Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 16 Mission completed, Cress applies to join the team

A 15-year-old girl killed 12 bloodthirsty bandits all by herself overnight. Even knight novels dare not write this way. However, reality is often more bizarre and exaggerated than novels.

Because novels need to be logical, but reality does not.

"This guy... this guy!"

When the thief leader Yug faced Cress, who was in a violent state with boiling blood, his first reaction was not fear, but he was aroused by the opponent and rushed forward with a knife.

However, although Cress was in an abnormal state, she was not just a hard fighter. Her figure suddenly disappeared in the darkness at the corner of the room. During Yug's pursuit, several sharp table knives would fly out of the darkness from time to time. Although they were somewhat lacking in absolute strength, they strengthened their penetrating power with high-speed rotation and made the attack angle more difficult to defend.

Without a shield, it was difficult to block such thrown weapons with weapons. The more Yug chased, the more wounds he suffered. He had no time to bandage his wounds. As time went by, the blood flowed less fiercely, and panic and fear gradually rose in his heart.

However, at this moment, Yug suddenly saw the corner of the clothes of the hateful little monster flash in the room that was dim (some rooms had candles, and some rooms had candles extinguished).

He instinctively chased after it, but when he came to that room, he saw only corpses on the ground and a door that was opened at one corner. The moonlight outside shone in. It was snowing in the winter night, and the cold air blew in, but it also brought a fresh energy.

"Did the little monster escape?"

"I'll go out too."

Because of the unsuppressible fear in his heart and the half-open door, although he tried his best to control himself with reason, the thief leader Yug still couldn't control himself and walked to the door of the room step by step, and carefully stretched out his hand to push open the wooden door.

He was worried that Cress was hiding outside at this time, ready to plot against him at any time.

However, at the moment when Yuge pushed open the door, a corpse on the ground in the room suddenly turned over, and a thin shadow suddenly rushed out and stabbed Yuge's lower back fiercely.

Puff, the sharp knife pierced deeply, and was twisted violently in the process. It was not only because he had undergone certain military training with his brother, but more of a natural killing talent.


After this fatal blow, Yuge, who had a strong desire to survive, turned around and elbowed the shadow behind him, and then he pushed the door open with his shoulder and rushed out.

"Come here, come here."

Yuge covered the wound on his lower back that was constantly bleeding, and shouted for help while running. There were five thieves he had sent out to guard outside. At this moment, they were all awakened and ran out with weapons. When they saw them, Yuge breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next moment, Yuge found that the fires on all sides were getting brighter and brighter, because most of the townspeople in the entire Redwood Town were holding weapons and torches and surrounding from all directions.

They looked at the six wilderness thieves in the center with a very scary look.

On the other side, Rhodes, Raymond and his party, who returned from Silver Frost Town and transported a large amount of supplies, unexpectedly met a town resident who escaped from Redwood Town.

Although Yuge's mind was very meticulous, Elder Eng was also cunning. He still found an opportunity to send out several young people in the town, but his original intention was to find the young and strong who were sent out of the town to collect and hunt before, but he didn't expect that a young man who was sent out happened to meet the returning caravan.

"Lord... Lord, the town, the town was attacked by thieves."

"How is it possible? There are at least forty young and strong people in the town. What kind of thieves would attack such a poor town like ours?" Before Rhodes could speak, Raymond was already shouting impossible.

"The food in the town is getting less and less. We can't survive the winter, so Elder Eng sent out all the young men in the militia reserve."


Hearing that the town was attacked, Rhodes quickly decided to leave the main force to continue following the carriage escorting the caravan, and then he called Raymond and four other guards to ride back to the direction of Redwood Town.

However, after rushing all the way, when the six people and six horses finally returned to Redwood Town, the townspeople of Redwood Town were already burying the bodies in the dim sky.

There were also some townspeople who were whispering words like "witch".

"What's going on? What happened here?" Raymond asked anxiously while riding on horseback, with an impatient temperament.

Then he found that the people around him looked at him evasively, which was very different from the familiar enthusiasm of the past.

"What happened, tell me clearly." Rhodes noticed this and rode forward a little, pointing to a male townsperson and asked.

As the lord of this place, Rodhart has a high authority and aura, so the townsman quickly explained everything.

From the invasion of thieves to the fact that Cress killed twelve adult men overnight, everyone now secretly called her a witch. Some people suggested that she be driven out of the village. Just because she is the granddaughter of the village chief and the maid of the lord, such a bloodthirsty witch should not be allowed to stay in the town, otherwise everyone might be killed by her.

