Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 179 Dragon Messenger Delivers Letter

"Look, what is that?"

"It seems to be? A dragon! How could a dragon come here? Will it hurt the lord?"

At dusk, Rhodes walked out of the tower with a long sword on his waist. In the reflection of the dusk light, a huge dragon beast carrying a female knight, flapping its wings, stirring up strong winds.

Below the tower, many people exclaimed.

"The Lord of Silver Frost has a letter to give to Lord Rodhart, the Lord of Lonely Mountain Castle."

The female knight on the back of the dragon beast, holding a scroll in one hand, said to Rhodes.

Rhodes first looked into the eyes of the dragon beast, and saw a childlike innocence and curiosity in them. The string in his heart was completely relaxed.

The real dragon and the dragon beast are different. The former is really a terrifying creature in myths and legends, and it is even possible to have the combat power of destroying a city with one dragon, while the latter is just a more powerful flying beast, not to mention that the one in front of him is not too huge.

"Sir, I have heard that the Karasa family has the ability to control giant dragons, but today is the first time I have seen a dragon envoy from the Karasa family!"

"The dragon envoy has been tired from running all the way. Why don't you go in and have a cup of tea, take a rest, and then return."

Rod heard what the guard knight Airen said behind him, but he ignored it. Instead, he reached out to take the scroll thrown by the dragon envoy and said so.

"Sir, you are too polite, but I still have a mission to do. I will leave after sending the scroll. I look forward to fighting with Sir Rhodes as a comrade on the battlefield in the future."

The female knight on the back of the dragon beast was very polite, and she might even be a noble herself.

Come to think of it, how could the Karasa family easily hand over such power to mediocre people? Every dragon beast knight must be carefully selected from all aspects.

After watching the dragon beast knight go away, Rhodes directly opened the scroll and read the beautiful handwriting in it.

The beginning was a very polite noble polite words to celebrate Rhodes's achievements.

Rhodes skipped this part directly and saw Isakalasa's reply:

"I agree with your combat requirements and am willing to make an agreement with you that whoever can capture the City of Sin first will have the right to rule that city. Silver Frost City will provide material support to friendly forces from various cities, and these materials will arrive soon."

"You are rich and powerful. As long as this war is won, you don't care who owns the City of Sin. But coincidentally, I am the same."

In this era, the air defense capabilities of any city are weak, and coupled with insufficient prior defense, Silver Frost City was directly attacked by the griffin knights of Lonely Mountain Castle to the city lord's mansion.

As for the Lonely Mountain Castle, even if there is defense, it is useless. The high-altitude climbing ability of the dragon beast exceeds the attack range of the current auxiliary soldiers equipped with heavy crossbows in the city. Even if it can barely attack, it is probably difficult to penetrate its dragon scale armor.

However, such a valuable strategic air unit cannot be easily used to directly attack the city lord's mansion, unless the absolute strength has reached the level of non-destructive killing.

Just like Rhodes only had 20 griffin knights, and Isakalasa had dragon knights, but the number was definitely not too many. Although they were only sub-bloods of real dragons, they were also very precious.

Silver Frost City gathered 18,000 elite soldiers, plus 10,000 professional soldiers gathered by the pioneering lords, claiming to be an army of 40,000, and they were already heading towards the City of Sin.

Theoretically, the City of Sin could have 40,000 soldiers, but in fact, its logistics could not support this army size. Although the thief king Konstart had a certain foresight and had been accumulating food and grass since a long time ago, and obtained support and purchased part of it through the orcs, these reserves were still only enough to support an army of about 20,000 people.

Even the war could not be delayed too long, otherwise there would still be the risk of logistics collapse.

Therefore, after learning that Rodhart of the Lonely Mountain Castle had also declared war on him, the thief king Konstart's mind was also buzzing. It was difficult for the current City of Sin to cope with two fronts at the same time.

However, after all, he was a man who could start from scratch as a criminal and become the lord of a city. Constart quickly thought of a tactic that best suited his own forces.

He sent a large number of scattered soldiers to attack the direction of Lonely Mountain Castle, but at the same time did not give these soldiers enough food:

Wherever they go, they eat. Lonely Mountain Castle was built not long ago, and now it has declared war on the outside world. It is impossible for it to guard every aspect without leaving any gaps. As long as the thieves break in, there will naturally be no worries about food and women. Even as long as these thieves are alive, they will inevitably distract the mind and strength of Lonely Mountain Castle.

This tactic is actually very correct and also in line with the characteristics of the City of Sin itself.

The discipline of the wilderness thieves cannot be compared with that of the regular army, but the ability to break up into pieces, survive and create chaos is their specialty.

Therefore, the thieves of the City of Sin who received these tasks did not resent Constart for not giving them enough supplies. Instead, they were very excited and happy to accept the tasks.

However, these thief leaders and Constart could never imagine how strong the scouts and reconnaissance capabilities of the Lonely Mountain Castle were.

Twenty griffin knights spread out like a net, with the entire army as the center.

The leader of this air cavalry is Kress. The training technology of the gryphon knights in Lonely Mountain Castle is not yet mature. Rhodes is not willing to let Kress get close to these fierce big guys.

Griffin, griffin, after all, still bears the word lion. It is a ferocious predator, a large carnivorous creature.

However, the Mao Mei blood in Kress burned. She had never liked the things that girls at her age usually liked, whether it was rag dolls in the past or beautiful dresses now. But by chance, Kress saw When she saw these big furry guys, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Rhodes noticed it at the time and secretly screamed.

But it was of no use. Kress continued to run to the Griffin Tower all day long. She even adopted one of the griffins and gave it a name.

In response to this, Moken's nephew Jimmy was so worried that his hair fell out, but Rhodes couldn't stop Kress, so how could he stop him?

But perhaps it was really the call from the depths of her blood, or the power brought by crazy love. Not only did Kress become the first batch of aerial knights in Lonely Mountain Castle, she even brought a lot of help to Jimmy's training work. Without her, With so much experience, Jimmy, the sixth civil servant of Lone Mountain Castle, could not even successfully complete this training job.

At least, it is difficult to get ahead of the war.

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