Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 173: Necromancer Tower

In the underground mine area, the original witch's secret vault is now the mage tower of Caitlin, the undead witch. The black magic obelisk, which was originally used to automatically repair blood-stained heavy armor, was turned into a black magic obelisk after Caitlin spent a long time researching and transforming it. Obelisk of Necromantic Magic.

As long as she is within the scope of this building, Caitlin's magic power reserves will double and her magic power recovery will double. It can be said that her abilities will increase more than ten times.

In the truly extraordinary era, even a legendary mage may not be able to own a magic tower of his own. However, in this period when extraordinary people have not yet risen, a dabbler like Caitlin can also get a magic tower of his own because of his chance encounters. Of course, Rhode's financial and power support is indispensable for this, and this mage tower is also a semi-finished product.

Just to transform this semi-finished magic tower, Gushan Castle paid more than two hundred strong and healthy slaves for this purpose, not because of other reasons, but because most normal creatures have been exposed to high-intensity magic radiation for a long time. Doing homework can easily lead to organ failure and death.

Rhodes's fighting spirit has become increasingly sophisticated, but even so, when Rhodes visited, Caitlin still took the initiative to lower the operating efficiency of the magic tower to the lowest level.

"Be careful, use death row prisoners and prisoners of war to conduct undead experiments. I can turn a blind eye and endure it, but if I go too far, the Fatis Knight will know about it. He will then lead the Dark Swordsman Group Come down to attack you, I won’t stop him.”

"My good lord, I have exercised great restraint when conducting experiments, and I only attack death row prisoners and prisoners of war. I have never done anything out of the ordinary. What's more, I am also helpful to the town. Without me, those in the secret vault would How can magic items, even the Shield of Destiny in the hands of Master Fatis, have a chance to regain their glory?”

"I have not forgotten the contribution you have made, and I can also accept the darkness in the shadow under the light. However, Fatis is not that easy to talk to, so don't mess with him."

Between Fatis and Caitlin, Rhodes preferred his confidant knight Fatis, but he also knew that in the future extraordinary era, Lonely Mountain Castle would not be able to live without its own magical power, and talents in this area were very good. Hard to recruit.

Therefore, before the conflict between Fatis and Caitlin completely intensified, he favored Fatis, promoted Caitlin, and at the same time avoided the two guys meeting.

Caitlin led Rhodes to a crystal-black stone monument.

"Charlie, the signal is really bad. You are looking for opportunities there. You must inflict heavy damage on Silver Frost City. You cannot let the Northland elves develop too smoothly."

"The signal here is too poor. I can't hear what you are saying at all. I'll turn it off first. Remember, it's for the rise of the Orc Empire!"

Such images and sounds appeared on the dark stone tablet.

"Sir, this is the magic communication I intercepted. The conversation in it is just that. What really interests me is this."

As she spoke, Caitlin enlarged the image of the ancient orc with a green face and sharp teeth on the stone tablet, and pointed at a magic circle behind the ancient orc in the picture.

"If I read it correctly, this should be the lower plane connection array. Of course, it may be something else, but in short it is inseparable from the lower plane. As a necromancer, we can also communicate with the lower plane, but we communicate It’s the plane of death, and what this ancient orc mage leads is obviously not.”

Caitlin spoke out the information she knew, while Rhodes fell silent as he stared at the pitch black stone tablet in front of him.

"The northern elves, the orc empire, the lower plane, and... the flaming horned demon encountered in the White Stone Fortress, all this information seems to have formed a complete logical closed loop."

"Sir, should we capture the members of the Dark City envoy? I will definitely be able to pry out enough information for you."

"Are they able to communicate this way repeatedly?"

"It's probably not enough. There are many restrictions on its use. The concentration of magic power in this world is far from enough, so the mage's secret mark is not stable enough."

"Gushan Castle is a force based in the light. We never take action against visiting envoys, but... we are not responsible for their safety after leaving Gushan Castle. We should do it more cleanly. If we are not sure, I can Ask Raymond to cooperate with you."

"Yes, my lord."

Caitlin was delighted when she heard this and immediately accepted the order.

In addition to obtaining information for Rhodes to prove her worth, Caitlin also wanted to find out her teacher's abilities from this student. Due to the scarcity of mages, there were not many opportunities like this.

In fact, after it was discovered that the members of the envoy were enemy spies and the evidence was conclusive, Gushan Castle had complete moral and legal basis to take action against the envoy. However, Rhodes had basically understood the cause and effect of the matter.

"This ancient orc mage from the Hoffman Empire is truly a master of methods! He must have sensed in advance the gradually reviving magic power in the world, and in order to give the orcs a head start in development, he mainly used blood sacrifices to Through various means, he continued to obtain extraordinary knowledge from the lower planes, thereby arming the entire orc empire."

"The Flame Horned Demon of the White Stone Fortress and the ability used by the boxing master at the banquet to defeat Airen should all come from this. West's communication with his teacher should have detected the development direction of the temple-type forces in the Lonely Mountain Castle, and they are extremely restrained against the dark bloodline supernatural powers of the lower plane. In this case, I can't let you leave easily, even if it can only buy a very short time..."

Originally, I planned to suppress the City of Sin with Silver Frost City, and squeeze out as much benefits as possible before defeating and destroying this force: if I can squeeze out 5,000 slaves, I will squeeze out 5,000, and if I can squeeze out 10,000 slaves, I will squeeze out 10,000.

According to the political level of the City of Sin, Rhode's expectation has a high probability of being achieved.

But now, Rhode's idea in this regard is completely extinguished. Even if it costs some casualties, the army's combat level must be improved as soon as possible. Even if it cannot achieve the final victory with the smallest loss, the fruits of victory after breaking through the City of Sin must be plundered as soon as possible.

Rodhart's Lonely Mountain Castle is a political structure based on the human race and supplemented by foreign slaves, while Constart's Sin City is just the opposite, focusing on making friends with orcs and supplemented by human slaves. This means that no matter who devours the other side, it will be a great supplement for their own forces.

It's just that Lonely Mountain Castle is strong and powerful, and Rhodes is a pure military noble with a record of defeating powerful coalition forces several times. Constart is a little afraid of Rhodes. Compared with chewing Rhodes's hard bone, he is more willing to fight with the scattered northern pioneering nobles: small losses, big gains, and at the same time, they can strengthen their forces in the future.

With Constart's Sin City, the northern pioneering lords have been under high pressure for a long time, so the military products of Lonely Mountain Castle can also be sold in large quantities at high prices, without worrying about sales. Unfortunately, the situation has changed now, and the fat pig of Sin City can no longer be raised.

After returning to the ground from the Undead Mage Tower, Rhodes quickly convened a military meeting to discuss and send troops to Sin City.

The reason is very sufficient. In a real sword duel, the opponent will be defeated, and Lord Rhodes will keep his word.

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