"Impossible, Cress killed a few mice at most, and killed twelve thieves overnight? What nonsense are you talking about?" Raymond was furious on the spot, waving the whip in his hand and whipping the townsman, but Rhodes on the side did not stop him. He pulled the reins suddenly and rode quickly towards his mansion.

The whole Redwood Town is not big, not to mention that the door of the mansion is full of people at this moment.

"Lord, you are back." As the horse approached, Elder Eng, who looked extremely anxious and haggard, came to greet him.

"Elder Eng, you have worked hard during this period. So many people are gathered here, Cress is inside, right?" While speaking, he turned over and got off the horse, and then Rhodes stuffed the reins into Elder Eng's hand and asked while walking.

"It's inside... Lord, please don't go in for the time being, it may be dangerous." When Rhodes walked inside, Elder Eng stopped Rhodes sideways, but was pushed away by Rhodes the next moment.

"I'm a survivor of the battlefield. What's the danger of returning to my home now?" After saying that, Rhode suddenly kicked the wooden door open and walked in after pushing it gently.

The townspeople behind him either worried about the safety of their lord or were curious, and they all subconsciously wanted to follow, but Rhode turned around to stop them.

"This is my home. What are you doing here? Eng, look here. No one is allowed to come in before I come out." After saying that, Rhode blocked the entrance of the door with the battered wooden door again, because the room was full of blood and corpses with panic-stricken expressions. Fortunately, it was winter now, otherwise it wouldn't take long for these corpses to rot and stink.

Turning around, looking at the blood and corpses in every corner of the room, even Rhode, who had played many panoramic horror games, subconsciously swallowed his saliva at this moment. Virtual reality is virtual reality after all, and it can't be so real no matter what.

"Splash, splash."

Deep in the room, there were bursts of light water sounds. It was just that the sound of life, in this situation, showed a strange and evil meaning.

Rhode walked in the room where the bodies were lying in disorder, and followed the sound. Gradually, he saw a short-haired girl named Cress, who was washing her hands in a basin of blood with blood stains on her cheeks and a dull expression.

At this moment, there was still a bloody sharp knife next to her.

Just the moment he saw her, Rhode felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up. It was an instinctive reaction of suddenly encountering a ferocious beast.

"Heroes, it's really not that easy to get."

"Each hero has his own unique plot experience, which is very difficult to get by tricks. Even if you get it by tricks, if you lose your unique plot experience, this hero is a defective product."

Such a thought flashed through his mind inexplicably, and then Rhode quickly adjusted his mind and walked up slowly. He squatted gently in front of Cress and looked into the eyes of the bloody girl: those were a pair of vertical pupils belonging to a beast. At this moment, Cress had not fully recovered her sanity. She might burst out at any time and kill anyone in front of her.

However, looking at Xiaoju in front of him, Rhode couldn't get nervous after all, because it was too familiar and too kind.

The first person he met after coming to this world, the one who took care of him all night without taking off his clothes when he was weak, the one who watched him eat white bread and secretly swallowed his saliva, the one who was obviously stupid and didn't understand anything, but still tried his best to make himself happy.

The one who looked at him and thought he was her whole world. Even though she was obviously in danger now, Rhode couldn't get nervous.

A picture and such a sentence suddenly flashed in his mind.

Picture: A little orange cat killed a mouse that was bigger than it.

The sentence was: "I'm going to give this little cat away. It didn't cause any trouble, but I can't figure out how it killed such a big mouse. It can kill a mouse today, and it can kill me tomorrow. I'm scared!"

"Are all little orange cats so powerful? They are so brave and powerful to kill an enemy that is so much bigger than themselves."

With a smile in his eyes, Rhodes smiled and stretched out his hand to tidy up Cress's hair, and then he gently but firmly embraced his little orange cat in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm not the owner of a waste house. Our little orange cat is brave and powerful, I love it to death."



The shoulders shook, and then Cress finally cried in Rhodes' arms.

She was still too young to understand what she had done wrong. She had fought and killed to protect everyone, but why did her companions look at her like that in the end? Some even used the gesture of exorcising demons to point at her. Why did Grandpa Eng sigh and groan after she killed the thief leader? He neither praised her nor liked her.

"Master, I want to wash my hands, but I can't wash them clean. Can I no longer be your maid? Master doesn't want a maid with blood on her hands."

"Hahahaha, we just killed the enemies who bullied us, wanted to rob us of our wealth, and harmed our lives. As long as killing is used in the right place, it is power, and it is a very beautiful thing. As for how to clean it if it cannot be cleaned. Is it not clean? You will definitely not be able to clean it with this bloody water. Just use a few more basins of clean water."

"Kress, we are all going to be nobles in the future. Remember, the power of the nobles is originally obtained through killing and plundering. As for the civilians, they are afraid of you. This is normal. They are not afraid of you at ordinary times. Nobles, are you afraid of nobility?”

