew that he had already lost. The other party deliberately left his life because he had just arrived in this world and needed to capture an enemy high-level to find out the truth of the intelligence.

However, Resarit was not interested in being captured alive by the other party. He suddenly crossed the giant sword and giant blade beast across his neck, ready to give himself a good death.

"I didn't ask you to die, do you think you can die?"

The female demon general on the opposite high ground had a cold flash in her eyes, but just as she was thinking, the crossbow cart beside her moved strangely like a living thing and pointed at her. The female demon general suddenly raised her head and instinctively raised her left arm. A crossbow arrow covered with faint white light hit her arm armor, and the arrow was embedded in the arm armor.

"Resarit, do you have to get my consent before you resign?"

Along with these words, a warm holy light air enveloped Resarit's body, quickly restoring his state, injuries, and even physical strength: treatment superimposed on surgery superimposed on first aid superimposed on holy light positive energy effects.

Not only that, crossbow arrows from all directions suddenly fired at the same time, all covered with faint white light, forcing the various hell creatures surrounding Resarit to retreat.

The crossbow arrows shot by ordinary Rhodok crossbowmen, when hitting the bodies of the Hell Clan, penetrated very shallowly and even burned quickly. Only the Light Guardians brought by Rhode this time, each strike was accompanied by divine power, restraining all the characteristics of the Hellfire race, not only would it not be restrained by defense, but also bring damage bonus.

"The Solar Legion? How could such a legion still exist in the world after so many years? But your army is smaller than ours, and you dare to appear in front of us? Then all of you will die here!"

Accompanied by the will of the demon female general, the crossbow cart beside her, no, the Fiery Crossbow Cannon suddenly pointed at Rhode, and then blasted out three fireballs in succession.

The hellfire on the fireball was burning fiercely, with terrifying power, and the actual killing and destructive power was also terrifying!

However, the human lord on the opposite side seemed to have been prepared for a long time, holding the hammer in his hand in front of his forehead: the light combat skill, the sacred barrier!

Consume the sacred fighting spirit, and strengthen your own defense ability through pious prayer. Those with strong will and deep fighting spirit, when using this skill, the whole body is like a tangible and invisible light steel armor.

Rhodes's holy fighting spirit cultivation and control ability are stronger than Fatis. Half a year ago, Fatis broke through in the battle and could already perform the sacred barrier in a range. Half a year later, Rhodes deduced and strengthened this light combat skill further.


Huh, boom.

As Rhodes held the hammer in front of his forehead, and then opened his eyes and waved it, a tangible and material shield with a platinum cross light pattern in the center suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The three hellfire balls bombarded the light shield in succession, but after the successive explosions, they could not shake it at all. The blazing flames dissipated, and then the light shield slowly disappeared.

"What? How is this possible?"

When the female general of the hell clan was shocked, puzzled, and puzzled, Rhodes, who was opposite her, flashed relevant information in his mind:

Dilibu, a very rare female demon general, mastered the advanced technology of manufacturing demon machinery. Her colleagues who disliked her nicknamed her "meat grinder".

The loyalty of the demon army always hovered between fearing the master and fearing losing their lives. Compared with these fickle people, Dilibu trusted his war machine more.

Hero characteristics: Burning girl.

As the hero level increases, this hero will have the ability to manufacture various types of demon machinery. Even if it is just a primary "Hellfire Crossbow", it can also obtain the ability to launch fireballs, and the killing power is quite terrifying.

How to say it, being studious is an excellent quality even in hell.

Dilibu's demon bloodline is not high. In the later stage, you need to do quite complicated serial tasks to strengthen her. But whether or not to do these tasks, high-level Dilibu can create a variety of powerful demon war machines. She is a very valuable hero of the Hell Clan. In the previous life, her value and status are not inferior to Kress, and even slightly higher.

The cultivation of Kress is suitable for lords with a heavy gambling nature, while Dilibu can be raised in the rear until her accumulated level is high enough to create powerful war machines. The lord who cultivates her can almost benefit continuously.

Of course, in the previous life, this hero still has a big disadvantage, that is, as a demon, her individual combat power and self-protection ability are very weak, especially if her bloodline has not been upgraded. Once she is successfully raided by other lords, there is a considerable possibility that she will die directly in battle, causing huge losses to the lord who cultivates her.

Because he knew this information, Rhode had been on guard against the demonic mechanical "Hellfire Crossbow" from the beginning. When the gun pointed at him, Rhode had already secretly turned his holy power, but his turning of the holy power did not have any external obvious characteristics. Dilibu felt that he had hit with all his strength, but the opponent blocked it with a wave of his hand... The gap in strength was extremely large.

"Warriors, attack for the glory of Lonely Mountain!"

Rhode waved the military hammer in his hand on the warhorse, and the soldiers around him roared and charged.

Not only that, because the sacred barrier that Rhode had just cast showed a white and gold cross pattern in the dawn night sky, the Rhodok crossbowmen who were originally in chaos around them howled and ran in this direction.

The previous battle was so frustrating that many people ran out of the tent with their pants pulled up before they woke up. At this moment, seeing the badge of their lord, they rushed towards the lord with a howl, regardless of whether they had weapons in their hands.

During the run, those who had idle weapons exchanged them, and those who had idle pants exchanged them. Those who couldn't find pants, no matter what, indulged themselves and ran to the front with a one-handed hammer: vaguely, it seemed that some bad habits had awakened.

"Normally, no one would use the generals of the three races (human, undead, hell), because the hidden damage to morale and diplomacy is too great, but if it's you Dilibu, I can do it. I remember this hero can finally create a war machine similar to Gundam!" Rhodes' eyes flashed with flames, and the female demon general Dilibu who noticed the enemy's eyes felt a chill rising from the bottom of her heart.

Because I'm almost rotten, I'll take a day off tomorrow to take a shower, wash my socks and underwear, and do some home hygiene.

At present, I still owe "Xiaoyao Taboxing" a day of updates, and I owe "Jiugui0070" a month of updates. I won't keep owing them. I will pay them back immediately. Please give me some grace, dear readers.

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