Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 188: Level 3 Design Drawing, Holy Light Armor

[Have you selected the third-level crossbow armor blueprint for the Rhodok Light Guardian? ]

[Yes. ]

[…You have obtained the third-level design, Holy Light Armor. ]

[Holy Light Armor·Third-level Arms Set (Crossbowman)]

[Low-level enchanted armor, after equipping, has the effect of strengthening the sacred power of the equipped unit, and provides a very high defense increase. ]

This was one of the rewards that Rhode received after defeating the Centaur coalition led by Xiaofeng Murila and completing the [Coalition Assembly]. However, he had never exchanged it. Now that he had the third-level arm (potential) he wanted, Rhode chose to exchange it.

From the design to the manufacturing, it is not an easy task. Although the design is complete, it is probably still necessary for the Bloodbeard Dwarf Tribe to work hard to make the real thing, and if you want to mass-produce it, it will also require a lot of time and resources.

"But it's all worth it. In fact, if I just want the most powerful set of arms, I should leave this reward to the Griffin Knight or the Behemoth Knight, but there are only more than 20 Griffin Knights in the castle, and there are only more than 200 War Lizards in total... No matter how high-level the arms are, they will only be overwhelmed by low-level arms if they cannot accumulate in number. It is better to strengthen my best defense and counterattack Rhodok Crossbowmen. I spend one money, but I get two powerful fourth-level crossbowmen and powerful fourth-level infantry at the same time. This is the most beneficial choice for me and Lonely Mountain Castle."

"Spend one money to do two jobs. The comprehensive cost-effectiveness can't be higher."

(Rhodok Crossbowman: You're not done yet?)

Enlightenment and strengthening, opening up potential, exchanging weapons and equipment, and quantitative production, but these are just the beginning. Even if there are some positive accidents that allow these Rhodok Crossbowmen to advance to level seven in advance, it is still a huge workload to upgrade them from level seven to level nine.

Even at the end of this battle between the City of Light and the City of Darkness, whether these tasks can be completed is a matter of ambiguity.

However, for now, the war on the front line is still in a stalemate, and it seems that Rhode still has some time to prepare.

Here, let me first explain the overall map of the entire continent:

This continent is certainly not the entire world, but it is indeed the place where known civilizations gather. Other areas in the world are either blocked by mountains and seas, or are forbidden areas of life in the desert.

The north of the continent is the Hoffman Empire ruled by the ancient orcs and the Sims Royal Court ruled by the orcs. The land is vast but relatively barren.

Further north of them is the ice mountain range that is like a natural barrier. It is difficult for ordinary people to cross it, even the relatively strong orcs.

The south of the continent is the Raymond, Saint Laurent and Styak Empires, which are ruled by human civilization.

The west of the continent is a vast ancient forest, where the largest number of elves and extraordinary creatures on the continent live. The east of the continent is the boundless sea. It is said that in the depths of the sea there is an empire belonging to the fish people, a powerful civilization.

However, the elves of the ancient forest will not be born easily, and the fishmen of the eastern sea cannot really capture the city and occupy it for a long time.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, it seems that the only races that can still compete for continental hegemony are the orcs and humans.

The Hoffman Empire is fighting with Raymond, and the Sims Royal Court is fighting with Saint Laurent. The Styak Empire, which is located between Raymond and Saint Laurent, has temporarily avoided joining the race war by relying on the Wild Plains/Chaos Land, but with the surge of the magic tide and the rise of the extraordinary, the natural barrier of the Wild Plains is slowly losing its original function.

However, the so-called warlike orc forces Hoffman Empire and Sims Royal Court are not very happy about this, but the Kingdom of Raymond and the Kingdom of Saint Laurent are extremely excited.

Because once this barrier is gone, the Styak Human Empire, which has been recuperating for many years and is known to have the strongest comprehensive strength, is likely to be involved in the battlefield.

Orcs may be warlike, but they are not stupid. Naturally, there are wise people with foresight who begin to intervene in Styak's entry.

At the same time, the top leaders of Styak also have their own thoughts. Now that the human camp still has an advantage, it seems that there is no need for them to rush into the game. It is a wise choice to consume the strength of the four countries on the continent.

However, some people feel it, but most people do not feel it. With the surge of magic tides and the rise of extraordinary beings, the barrier lost by humans is not just the wilderness. More and more magic races are beginning to recover their strength. The picture of hundreds of races competing for supremacy in ancient times seems to be quietly unfolding again:

The ancient elves, the earth dwarves, the court wizards, the underground clan, with the revival of magic in this world, many dragons that were originally degraded like beasts gradually reappeared wisdom in their eyes. When the magic power of this world is insufficient, the dragons cannot even inherit the knowledge and power inherited in their blood, but now, everything has become different!

Of course, all this seemingly magnificent thing may be just the background arrangement of the novel and the version update of the game in the eyes of the creator who is high above the world.

But for all living beings who are really in this world, is it a catastrophe that they are trying their best to avoid?

Lonely Mountain Castle, late at night

Rhodes was wearing a set of exquisite silver armor. He held the sword in both hands and circulated the fighting spirit in his body and his own muscle strength.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Accompanied by the dual push of fighting spirit and physical strength, the long sword in Rhodes' hands emitted a buzzing sound from the tip of the sword, and a faint glow shone from the sharp edge.

"It's okay. Although this prototype is not very comfortable for me to wear, it does increase the fighting spirit in my body. Nicolte, you can try it with the crossbowmen. Although it may be a bit heavy for them now, they should still be able to sense it."

Although the divine power they possess is negligible, the ability to master extraordinary power and the inability to master it are the qualitative differences between the third-level soldiers and the first and second-level soldiers. It is also possible that the third-level soldiers with the third-level weapons and equipment can have a combat power close to the fourth-level soldiers, although this should be a system where the gap in combat power increases as the rank increases.

"Got it, Lord. Alas, I have lived for so long, but this is the first time I have seen ordinary soldiers equipped with magic armor. Although it is a relatively basic type, it is still hard to imagine."

"Niguart, I think as long as you live healthy, you will see more in the future, things you can't imagine in your past life." With this speech, Rhodes held the sword with both hands and swung it down, and the sword wind broke through the air!

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