After the sobbing Kress calmed down a little, Rhodes forcibly took the little girl's hand and walked out to the outside of the wooden house. Then he pulled out his long sword and said loudly to everyone in the town: "Because Kress protects the village and kills thieves with merit, as the lord of Redwood Town and the head of the ancient and noble Hart family, I have decided to bestow the title of knighthood on Kress today."

Looking around at Elder Eng and the stupid townspeople who were still a little confused, Rhodes sighed secretly in his heart and finally decided to say something they could understand: "From today on, Kress will receive one silver coin every week. salary income.”


Until this moment, everyone gathered around was in an uproar.

In this era, the maids who served the nobles in the castle had no salary income. They just had better food, better housing, and some rewards during festivals. Basically, only housekeepers or those who work on the battlefield can get a salary.

The nobles influence and guide the behavior of the people with their own behavior. When the nobles approve of a behavior, even if the behavior itself is bad, it will be imitated by the people. When the nobles despise a behavior, even if it is bad, it will be imitated by the people. This kind of behavior is good in itself, but it will also be despised and spurned by the people.

At this moment, Rhodes used his own power and prestige to shine a light on Kress's actions, and also gained her widespread recognition from the people of Redwood Town.

Heroes and witches, knights and murderers, often lie in this thin line.

However, what Rhodes couldn't expect was that someone suddenly jumped out and showed strong dissent.

"Sir, how can this be possible? Isn't Kress's salary higher than mine!? My weekly salary as a militia captain is only eight copper coins." Raymond, Kress's brother, jumped out and roared loudly Said, so he was trembling with anger, looking at Rhodes with an unbelievable look, as if he didn't believe that in the blink of an eye, Rhodes had betrayed the deep "friendship" between the two people. of kindness and trust.

Raymond, this guy is Kress’s biological brother!

He suddenly made such a showy move that made Rhodes so angry that he almost lost his breath. But at this time, in front of everyone, Rhodes could only grit his teeth and said: "You... you also get a bigger salary, and I also give you a bigger salary, that's all!"

Sure enough, when the sister is in danger, the first one to rush out must be the brother. When the sister is not in danger, the brother is her danger!

After sorting out the ins and outs of the whole thing, Rhodes received two system prompts in succession:

【Ding! 】

[The mission, survival in the wilderness, has been completed. Stock up on food to survive the winter: 2000/2000 servings. Mission reward: 1,200 dinars, permission to purchase the incomplete Sword of Power. 】

【Ding! 】

[Growth hero Kress, applied to join the team, do you agree? 】

【yes. 】

[Name: Kress

Grade 1

Strength: 3 (The value of an ordinary person is around 5, but it is also 5. A man's strength will be stronger than a woman's, that is, the actual usage attribute.)

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 4

Charisma: 4

Remaining attribute points: 0

Skills: Weapon Mastery 1, Loot 1.

Skill points remaining: 0

Weapon proficiency: 12 for one-handed weapons, 8 for two-handed weapons, 4 for pole weapons, 0 for bows and arrows, 0 for crossbows, and 28 for throwing.

Remaining weapon proficiency: 12]

Hero characteristics: Fury. After activating Fury, all attributes are doubled, weapon proficiency is doubled, and intelligence attributes are halved.

Career advancement route: Charr Recruit Level 1, Charr Spearman (not yet achieved), Charr Senior Spearman, Charr Senior Swordsman, and Charr Guards; Hidden advanced profession: Charr Scorpion Assassin.

"Sure enough, after this experience, the violent characteristics were directly stimulated. Although the little girl suffered a lot because of this, in this world where not having power is equivalent to original sin, I still have to say that the benefits are far greater. It’s bad.”

In the style of horse-and-blade warfare, elite template characters can almost have attributes that are not inferior to those of hero template characters, but most elite template characters cannot compare in value with hero template characters. It is because hero template characters have characteristics, and even many heroes have multiple characteristics, while elite template characters are just ordinary people with superior attributes, and it is extremely difficult to have unique characteristics of their own.

Just like Kress now, although limited by her age, her attributes in all aspects are far inferior to her brother Raymond. If they fight with each other now, there is a high probability that Kress will be killed by Raymond, but As long as Kress can be trained a little and matched with his hero trait: "Fury", it will be a matter of seconds for his personal strength to overtake Raymond.

It won’t take a few years at all. No, just one or two years is enough for Cress to leave Raymond far behind. This is the difference between an elite and a hero.

In addition, with the completion of the [Survival in the Wilderness] mission, the incomplete Sword of Power also materialized.

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